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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
Editado por Seiryoku: 9/23/2024 7:24:26 PM

With all due respect, are the same groups

TL:DR Forced class meta shift will backfire. Waste time. Don't kill the messenger. deciding Titan buffs the minds that brought us [b]infinite shoulder charge era?[/b] Or the introduction of a near instant Titan Thruster dodge that is more like Bakris than a slow roll? For a stat that doesn't need to be sacrificed. (Obviously to pacify the Twilight Garrison aggressors.) Where others that don't allocate into Resilience see their precision weaponry most affected by flinch? Others who are the parties most likely to wield such things. In the face of mostly [i]near recoilless[/i] autos, subs, and low effort consistently optimal ttk pulses. [u]40%+ of Crucible's population was Hunter before the braindead smoke/swarm/clone spam tactic. [/u] I think WE SHOULD dig into[i] RPG roles[/i]. [u]I like that Titans will feel more like [i]tanks[/i] in the [u]PvE environment[/u].[/u] Super excited for them on that front. Kudos to the team trying that out. Not sure how [i]Tanks[/i] need to have [u]the BEST movement[/u] outside of top dawn warlock builds, have easy instant heals, heightened damage resist, extended melees (rubberbanding), and arguably more magical effects than the [i]"mages"[/i]. [spoiler]Like the original enhanced storm nades pre-nerf that would've made much more sense on Warlock before we all got the same grenades. [/spoiler] What are future plans to make [b]Warlocks[/b] better [i][u]Mages[/u][/i] and [b]Hunters[/b] better [u][i]Rogues[/i]?[/u] [u]With much better movement kit options and access to critical strikes? [/u] Are there ANY? I'd communicate that [i]quickly[/i]. Most remember when Titans were first to EVERY engagement and had the ability to escape areas where they previously and still over extend but now won't be punished? Are the people deciding the crafters of the Arc Titan meta. Lasting many months. When their broken state was obvious, without the need for data, on arrival? Knockout era that saw the end of most extended melees? [b][u]I respect the team and I love this game and played every era of Crucible... But[/u][/b] Did leadership remove all the people pointing out that it was crazy then and that [b]committed[/b] [u]Hunter mains wouldn't suddenly hop over and equalize the class populations[/u]? The needle HARDLY moved but made an overly oppressive environment in EVERY PvP playlist. I'm glad the wombo combo people got the best one to date with their decoys, but the NECESSARY NERFS ended up being to individual abilities. Hurting the original subclasses. Not just their interactions on Prismatic. I never even found this as a fun or desirable way of playing. This is a MASSIVE SHIFT in the [i]power creep[/i] and the ceilings of the classes. Not just subclasses and YOU KNOW IT! I would let the changes come out before this conversation was started, but no one should have to. [quote]Titan's [i]Week[/i] in Destiny[/quote] Do you have some secret changes we will spend the next coming weeks talking about, changes coming to Warlock and Hunter? Or is this just to make us aware this is the new meta for the time being? [quote]...our Sandbox team has a hefty update on abilities, with a focus on Titans. But remember, all [i]our Guardians are perfect[/i][/quote] Ok. [quote]Knockout Melee kills now cancel health and shield stun, in addition to healing, allowing you to immediately start regenerating. Note: this is a revert of a previous nerf that had too much of a negative impact on PvE. [/quote] [quote]Shiver Strike (Final Shape changes) Increased size of melee target search area cone by about 50%. Increased maximum lunge tracking angular speed from 7 degrees per second to 21 degrees per second. Now attaches a Stasis explosive to the target on impact. This detonation slows players. Now refunds [b][u]80% melee energy on [i]whiff[/i].[/u][/b] [u]Increased energy recharge rate by 12.5%.[/u] Immediately after landing a Shiver Strike attack, the attacker’s melee ability is now suppressed for 0.5s. (Oh gee. Thanks) [/quote] A "whiff". [u]The best movement in the game[/u]. Alternatively dodges. Knockouts. And or in tandem with Diamond lances. [quote]Diamond Lance Thrown or slammed Diamond Lances will now shatter Stasis Crystals. Slamming a Diamond Lance will grant you and nearby allies two stacks of Frost Armor. [/quote] [quote]Alas, the Titan buff train approaches its final destination. Yes, there’s more to Titans than brute force, but at the same time, one of the pillars of Titan class identity is physical strength, so they should punch harder than the other classes, right? Well, we’re increasing the Titan’s unpowered melee to be more powerful than a Hunter or Warlock unpowered melee. We’re also increasing the likelihood that the Titan’s unpowered melee will stun enemy combatants. Titan Unpowered Melee Increased damage against players by 5%. Increased stun multiplier. [/quote] Most people haven't been using the kits to their maximum effectiveness right now! Either for being illiterate or because their preferred content creator hasn't informed them. I see the numbers for Trials on prismatic Titan and they are baffling for what they can do. I see why you would use them to support the changes. Titans have come off many nerfs in PvE as well but were still exceptionally strong with proper builds. I want to see all the data on their performance in Rumble too, but I can't get at that as easily. But these decisions... I don't know how this will make an enjoyable experience for most of your consistent Crucible players. You will have to rectify this eventually and hopefully that is soon or you've just yet to share other future plans. That's my hope at least.

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  • Is this supposed to be a pvp whine post or a pve whine post?

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    • You can’t make hunters better “rogues”. The game explodes if they do. They already changed the “subversion” methods for hunters in the last patches.

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        hmu for pms - antiguos

        I like these changes since I play arc titan. I think they should go in a different direction for Titan. Rather than being a tank they should be a strategic brawler. I would halve the shoulder charge damage and make it a 5 percent reduction in cooldown after use. I would also halve or quarter barricade duration and and add 50 percent health I would also buff knockout on arc Titan to give health regen. On prismatic you get health regen from the fragment. IT MAKES ZERO SENSE FOR PRISMATIC TO BE DOING KNOCKOUT BETTER ARC HELLO BUNGIR ARE YOU STUPID OR WHAT. GREAT DESIGN. Also buff arc nades they are very mediocre compared to swarms. Lightning nades got nerfed too. Crazy how they just butcher arc Titan like that.

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      • Editado por stinkych33Ze: 9/22/2024 9:20:42 PM
        This is the most delusional post I’ve ever seen. Titan is trash, it’ll stay trash. 16% usage rate and plummeting. Half of these changes are nerfs anyways. Unbreakable got gutted for no reason, and Shiver Strike got mostly nerfed anyways. Diamond Lance got some minor PvE buffs, and Barricade got some weak PvE reworks. Dodge is still insanely busted, you essentially have a 30 second melee cooldown for no reason other than Hunter being Bungie’s favorite “give me” child. TLDR; Hunter meta still going strong after 10 years, Titan continues to lay in the gutter.

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        • Editado por ABADDON_WOLFFE: 9/22/2024 10:02:38 PM
          [quote]What are future plans to make [b]Warlocks[/b] better [/quote] None. We either move on from this class to either titan or hunter or we just deal with it. It sucks but unfortunately we are not a majority on any game mode.

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