Honestly I think Void walk is pretty fun and a decent sub as is.
That being said my only suggestions to improve it would be:
-Add 1 more fragment slot to chaos accelerant and charging grenades also buffs damage based on how long you charge. (Start at 5%and scale to 15%, then the exotic gauntlets start at 15 and scale to 25%)
-Vortex nova bomb should apply a 25% weaken debuff to enemies in the Vortex.
-chaos accelerant should work for void spike, since they suck.
Void is decent right now imo. Dawnblade, on the other hand, especially daybreak, is depressing. It lasts half as much as it used to, has no damage reduction at all, and the upcoming nerf to ember of torches won't help much.
Dawn blade, specifically the super, could use help. Honestly it should be more like dead shot golden gun were kills extend the duration, just like pre 3.0. Also reduce the cooldown to 9:16 instead of 10:25 Otherwise I don't think it's bad. I do believe it still has damage reduction and I think it's the same as it's 2.0 countpart, I believe around 15%.
Editado por jpavo1: 11/27/2022 5:42:31 AMYeah. The super itself is pretty good. The thing is, whenever I pop it, I instantly become public enemy #1, get showered with bullets, and more often than not, die. I think it could use a wee resilience boost, and the cooldown reduction too.
That's what air dodge is for, dawn blade is one of the quickest and most mobile supers. Sure your a target if you float but use dash to get in fast, get a kill, then retreat. The only downside is it uses a lot of super energy to use dash, I believe it only takes 6-7 to consume the whole super.
Yeah that's a big issue. I think doing things overall while in the super should use less energy