I love how people can just blame bungie for everything they do.
When there are so much worst games out there. You people need to learn there a reason destiny has stayed around for so long there are no other games or studios that can do what bungie has done people have tried and failed so many time if you guys believe you can do better go to it and stop complaining
[quote]I love how people can just blame bungie for everything they do.[/quote] Well… if Bungie does something, it is indeed their fault lmfao
You can’t always blame bungie it’s 50/50 at this point the player and bungie can be blame but to always blame bungie for this player base fault just don’t sit well
Well we are Just pointing out the things they need to make better. Not our fault that the list it long as hell. They made them bad to begin with. We are calling em out.
Editado por xbroggiex: 11/25/2022 3:47:36 PMThat's not an argument just because you got a plate of human excrement with sprinkles on top while everyone else got no sprinkles doesn't mean its acceptable because "well it could be worse I COULD NOT HAVE SPRINKLES!!!!".
If you do a poor job do you get praised for it? No you get fired. Bungie is screwing the pooch right now be giving us this brain-dead filler content each season that isn’t any different than the one before it. Where’s the innovation? Where’s the new life that they have to add to the core playlists because we are running the same Strikes from 3 years ago with ZERO change. If you are of the mindset of “oh well there’s worse options” then you are a part of the problem and why this game has gone so far downhill.
There are worst options look at anthem look at the division they all tried to compete and lost bungie is still going. And no you don’t get fired if u do a poor job as a good boss u try and help that employee and see what u and them can work out to see if u can help them do better if u just fire someone for doing a poor job then your mind set and your life style is the problems
[quote]There are worst options look at anthem look at the division they all tried to compete and lost bungie is still going. And no you don’t get fired if u do a poor job as a good boss u try and help that employee and see what u and them can work out to see if u can help them do better if u just fire someone for doing a poor job then your mind set and your life style is the problems[/quote] I don’t play garbage games. Destiny STARTED out great and CHANGED for the worse. You can’t sit there and say D1 wasn’t better than D2
D1 will always be better than d2 but only do to it being the first d1 there are thing d2 does better
That’s not how it happens at all man… if that were true I’d be rich
Lol ok whatever u have to tell your self
That’s not how real work works at all. Nobody is going to sit there and hold your hand if you are messing up. Bungie is messing up right now. Anthem never had a chance due to its nonexistent endgame. Bungie has grown complacent with the lack of competition and Destiny has gotten steadily worse. I say this because the game could be SO MUCH better and yet we have apologists out here saying that this okay when it clearly isn’t.
I can tell who will never be a boss and if u are a boss I need to make sure I never work for you because right frankly you sound like someone who does not value there employees And the problem bungie has is there is no competition out there to compete against all the game that have drop have flop the only real game that had a chance was division and they gave up on it. But if u believe you can do better than bungie go do it if not sit over there in your corner and keep crying
I value them if they do good work. If you think you should be rewarded for doing the bare minimum then no you wouldn’t like working for me. Nobody deserves to be coddled.
Has nothing to do with the bare minimum it’s about make sure your employees are taking care of because of you take care of them they will take care of u
🤣 Obviously you're never going to be a "Boss." Bosses don't hand hold employees that have been there and should know their job. If an employee suddenly starts performing like dodo, the boss may get involved or most likely have HR get involved...in bungos case they just give them a quiet space and hope they magically start doing better work... A good boss knows when it's time to let an employee go... It isn't a boss's job to nurture and develop that's your team's job... So much to learn, obviously McDonald's is the only place you've worked to assume such ridiculousness... Boss's nurture 😂... Wait while this boss of 500 employees goes and nurtures 2/3 of the workforce for not performing adequately... That boss wouldn't get anything done! Grow up!
Actually I run a very successful business and still have the same crew for the last 15 years if your employees are happy they will go over and beyond and make you plenty of money for your business so I don’t know who you learn to be a boss from but u might need a reality check and learn to be a better boss
Let's breakdown your lingo, A: you probably run a landscaping business... But it's very menial, hence why you're ok "coddling" your employees...eye roll ok buddy lol... manager 🤣. please just stop 🤣 no one believes anything you're saying because you have no clue how businesses work...at all, not a managers job.
Can u prove other wise do I have proof everyone has a different way of running a business they don’t have to always bow down to the way everyone else does it
Want to edit that so it makes since?
Na if u can not prove that I don’t own a business then that is a u issue
🤣 ok Donald Trump... Let me know how that works out for you. I don't need to prove something doesn't exist, you're the child claiming it does... So, prove it.
I can’t help u can’t prove anything. The funny thing is when is ask someone to prove me wrong and they come back with what u have said it just proves my point that People like u need help understanding the world
🤣 that's because the burden of proof does not like on the person who disbelieves you as they were not the initiating party. You came here trying to tell everyone how they should run a business while claiming to run a "very successful business" and then expect everyone else to disprove it... That's actually a rhetorical fallacy, might want to brush up on your rhetoric