Please see this block from the [url=]most recent TWAB[/url]: [quote]The Cleaver emblem and associated Triumph for the completion of the Vow of the Disciple raid during the Contest Mode extension have been successfully distributed to all qualifying players.
Destiny Player Support has investigated reports of players who believed to have qualified for the emblem and Triumph but did not receive them, and in all instances the players had at least one encounter of the raid that was not successfully recorded as complete during the Contest Mode window.
For players to have earned this emblem, they had to receive a reward in every raid encounter during Contest Mode. If players did not receive a reward after completing a specific encounter, the game did not count them as completing the encounter, and so The Cleaver emblem could not be granted. [/quote]
Thank you for the reply! I honestly find it so dumb that thats their way of counting a raid encounter completion like what??? Even in 3rd party apps you can see that for example, my friend was doing the entire of contest mode with me, and i get the emblem and he doesn't because he hypothetically missed a chest or something along those ways, when i seriously dont recall it being told to us that we NEED to grab the reward for completing the encounters for it to count as a completion for the contest mode but anyways i hope they look further into it because i've seen some people around with the same problem just like a streamer known as Liiipy