Mañana, Destiny 2 estará fuera de línea temporalmente debido a operaciones programadas de mantenimiento. Permanece atento a @BungieHelp para conocer las novedades.
So I’ve been a PlayStation player for a few years now, got PlayStation+ when Destiny 2 first dropped and fell in love with Destiny. I have 3 playstations in my house, one in my living room (the first PS4 we owned) one in my room, and one in my brothers room. To keep the PlayStation+ prices lower, my family uses the family plan, only buying PlayStation+ on one account (family manager/parent) which gives the child accounts associated with the main manager PlayStation+, DLCs, and anything else you’d buy.
One thing I have found when playing on my account on any PlayStation except for the main PS4 is I don’t have PlayStation+ or any of the DLCs on that account. Normally I’d chalk that up to “I don’t have the DLCs bc I bought it on the manager acc which distributes it on that console only” but that wouldn’t make since because I bought the DLCs on my account which, in theory, should have the DLCs unlocked on my account no matter what Ps4 console I am on. What makes it even weirder is when I go to buy the DLCs or PlayStation+ on the other PS4 consoles in my house, I get a message telling me I can’t buy the DLCs or PlayStation+ because I already own them.
I have been trying to fix this problem for around 2 years now with no avail, and I stopped worrying about it after we moved and put the main PS4 console in my room, giving me the DLCs and PlayStation+. This issue came back to my attention/concern after I thought about buying the PlayStation 5. Looking it up it says I should keep the DLCs on my account when upgrading the consoles, but thinking back on the problems I have had with PlayStation and Bungie in the past, I don’t think that to be the case.
Is there any solutions to this problem you guys have found? I’ve tried numerous things to fix this problem with no success, an d would hate to have to make a new PlayStation account just for PlayStation5.
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