Before critics come and start bashing me saying I need my “crutch” or “get off those crutches” I only have around 100 kills with my Luna and suck at crucible.
Ill skillz 1881 (gamer tag on Xbox)
My comp KD went from a 1.02 to a .86 getting that stupid weapon and I am far from a crucible god, so please read before bashing the post.
Nerfing it is not the answer. You did this before with the Redrix and diluted the hardcore players grind already. I feel you dicked those players hard by bringing out an identical gun the following season.
I was not dedicated enough to grind the original redrix as I had my daughter, but now I’m going to find out how those players felt.
Why dilute the Luna also? Not forgotten has range for days so a gentle modification on it is needed.
But outright nerfs? Just introduce some more guns into the loot pool, or are players going to start whining about the service revolver or west of sunfall 7 next......
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