I know we have a few snipers that are of that archetype, but I would really appreciate a year 3 version. If that's going to be a solid no, that's ok. I personally like the sleek LDR look over event horizon's bulkiness.
I would play sword hilt only, inferno iron banner clash for another chance at one. #soserious
I'm thinking bungie gave up on D1 right after -blam!-ing the game up with the special ammo removal.
Editado por Haunter: 5/18/2017 4:43:44 PMStill have 2× Timurs lash 2× Radegasts fury 2× Jolders hammer 2× Efrideets spear 1× Silimars wrath 1× Ghelons demise 1× Skorris revenge 1× Peruins fire 1× Felwinters lie My Y1 spear had armor piercing rounds, Unflinching, the ambush scope and final round. How to win at trials: Use unflinching to shoot through bullets and get a headshot, tap next enemy once with thorn, enemy gets behind cover, shoot through cover for the kill, use final round to body shot last enemy. Profit
deleted mine. i think. no regrets. [spoiler]let the past go[/spoiler] [spoiler]if you want ")[/spoiler]
It'd be neat seeing the Year 1 Iron Banner weapons become available again. I kept my Silimar's Wrath, Gheleon's Demise and, yes, Efrideet's Spear. Can't say No to it when it has Ambush scope, Clown Cartridge and Hand-laid stock 😉
People still think there will be additions to this game? lol
Make an exotic efrideet's spear. 1 shot per mag and spray and play. The exotic perk? The OG version of final round.
I like that design of snipers as well. And scouts And hand cannons And pulse rifles And auto rifles And shotguns And fusions And LMGs And rocket launchers Basically, I like the Vanilla style of weapons the most. And the weapon sights. Give me a Red Dot OAS and OES over this modern day bs any day. And the sniper sights. Shortgaze and Ambush FTW. So all in all, I only prefer the OG style. Sue me :P
I had 4 of those and I deleted them all..... Really hate I did that.
Event Horizon. Very similar weapon.
I know it was just an aside, but why does everyone hate Inferno so much? That game mode is a blast.
Still have one with final round....
I still have one. There's no reason why you couldn't use it in Crucible. Level is irrelevant.
You sir have given me FRDS ((Final Round Disorder Syndrome))~ADEPT)) ...[i]Trials of Osiris...Bravo team[/i] ...[i]distant shots fired...[/i] ...[i]everyone primed? Ok let's go[/i] [b][i][u]CRINGE[/u][/i][/b]
Efrideets spear will be the new solar hunter subclass super.
I shouldn't have deleted mine[spoiler]i cri evrtim [/spoiler]
*final round flashbacks* [spoiler]D;[/spoiler]
Editado por Ve7n00m: 5/18/2017 4:47:16 AMStill have mine, it's a beaut! It's on my Warlock
Only if they restore it to it's Final Round glory days. I still have mine from back then
Don't know about you, but I want an actual spear
I still have one, so i'd rather they didnt bring it back, because then more people would have one, making mine less rare.
No more new content or reused weapons for this game, they are working on getting d2 ready for launch.
Editado por ChaseyCakes: 5/17/2017 1:24:44 PMThere's a good roll for pvp for event horizon too bad that you only get to use it once a game