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Edited by T KRETT: 4/16/2015 3:21:40 AM

Has Destiny influenced your opinion of Bungie?







No right or wrong answer or reason. [b]Please explain your answer [/b]whichever it might be because it is very interesting to see... If your reading this again feel free to comment again if you left something out or changed your mind after reading other posts.

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  • I've never liked Bungie. I love halo but I hate Bungie as a company lol.

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  • Negative. These can't be the same guys that made Halo. Stupid new Bungie.

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  • Je ne connaissais pas du tout ce studio étant donné que je ne connaissais halo que de nom. Sérieusement je me fiche royalement de savoir quel studio édite le jeu etc mais je fais partie je pense des rares satisfaits de destiny car c'est un tout nouvel univers des concepts certes déjà utilisés mais détournés et des possibilités treeeesss larges pour moi destiny a un énorme potentiel et vu ce que bungie a fait pour destiny et vu que la licence durera normalement 10 ans je pense que le potentiel de destiny sera exploité au maximum bref je m'éloigne du sujet En gros dans mon esprit personnel si à l'avenir je vois un jeu de bungie je saurai de quel style il sera et je saurai que c'est une valeur sûre

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    7 Replies
    • So many people complain about destiny, yet I've put in probably almost 300 hours (as have many plus more) into the game and have had a blast. Sure there are tons of problems, but how many games can you honestly say give you that much replay value? Personally I can't list that many. 80$ for the amount of time I've spent playing the game is worth it to me, and bungie has done an amazing job giving me a new experience on a console.

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      20 Replies
      • Destiny has affected my view of Bungie in a slightly negative way overall. I still like Bungie as a developer. In the last month they have recouped some of my initial trust through the fixes and improvements that they have made as well as the increase in communication and transparency in what they are working on. I feel that Bungie did not release a completed product with Destiny. i feel this is something that has been happening with a lot of developers lately due increases in demand and harder release dead lines as well as the ability to patch games after they have gone gold. For this reason I no longer pre order games. I believe that if Bungie continues it's current trend of improving Destiny and listening to it's community my opinion will be back to what it was before Destiny and maybe even better. They have gone through a huge growth period and lost many employees when they split with the halo series. Any company that can make it through a situation like that will eventually be stronger.

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      • Can't wait for the new raid! I'm impressed with the new path the team has taken and I love the fact I can add my two cents not being a programmer and it possibly ending up in a game it is an amazing opportunity. Destiny two will be mine... o yes it will be mine.

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        1 Reply
        • My biggest problem and negative experience. Is the way that the entire game changed. Within the last year of dev. But I thoroughly enjoy playing this game. Just disappointed about the nerfs and buff that the crucible players whine about. And the major lack of story through the entire game.

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        • I would also like to add I have always been a lone wolf player and loving it the only friends on my list where my brothers. When I started playing destiny I met like minded friends and even joined a clan. If it wasn't for this game I wouldn't have found these great gamers and I enjoy the camaraderie

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        • Reach made me realise Bungie could seriously -blam!- something up. Destiny hasn't made me think any worse of them.

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          • Edited by HELP1NG HAND: 3/23/2015 2:51:25 PM
            Destiny has not met my expectations that I had (and continue to have) of Bungie. However, it is a new type of game. There are mechanics present here that I have not seen in prior games, I am not surprised that there are some bumps in the road. Another present factor is their (apparently detrimental) alliance with Activision. Bungie produced the Halo series all by their lonesome, and it is probably the greatest FPS franchise that has ever been made. Who knows how Destiny would have turned out had Bungie created it solo, maybe better, maybe worse. My opinion of Destiny is that it is a good game. It is not a great game, but it has more potential than any other console game that I have ever seen. My opinion of Bungie has remained the same, but how Destiny turns out in the next year will hold a lot of weight in how my opinion of Bungie evolves.

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          • Even tho my expectations for this game was way to high i am going with positive because at the end of the day I want more. I remember watching E3 in 2013 & i got excited for this game because i thought Bungie & Activision (Blizzard) was both going to be working together to make this game. But after playing it i have realized that Activision is just the publisher. I never played a bungie game untell Destiny. But I have played lots of CoD & WoW. This is just my opinion but if this game is to last 10 years then Activision needs to have some creative input. Bring in some aspects from WoW and CoD

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          • I was surprised this was a bungie game.

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          • Bump

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          • I unfortunately had to vote negative. I'm not going to include the things Bungie have openly acknowledged (like the story) but I will talk about my one, main gripe with the game, especially considering what we were promised: the social aspect. The social aspect of the game was meant to be what was special; it was what would separate it from any other FPS. Sure, there are different types of missions and a decent (albeit somewhat unfair) progression system, but what was really going to make it different was the interaction with other players; the socialization. Unfortunately, the other players in the world might as well not be there. They said everything was going to be very seamless and that it would feel just like meeting someone in real life. There wouldn't be a "waiting for player to join you" or a lobby for co-op. It would basically be as if you met the person in real life, except you met them in game. They only delivered on half of this. Fireteam joining [i]is[/i] quick (most of the time) and you actually can join improptu with someone you meet in patrol or something. However, there isn't any proximity chat, which means you need to go through the pain of typing messages on consoles. In order to join people who are in the same planet on a different activity, or in order for your group to switch activities on the same planet, for SOME reason, you need to go back to orbit. This is despite the fact that you are really still in an instance of patrol until you enter your specific activity (this is how you could help people with the Spire in VoG). The actual option to "interact" with a player (if you didn't know, you aim at them and press your right analog stick) is pretty obscure and I have actually never seen someone make use of it, or unfortunately made use of it myself except to inspect fireteam members more quickly to see the weapon they just got or something. There isn't ANY clan integration or in-game LFG form (think of something like or the Planet Destiny LFG but in game) meaning I have to go and get my laptop every time I want to join up with if I'm looking for someone to pair up with. Clan integration would help a lot since at the moment clans are just a pretty tag on your emblem most of the time, meanwhile they could have so much potential; there has never been a game with clans integrated in PvE! An in-game LFG form as well as the ability to post an optional little "message" over your head in patrols or in the tower would be nice to let people know what you want to do. You post the message if you want to, go over to the Tower or patrol, and see if there's anyone doing something similar. If yes, you just walk over to them, ask them about stuff, and then pair up, or go off searching for someone else if they don't fit your preference. If you want to find people more specifically, but don't mind more typing and filling out forms, you can use in-game LFG. There is no real in-game recognition for people who have performed superb feats or done something special. There are no PvP rankings or leaderboards for quickest Crota's End or speediest Nexus run. The people who have actually done this deserve to have their name on a fancy-ass leaderboard or something, and should get a special emblem (oh, those should actually be earned by performing certain achievements rather than from some lady in a corner of the tower; the Vanguard emblems already do this). Imagine doing an amazingly quick Flawless Raider, then going to the tower the next day to see a sweet emblem at the postmaster and everyone you meet in the tower (thanks proximity chat *cough cough*) knows your name and says "oh sweet man you're the one who did that Flawless Raider? Cool." It would be awesome. The last thing, and I don't need to go into too much detail about this, is dynamic content. For anything like this to happen, the mission select should only be for replaying missions; if I'm accessing a mission for the first time, it should be in a similar manner to Skyrim or Borderlands missions; from the open world. The planets can stay separate though since the orbit menu is pretty quick to load (could use a minigame or something) and it wouldn't make sense to jump across planets in 1 second. Dynamic content should be something along the lines of Skyrim, but in this case would also include the social aspect integrated with it, which would be amazing. I feel like they tried to do this with something like the "roving band of Pikes" on Venus. More stuff like this, in more unique manners, that the player stumbles upon rather than it being forced onto the player (so it never grows stale) would liven up the game world a lot.

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          • Edited by opossumi: 3/22/2015 12:28:14 PM
            I expexted far more than i got from the lore they promised. That was the first dissapointment. Then i learned that all activities are hugely unbalanced. Hugely. Utterly. By this i mean that to achieve the same goals, some activities take 20 time more time to get the same result. And some, like factions are useless when you have DLC. And DLC gives you gear you need after a competion of a task the gear is itendent for... logic. I gave this game alot of hours and felt that i have to get rid off it. Sorry Bungie but for someone to give us Halo and then drop this moneymaker on us is just wrong.

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          • It was positive because it wasn't bungee who cut content, it was activision because they are strictly business and the game is great so bungee got influenced good for me.

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          • Edited by CausalityUsurper: 3/21/2015 9:59:19 PM
            Negatively, a visual goal reward system wouldve been 1000x more satisfying. Even if it were an epic grind. I doubt that grind would even cost me half the amount of life this game has taken already. Im extremely disappointed... even if I were to get my final two drops, it would feel hollow for how much ive invested. Just hope bungie actually reads some of these and takes them seriously...

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          • Edited by Maverick-SpaceX: 3/16/2015 7:59:01 PM
            Negative: If you really think about it - it's like a Casino that Bungie has created. People keep throwing the dice to win g'horn and the odds are very very thin. This becomes an addiction because g'horn is must-have (or at least it has that reputation ) Before you know it, you have stopped enjoying the game for what it is and you are only playing to get the reward. Obsessive compulsiveness pushes you to keep doing raids weeks after weeks! If you have put in 500 or 1000+ hours just because you want to throw that dice - you have been robbed - not just the game price but much more. If you make $30k annually - that's like 2080 hours per year. You grinding 1000 hours means you have been robbed $15k in terms of opportunity cost. Think about it people - that g'horn - is that worth that much of money!?!? If you are playing it for fun- then you can do whatever you want - doesn't matter if you have put in 1000+ hours. But I highly doubt it, because the content does not support that! Just my 2 cents! Thanks

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            2 Replies
            • They strait up lied about the scale of this game and the amount of content that would be in it and I will not be buying the second one if it follows the first ones trail

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            • Much like many on these forums, I too was expecting the (as we were told by Bungie themselves) huge, and expansive story. I was also expecting this to be a next gen game. I was wrong on both accounts. The thing is, whenever I play this game I just see a style of gameplay that belongs back in the days when Bungie first came out with Halo. It offers nothing new that hasn't already been done before. I'm inclined to believe that Bungie had a great idea, got it all planned out and when it came time to implement them Activision stepped in and told them they had to cut the game up for DLC. I believe that the game couldn't be cut up in order to be sold to us without it ruining the flow. I believe that they could not find a way to cut any part of the game up without it ruining the experience and so Activision told them to re-write it so could be. This why I believe Bungie's original story writer left 12 months before the games release as he couldn't agree with how it was turning out. Because Bungie did what they did, and that everything that they were telling us in their vlogs was complete bullsh*t, and while they're under the umbrella off Activision, I can't continue support them. I'm playing the sh*t of the game because I was stupid enough to buy the limited edition pack. For what it cost me I am going to make sure I get as much out of it as possible. It'll be interesting to see how the follow up to it fares compared to the current version of the game. But that I will have to read about as I won't be buying it.

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            • Bungie is letting Activision influence their decisions too much. They butchered the original story and game. I do believe Destiny is still fun, so I haven't lost all hope. Get your act together Bungie, and you can have all my money.

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            • Good game but They had halo before so i was hoping for a game that could rival it Remember that i like this game a lot But halo is just better which is dissapointing (Overall neutral for me)

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            • heard so many good things about halo. i was expecting more to be honest.

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            • The incredible lack of hard graft on Bungie's part by not adding maps or other equipment and vehicles. It's just the absolute lack of content will quickly make the game stale.

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            • Bump

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            • The game mechanics and design are both incredible. The game play is extremely fluid but it lacks in game story with depth. I'm neutral on this one.

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