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Edited by Marveler : 9/25/2014 11:25:17 PM

Connection Issues On Xbox One/PS4/PS3/Xbox360, Are You Fixing It Bungie?!?! , The Community Needs An Answer.

Dear Bungie, The Community Of Destiny Are Asking for the server Issue since the Second Update Brought up and We all are Wondering If Your on this Case? We would appreciate, For Your Answer and Thank You! The Community of Destiny Let Your Voices be Heard and Let Bungie know to this Issue On Top of there Forms! We Need an Answer To This Server Issus!!!! And The Community Of Destiny Please Embrace These Forms too :

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  • Yes we are on the case! We are in deep investigations to figure out why the existing troubleshooting methods aren't working for some players. We will be updating the CATTLE/CATERPILLAR, CENTIPEDE, BEE/FLY/LION and BEAVER/FLATWORM/LEOPARD help articles with updates as we attempt to improve the experience for players. Here are some links for those that want more info (scroll to the bottom for updates):

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    45 Replies
    • Ever since the last patch, I've been returned to orbit 50+ times. More irritating, during nightfall and weeklies too. Xbox 360... Tons of notifications saying contacting destiny servers. Most prevalent error codes are Baboon and Elk... Any input?

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    • As of yesterday I'm getting disconnects a lot more.

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    • If these issues don't get fixed soon, I'll be using Destiny as a COASTER when COD comes out.

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      3 Replies
      • Gametag, suckerpunch509 Xbox1 Error code mongoose Haven't been able to find any info on this error code. Cant get into crucible cant see other players unless on their fire team. I am hard wired to router, have open nat, and have port forwarded. Any help is appreciated. I still think this is a great game despite issues.

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      • I have been getting DCed from PVP since day 1. I have 3 friends who play, but they can only play for about 10 minutes before getting kicked off (PVP and PVE). 1 one of them has to keep reinstalling their digital copy (3 times so far). This is not an ISP error, it is a game fail. Bungie is looking like a Wiley coyote rocket... When you guys get to the bottom of the canyon, you will be thinking 'maybe we should have responded with a little more since of urgency to all of those post'.

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        2 Replies
        • [quote]Dear Bungie, The Community Of Destiny Are Asking for the server Issue since the Second Update Brought up and We all are Wondering If Your on this Case? We would appreciate, For Your Answer and Thank You! The Community of Destiny Let Your Voices be Heard and Let Bungie know to this Issue On Top of there Forms! We Need an Answer To This Server Issus!!!! And The Community Of Destiny Please Embrace These Forms too :[/quote] Same problems just started today centipede every time I get about ten minutes in

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        • I used to have issues, but I decided to set my ps3 up with a static ip, and port forwrd the required ports to the console. Took me 10 mins of configuration even though my cable modem/router cant be altered from NAT 2. Setting up the console with a static ip and have had only 1 dropped connction since. My firewall for other devices is intact, the console has 0 issues talking to the bungie servers as the ports are forwarded, problem solved.

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        • The username is: admin and the password is: password. If you don't have a netgear router then go to [][/url] and look up your router

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        • I don't know why bungie not fix the network connection problem first, the update pack 2 to fix the Loot yellow weapons, WTF?? I think bungie is take care someone have network problem people to play, I try the new updates pack today, but still no working at all, i am feel so disappointed!! i try the beta of the Destiny, that's seen the connection problem first, and hope bungie is fix it on official version!! But Now, Bungie you see this forum, over thousand of people say this problem, why not to fix right now?? Tell us why?? Bungie. (I live in Hong Kong. i buy the Day One on 9/9/2014, until now i just Lv. 2, because the bungie server reject me over thousand on two week!!)

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          • Dear Bungie, NTS Internet users are now approaching one week of not being able to access Destiny due to the Cattle error on the sign in screen. Could you please provide some feedback as to where you and NTS are in the process of solving this issue? Most, if not all, of the people affected by this bug are beyond the point of frustration with this situation. I believe the ultimate fix to this problem resides in your hands at this point. If that is not the case, I apologize. Every aspect of my internet service works fine except for Destiny. That includes other online games. I know you deal with many, many problems each day, but I implore you to take some time and resolve this issue. It would seem to me that errors like this would take priority over whether or not somebody can see their ship, or similar cosmetic bugs like this. At least those people are in the game playing. Those of us with the Cattle error cannot even access the game to play! Please make this issue a TOP priority if it is not already. I have no way of knowing if it is being worked on due to the lack of information you are providing. Your attention to this important function will be much appreciated!

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            10 Replies
            • [url=][/url] This worked for me!

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              • Edited by DV8 Anxiety: 9/26/2014 3:31:14 PM
                I'd love to tell Bungie how mad I am at them for making me purchase a BROKEN game, but what really annoys me the MOST is the fact this game was released almost 3 weeks ago and they still are clueless. What was the point of the beta testing? Wtf are you even doing?! I literally can't finish a Crucible match without getting the BEAVER error and when I reset my router (even though I'm 100% sure this is not my connection fault) I get an ANTEATER error. I stopped playing the campaign like a week ago due to CENTIPEDE, BEE, FLY and other things like those. It seems like you're attempting with all your strength to make us quit the game, and you're really succeeding in this Bungie.

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              • Deadset sick of this have had constant dropouts since I got this gap me on day 1 wtf was the point of beta testing if you don't fix the bugs, to the point where tonight after whatever screwed up patch you have released I can no longer play the game at all, I have been trying to log in now for over an hour which is in its self desperate but I love this game . I have reset rerouted, NAT'ed the crap out of everything I own more than once and quite frankly am sick and tired f this crap. It is undoubtedly one of the worst online mmorpg experiences I have had to date which sucks cause the game is great. You seriously need to fix this crap now it has been to long with no support or answers constantly making us feel like the issue was on our end when it is not, you want to deliver an experience to gamers to get them to play destiny and nothing else then let them play. I'm tired of being 100 points away from victory or loss in pvc to be disconnected or the same in running vanguard strikes on the final boss with less than 1/4 health left and getting booted for absolutely no reason at all but then not even having the tip to rejoin the same group. It Is simply a crap service and if not fixed will never support bungie again with my hard earned money not because of the lack of game play but because of the lack of service after the fact. None of my other Xbox games even come close the giving me this level of grief severely disappointed bungie.

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                • Im able to log on but no other players are to be found. Tried getting a strike done and it sent me in alone because it couldnt find players. Tower was empty of all players also.

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                  4 Replies
                  • I'm surprised the gaming press haven't picked up on the story yet. Perhaps someone should notify them of the thousands of people having issues. That might get Bungie to speak up!!!

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                    • I think the most galling and frustrating aspect is that we've paid money for this product, yet now are unable to use it and yet bungie don't even seem to care. I've yet to see any kind of explanation, yet to see them respond to a single forum post on the topic. It's not the way I'd run a company and have to admit I'm incredibly disappointed and rapidly coming to believe that this won't be attended to at all

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                      3 Replies
                      • I have not been able to login since Saturday. Seriously... what are you doing if anything!? How about an update as to what you're doing to correct this issue? If I see one more 'I'm working on it" comment out of a Bungie representative, I'm going to lose it.

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                      • It's nothing to do with ur routers or ur network it's there side server side they need to fix it

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                        4 Replies
                        • I agree. It's their silence that's killing it!

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                          2 Replies
                          • You want to know what depressing is try 7 days without being able to connect to destiny because we have NTS as are internet provider and get cattle code everytime we try to login no clue when we will get to play now that's depressing.

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                            • Centipede error when is this going to be resolved CANNOT LOG ON

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                            • Add me to the list... On XB1, I'm disconnecting every five minutes all night, every night. It's beyond ridiculous at this point... :(

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                              • They are reseting the servers now I think.

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                                • Seems to be all good now

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                                  4 Replies
                                  • Still hitting random beaver, anteater, bee issues. I can no longer play even now even though it was fine a week when i hit level 20, but now my network isnt suitable?!!!

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