I'm having the same problem on my PS3 and I've looked to see if there are solutions to this but I haven't gotten anywhere,it's very frustrating and I really hope this is going to be fixed.
Edited by ruffchucky: 9/11/2014 6:32:05 PMWhere did you get the game from...? What is your PS3 model (Fat, Slim or SuperSlim) ? Did you upgrade your Hard Drive ? Just checking if there is any similarities...
I preordered the game at gamestop, it's a Fat and my PS3 updates automatically which I check in on once in a while,and it can't be the fact that my PS3 is old because I tested COD on it this morning after Destiny and it played just fine.Destiny itself ran perfectly on the 9th and for a few hours on the 10th.
I preordered mine on Amazon, I also have a fat PS3 model and it works fine for every other games... I guess we can eliminate the "old" PS3 option...
I thought it was my PS3 at first and was looking into getting another one. I called gamestop a few minutes ago and they said to just exchange the game ,do you know if you still have your character info and items?
Edited by ruffchucky: 9/11/2014 8:41:34 PMWell after reinstalling it 3 times it was still there. It saves it online I think... Let me know if the new one works
Do you have any Idea why it's doing this?
It didn't work,waste of time.
Allright, thanks for letting me know... I found a used ps3 slim for cheap I moght try that
No problem.I was thinking of getting another one too,but new.
Fixed it just to let you know :)
Edited by WarpedRose: 9/12/2014 11:14:44 PMHow???please tell me :D Edit:whoops I didn't see the answer up there.im on my phone and it didn't load.