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Edited by Palindrome: 8/15/2014 2:40:05 PM

Should Destiny have private matches?





It doesn't bother me either way


In recent events of a video having Deej basically saying there wont be private matches for custom matches has sparked a wildfire. I come to make a poll on how the community feels about this. Deej has always said we will listen to the community. So lets look at this deeper. In private matches you gain zero xp, zero loot. While having fun. In competitive play you get to prove you/your team is the best. Sure you can have the best stats but anybody can skew the scale by playing against opponents of less skill in a public match. If we are able to test our skills against much better teams then we can truly see where we are ranked. Competitive can lead to tournaments, more public exposure, clan matches, and so much more. Now this isn't just for those who do it simply to be the best team. How about fun matches against teammates or friends. Fun races on sparrows around the moon(which my team did during an actual match) Private rooms reach out to more than just the hardcore PvP players. Where else can you just have a fun throwing knife match with 8 buddies. In private matches you wont get xp or any perks that come with a regular public match. There honestly is not a negative side to having private matches. I saw in posts about why Destiny shouldn't have it. Some I can think of off the top of my head. "Destiny is PvE first." I agree it is a PvE game first. You get all your really good gear through story. I can not wait to dive into the story and find awesome gear. But it doesn't mean Destiny can't have a competitive PvP aspect as well. If your focus is PvE awesome. You picked the perfect game for you. If you don't want to be worried about super competitive PvP well guess what, not having private rooms will make pubs even worst to enjoy as you will probably go up against clans more often since they are not out playing against other clans. "Good I don't have to hear about kd whores" Wrong. In pubs most people only care about kd. Private matches is where you have fun as stats don't matter in game. Or you are playing against a clan where of course you want to win. Good job going 20-4 but your team lost and when your competing against other clans you want to win. "Private rooms bring out MLG tryhards" Those MLG tryhards are probably be in private matches all the time and competing against other teams. Yes you may see some tryhards in pubs but only when they are trying to get their crucible marks for the week. Also what is wrong with gaining the attention of MLG. It brings in audience and more publicity to the game. If bungie is making money from advertisements on MLG then they potentially have even more money to put into the game to make your experience better. Sorry I couldn't get direct quotes or more. Just running off the top of my head. Again Private rooms do not have any effect on those who wish to stick to PvE. Driving games have private matches so honestly why does a AAA title FPS game not have them?

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  • Sorry to revive an ancient post but I've just been looking around for more information on the matter, unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any since 2014. I also wanted to say how I am actually laughing at how many times I've seen people in the community focus updates ask for private matches and DeeJ simply not respond. It's an absolute joke I've seen it about 15 times now. Basically : DeeJ: "Great to hear you're enjoying the game Guardian, what would you like to see in future updates to Destiny?" CF Person: "I think I speak for all of us when I say private Crucible matches would be an awesome addition to the game as it is, and would enhance the casual and competitive aspect of the game" DeeJ: "What's that? La La La can't quite hear you, Nothing? OK well that concludes our community focus guys come back next week to see if anyone else also wants that magical thing we are deaf to."

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    • YES Make it like halo and cod. You cannot complete missions and it doesn't count towards grimoire. Just for fun

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    • I know that a soon as Bungie allows Private/Custom matches either over LIVE or LAN, Destiny will be featured in our local Monthly Gaming League Tournaments... We patiently await!!! Well maybe not so patiently...

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    • please bungie add custom games, i want to play lag free LAN games at home with friends and family.

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    • Great post RydogV! I hope we aren't just wasting our breath.

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    • I think it's a shame as I feel the engine is excellent for pvp. But I have a feeling they maybe are saving it for halo, which i assume and hope will have same engine. You could have a much nicer clan for destiny as it doesn't all have to be pvp members even pve members enjoying the social element.

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      1 Reply
      • Quality post. There needs to be custom matchmaking. At least by Destiny2. As it is, we have managed to match ourselves up for inter clan matches. The problem is it is unreliable and sometimes can take an hour to get matched up. Only to get bounces out of the matchup after 2-3 games.

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        • Edited by Jittery: 12/19/2014 12:09:04 PM
          Ok, let me says this there [u][b]NOT[/b][/u] and I repeat [u][b]NOT[/b][/u] going to add private matches because it [b][u]ALL[/u][/b] runs off of there servers and if someone were to host it like a private match it will run off of there crap and bungie would not like that and your server might not be able to handle it since its a vast game. Either way no matter how much you complain, cry, whine there [b]NOT[/b] going to add private matches. Also about the op shit, if people continue to complain then everythings going to be -blam!-ing equal and there be no advantages for [b] ANYONE[/b] so people need to quit there -blam!-ing crying because the game is meant to be fun and if you all just cry and get shit nerfed your just going to ruin a perfect good game for [b]EVERYONE[/b] else. So shut your mouth and be happy and this is the nicest most way I could say it so zip your mouth and enjoy or cancel your pre-order and let the rest of the people who[b] ARE [/b]happy with it continue to enjoy it. [spoiler]Get over it[/spoiler] Edit 1: They may bring out trading but it'd be to an extent :D

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          55 Replies
          • The more options in a game the better. Its literally that simple.

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            4 Replies
            • anyone who voted no has some kind of diseased mind

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            • in here they talk about how they "might" but are very vague about when, how, and even IF they will implement it. I'd much rather have a definite "YES" and a time frame. This should be one of the top priorities. Under major bug fixes, and beards. :P

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              • Edited by RydogV: 8/18/2014 10:44:41 AM
                It continues to blow my mind whenever a developer opts to launch a game like this without custom/private matches. It is a basic staple in the FPS genre and a core resource for structured teams and organized clans/communities. Failing to provide them at launch is a huge mistake in my opinion and negates all their effort to include a pretty decent level of clan support. Despite the ability to organize within a particular title, what clans and structured teams value most is the ability to train, develop tactics and strategies around each individual map/mode and test their efforts against themselves in scrimmages and against other organized groups in live combat operations. Now I realize random players generally dislike facing off against clans, so to them the absence of private matches might seem beneficial. But that is the wrong way of thinking. Most clans would rather play against other organized groups then run rough-shot in public matches. However, they are going to play the game regardless and without private matches, you can be sure the public lobbies are going to be FULL of organized teams. No, the best way to keep pub stomping to a minimum is to provide custom/public matches as soon as possible. Otherwise the developer risks alienating individual players who find playing the PvP to be a sour experience while also losing the support of organized groups who become bored due to the lack of challenging online play. Each ultimately threatens the longevity of the IP.

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                2 Replies
                • Always

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                • Yes! Please add privet matches!!!!

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                • I think this needs a bump considering DeeJ addressed private lobbies in the last BWU.

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                • This would be awesome.

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                • Seriously Bungie, no custom matches??? You guys showed so much love for competitive gaming with Halo and MLG, this engine is way to smooth not to allow people to compete professionally.

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                • I would personally love private matches I mean whats the point in putting a tone of work and time into getting and upgrading exotic weapons and gear if you cant use it to crush your friends and prove whos the best

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                • I pray every day they add custom games. I can have LAN partys again. Please Bungie. its 2015...

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                • I thought it said pirate matches... God I need some sleep.

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                  • I completely agree. How can they put a lot of emphasis on " you don't want to do raids with just a bunch of randoms" but pvp oh yeah that's fine. Whaaaaaat? Makes no sense. They emphasize communication and teamwork but we can't even organize a team to play with in PvP? Please change this.

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                  • Sure no xp though

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                  • Yes.

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                  • i feel like it would help the game a lot in many ways actually, for competitive and non competitive seen.. I cant tell you how many times I love just playing a custom game with my friends at my house and then online somewhere else.. I cant remember the last fps without them heh

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                  • Not gonna happen this is less that 0.01 percent of destiny's player base there's no over whelming need to address this at all

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                    7 Replies
                    • I really don't care if Bungie adds it or not.

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