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1/19/2023 6:44:04 PM

Call for Feedback from Destiny 2 Team

Hey Guardians, We've just created a new account here to enable us to post here on the forums more. We will be talking about this Destiny 2 Team account and others on 3rd party platforms in the TWAB shortly. For our inaugural post we wanted to create a thread to gather up some of your top priorities for changes you want to see in the game. Comment below with your feedback. Share whatever you like, just keep it civil and concise so we can read through as many as possible.

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  • I've been wanting to know how legacy focusing is gonna work, I wanna be able to obtain all the trials, iron banner and nightfall weapons of the past while also wanting to obtain the adept weapons aswell (not sure how that's gonna work tbh)

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  • Also, don't nerf dodge if you're not going to address the fact that pretty much everything hunter is tied to dodge in some way. It's more integral to the functions of the subclasses than even barricade is to the titan subclasses. and buff mobility to a recover/resil level

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    • Inventory overhaull and postmaster overhaull and make it quicker to dismantle stuff!

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    • One ☝️ more concern is the cross-play and cheaters. PVP has become a Russian roulette with all these cheaters. Also as someone here mentioned before, stop penalising lone PVP players.

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    • Just logged back in & realised all the stuff I have to do just to level up which is grind the same old stuff I've been doing for months. The grind needs to change because it is tedious & boring.

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    • Don't listen to tryhards. Leave SBMM in the game because it's actually made PvP playable for most people again. Stop changing things because one major content creator whined about it. Give us more ways to earn the exotics that are restricted to legend lost sectors. Or at least adjust the drop rates. Give us a Luck Raspberry ornament. Please, I beg you.

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      • If this is the real Destiny dev team (still not sure though) but if it is I applaud 👏🏼 you for a long overdue move to really engage with your community, of hardcore players. I have been a Bungie ‘fan’ since halo (hence my profile pic) and been on D1 till now. My worries are more on the PVP side, and I will get back to u

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        • Remove fastball as a Mod for arm armor. Everyone wants it already, just make it part of the game. This would free up a slot for other mods.

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          • Is it possible tostop curating the bounty pools week-to-week and season-to-season. For instance there are no Solar or Arc bounties from ritual vendors this season, only Void and Stasis. Also with weapons, put all the weapon bounties into the pool, all that you can draw this week are Auto and Pulse Rifles. Next week will (maybe) 2 or 3 different ones I know some people like having a more shallow pool, but when I'm grindimg out bounties I like to have some variety, makes me switch things up a bit.

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          • Edited by Chunk: 1/24/2023 1:47:57 AM
            Please change every character's class ability cooldown to the same stat allocation, it doesn't matter which one, let's say intellect, super builds off timer and damage given and received now. This would get players to spec intellect again and lower ability spam. all players would be on the same playing field build craft wise.. how it is now mobility is useless and puts hunters at a stat disadvantage in Pve and Pvp.

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          • Update all exotics to use light 3.0, please.

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            • Reduce RNG all around. Either with better drop chances, or more targeted rewards (like being able to choose weapons or armor on rank ups like in D1).

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            • 120 hand cannons need a higher avg magazine size, they already have enough restrictions between low handling, stability, and reload speed.

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            • Oh, could y’all make it so that the Seasons cause the environments change. In season of the Risen, we got all this cool Witch Queen Throne World stuff on the Cosmodrome, EDZ, and Moon, but these changes were only located within the missions. If need be, y’all can make it so the Strikes and missions keep the OG environment, but otherwise, the world is constantly changing.

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            • How bout giving people who aren't in the top 5 percent a reason to play trials. There is whole section of your game that the majority of your players won't attempt because of the gatekeepers...

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              • As a pvp main some changes I like to see is no sbmm in quickplay or other modes only in trials and comp. Iron banner no sbmm. And that’s it

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              • Edited by xbroggiex: 1/21/2023 7:07:53 PM
                Patrol needs to be updated badly as there is virtually no reason to really do it at all in the game besides bounties. Returning the flashpoint challenge would be nice I think and updating lost sectors to give a reason to do them even when its not the daily exotic lost sector would be nice also. I don't like timegating in this game but I know its somewhat necessary for the seasonal model, I'd much prefer the seasonal story to be delivered every couple of weeks rather than a crumb of story each week, at the moment its pretty much just log on to do a single battleground and get a 2-3 minute cutscene or have a 2-5 minute small mission. Seasonal upgrade grid needs to go or we need things similar to Dawn and Worthy where they aren't exactly timegated just grind gated and the upgrades allow for more ways to get the seasonal loot via weapon bounties like Dawn(which gave a reason to do patrol content) which would include reprised older weapons as well. That and using more of the actual game currencies in getting upgrades like Glimmer, Legendary Shards and cores rather than timegating them via seasonal challenges. Getting above level 100 should grant some level of reward each level even if its just a small amount of glimmer or shards or a enhancement core. Would help newer players that just got into the game get some amount of necessary resources by playing a bit more. I think if the seasonal activities were more like Dares where there is more randomness to the encounters I think it would be better like if Ketchcrash gave you 1 of the 3 bosses randomly each time at the end rather than a specific one(except Master mode tho). Weapon crafting needs to be tuned down since its killing the loot side of this game where I don't feel the need to really farm random rolls and instead just farm red borders of drops. I think Raids should keep craftable weapons and maybe dungeons but seasonal weapons shouldn't.

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              • [u][i] [b]To keep this game alive, we need dedicated servers & an engine overhaul[/b][/i][/u]

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                • Add weapon and armor focusing for Vanguard operations. We have it for Gambit, Crucible, & Iron Banner. Why not for Vanguard?

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                • I'd love the ability to customize our HUD, specifically in terms of adding/substracting and/or shrinking/enlarging specific HUD elements. For example, sometimes when I play crucible, I feel overwhelmed by the HUD elements in my face (i.e. capture points, score, friendly names) and am unable to focus on enemies/combat. It would be nice to have the option to select more minimal versions of HUD elements that convey the same important information but in a less intrusive manner, or remove specific elements entirely.

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                • An in-game clan matchmaking option would be nice. Maybe add audible prompts for procs to accompany the small words in the lower left corner. So many it may not be possible tho.

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                • Edited by amazinj2084: 1/22/2023 7:18:40 AM
                  Make destiny 2 different games so the community is broken into two separate parts. A separate game and server for Pvp players that only hop on to play comp and trials. And separate servers for Pve players who only want to play the rest of destiny 2. Alot of players dont want to be better than others in a gun fight. Some want to just fight a boss and enjoy the open world scene.

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                • Overload champions suck lower the time in-between stuns. Big maps are not an issue. Small maps suck seriously, stun them do little to no damage on 1st stun then that blink/teleport and push and can't be stunned for 5 more seconds, and I sult it takes 38 bullets in 2nd stun, also they are pushing crazy fast up ur bum and can one shot you.. make it so once they blink/teleport and start pushing they may be stunned again.

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                • I know it wouldn't really tie into the story anymore but I would LOVE a season dedicated to the iron lords. Rise of iron will always be my favourite DLC, the lore behind the iron lords has always been a favourite and I think their stories should be told again to refresh people on them and maybe bring a little love back to the iron banner (if done right!, Iron banner could get a full rework and actually represent it all better!) Rise of iron, Siva, we saw a bit on the iron lords but their origins weren't really told and I think they play such a massive part in destiny even if nobody realises it .....that's my one want anyway 😁

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                • Have transmogs automatically unlock when a player finds an armor piece instead of having them jump through hoops / pay money to acquire synthweave.

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                • Edited by MrBJovi: 1/20/2023 1:04:15 AM
                  My 5 biggest major changes would be: 1. Dedicated servers 2. Less Grindy & Updated Leveling system 3. Character creator 4. More Meaningful Rewards For Playing 5. Banning Cheats Permanently

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