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Edited by Cirice: 11/17/2019 8:53:12 AM

Please Bungie, nerf the Erentil FR4 (PvP)

EDIT: STOP with childish behavior, spreading hate and calling people trash in this thread, alright? Show that we can have a mature discussion about this topic. If you think differently, NO PROBLEM, but don't hate on others because of it. By the way, If you have proof that the Erentil is not overpowered please show statistics on it (user percentage does not show anything..). Hello there, As of recently, I've come across a rising number of players using the very strong and overpowered fusion rifle Erentil FR4. The weapon clearly needs a nerf ASAP since it totally destroys the fun in playing PvP. I know I'm not the only one that's upset about it but we still haven't heard anything about bringing this particular archetype of fusion rifles down a bit. It doesn't have to be a big nerf, just decrease range by 15-20% or something like that. If you agree with me and wish to see these fusions get a nerf, please upvote it so Bungie sees it, thanks.

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  • Get a life it balances the game from total sweaty nerds with sliding shotguns and hand cannons like snipers. The erentil is not overpowered . In the wrong hands the gun is useless hence y not a lot of ppl use it despite what your saying here. They've introduced other fusions to counter like Jotun I'd be complaining about that more if anything as u can just shoot at floor and kill someone. All in all it actually does take skill to controll erentil it's not just a fire auto gun as ppl make out . You actually have to controll the bolts as they leave the gun . Get a life and go pick on other more used weapons !!!!

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  • Edited by Serocybin: 12/21/2019 3:50:29 PM
    I highly doubt you’re going to see a nerf with weapons like the Erentil, Jötunn, or any other broken weapon/armor/mods/builds anytime soon– unless the community and streamers deem it (seriously) broken. For example, the Telesto was granting people more supers in PvP, so the community complained as a whole and it was taken OFF the game for God sakes (rightfully so). It’s not like they don’t have the ability to do that! Weapons like the Erentil were put in the game on purpose to serve as crutches for trash players; plain and simple. Nearly maxed out range and impact with projectiles that shoot like sniper rounds on fusion rifles; you can’t simply create that by accident. The Jötunn is pretty much a handy-dandy rocket launcher with tracking. If they take away any of these broken weapons or builds without producing a replacement, then the babies that comprise nearly the entirety of this community will stop playing PvP until they come up with another broken weapon or build to play with. Their excuse will be that there’s nothing fun in PvP to use, while in reality they’re boiling up inside because they can’t land shots using scouts, hand-cannons, snipers, etc. It’s not a matter of nerfing or taking weapons off the game anymore. Bungie has a collective of ideologues that comprise their teams, which I’ll get into later. It’s ultimately a matter of what’s going to replace what they nerfed or took off the game as soon as they make moves to nerf or take something off the game. A balanced game was well off their agenda the day Halo: Reach was announced, and that was well-over 9 years ago. So, you want balance? Play something else. Destiny is a lost cause on that front, and so are most games that are out nowadays. Games are only as good as the culture, politics, and people that influence said games. I still get flashbacks from getting my 50 in Halo 3 during ranked Team Slayer and MLG matches— most people would not survive those matches today without crying their eyes out. Most of the time, aside from the hit registration/connection issues, it was either you or your teammates fault if you lost. There were very few crutches, and even fewer means of relying on them. You either got good at Halo 3, or you gave up and played CoD. That was then, this is now, and now every game plays like CoD. As the developers from CoD: MW recently announced, “We created a safe space for our players.” Weapons like the Erentil are Destiny’s new safe space once the Recluse and OEM got shut down (kinda, not really). If there was “balance” in this game, there would be a PvP Glory playlist that tested your overall skill. No supers, no loadouts, no builds, no exotic abilities, no nothing! You all spawn with the same weapon and the same stats: Either a scout, a pulse, or an auto rifle, depending on the game type, with a pistol for a secondary. You fight for the objective and fight for heavy/special weapons that spawn on occasion. Want a super? Real bad? Maybe even the same shields that OEM grants!? Fight for it, because an orb will spawn somewhere in the map that’ll grant you that ability— and you better get to it before THEY get to it first. That’s the kinda “balanced” gaming that I know. Real archaic, huh?

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  • I only think Erentil needs a nerf. Other FR are fine and work as intended. That Wizened Rebuke is good and doesn't map like Erentil does. If you play smart it's good but it requires a lot more skill than Erentil with Rangefinder and Firmly Planted.

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  • My proposition for fusions: -Get rid of Backup Plan (on high impact fusions at least) -Make fusions projectile weapons again -Buff lower impact fusions because they are extremely inconsistent outside of very close range. Fusion rifles should shine in medium range, but high range ones should be able to reach beyond mid-range. Changing fusions to projectile weapons wouldn't significantly affect their performance in close/medium range engagements, but it will make sniping someone require that you lead your target.

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  • Let's be real. Piling on [b]MORE [/b]weapon nerfs isn't going to make the game more fun or interesting at this point.

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  • Shut the duck up. Enough with crying for nerfs. It's a god Damm video game. So what if you die. -blam!-

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    8 Replies
    • wtf is with all the special weapon hate on this website? If you use a shotgun you're called an ape, if you use a sniper you're called a camper, and now if you use a fusion you're apparently playing on easy mode? Specials do take skill to use and they cater to different playstyles, and right now they are more balanced than they ever have been in the history of crucible. Stop trying to ruin it.

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      4 Replies
      • [quote] If you have proof that the Erentil is overpowered please show statistics on it (user percentage does not show anything..). [/quote] Play by the rules you have set up.

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      • 1

        Your not worth a response - old

        Itll never happen until the streamers and tuber start crying about it.

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      • Edited by meaflare: 11/18/2019 4:32:19 AM
        Erentil itself does not need a nerf. Bullet magnetism and aim assist in this game, needs a nerf.

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        2 Replies
        • Heavy hitting fusions should not be able to map you from the other corner of the map( firmly planted should not be a damn perk on a fusion!!!). The fact that are 0 votes for this topic is insane. Is clear who are the people that are on this forum, the "DADS WITH PULSES AND FUSIONS"! The fact that they don't want this high skill gap kind of weapons to be f nerf just shows how they suck at this game. To use a fusion you don't need any thumbs or a brain! Change my mind I think the guys that type that fusion are not OP haven't played a match of comp in the old season in which you face 3-4 fusion rifle and you want to f axe your console down, because how broken it feels and annoying. Nerfs: 1. Higher charge time 2. No firmly planted perk 3. Range cap

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          • Edited by Forest: 11/18/2019 12:26:20 AM
            Nerf shotguns and snipers first. Then we can talk about Erentil. Cause I mean how can something be over powered when the entire type of gun not just Erentil has less than a 4% use rate while shotguns have what a steady 15% through 20% use rate. Sniper rifles have more of a use rating than fusion rifles as a whole. Fusions are perfectly fine as is. And last point can you people stop referring to that stupid video of some guy on PC killing their friend at like 40 meters while they where standing perfectly still. That is not valid proof that Erentil is over powered.

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            4 Replies
            • I don’t see fusion rifles in comp. I see sniper rifles. I don’t use fusion rifles in comp. I use sniper rifles.

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              8 Replies
              • How do I up vote lol

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              • Just dont allow it back up plan and maybe, tune the range. Otherwise it's fine, back up plan is what makes it unbearable.

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              • Once they nerf shotguns and snipers again seems fair

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              • And if they nerf Erentil you people will complain about Proelium next.

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              • We've come full circle boys, people are literally asking for fusion rifles to be nerfed.

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                12 Replies
                • 3rd post about nerfing erentil and 0 votes. Get the clue. 🍼🍼🍼

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                  8 Replies
                  • I don't agree with you. I'll happily and respectfully downvote.

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                  • I wouldn't be saying Nerf them let's try an adjustment first like making them no longer hitscan.

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                  • Everyone against reducing the range on Erentil is crutching.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Edited by SIERRA - 117: 11/18/2019 8:27:33 PM
                      Fusion rifles dont need any more changes to damage or range values. Whats needed is a changed in their time charge time. The high impact fusions should take longer to fire and the lower impact should be more quicker to shoot. It should be more of risk to use them but they would still be effective. This way people will actually use the low impact fusions and the high impact ones will take more skill.

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                      • Edited by TattooedOni: 11/16/2019 8:14:28 PM
                        [quote]Hello there, I've been playing Destiny since vanilla D1 and have had a blast during all these years through its ups and downs. In particular, the crucible has been what I enjoyed the most. Across accounts, I'm sure I have well over 100 days played since 2014 in PvP and loved almost every second of it, except things that were OP/broken which Bungie eventually fixed, like the Matador 64 in D1 or Telesto in D2. As of recently though, I've come across players using very strong and overpowered fusion rifles like the Erentil FR4 and The Wizened Rebuke. These weapons clearly need a nerf ASAP since they totally destroy the fun in playing PvP. I know I'm not the only one that's upset about these weapons but we still haven't heard anything about bringing this particular archetype of fusion rifles down a bit. It doesn't have to be a big nerf, just decrease range and/or damage. If you agree with me and wish to see these fusions get a nerf, please upvote it so Bungie sees it, thanks.[/quote] No, the high impact fusions aren’t a problem or overpowered. All you have to do is not stand still out of cover, not push a person charging their fusion while you’re out of cover, and not peek a corner if you hear someone charging their fusion. The really bad one I keep seeing in all these YouTube videos about how broken they are is don’t jump at it from 12m away. That happens a lot and by the same player over and over. Don’t be that player and everything is fine. Edit: I didn’t need to look but when I did it turns out you’re a hunter running stompeez DRB/NF/whatever and arc battery. What a shock. Stop pushing for a short range kill in the open. You’ll be fine.

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                        40 Replies
                        • Bungie doesn't seem to understand that high impact and long range are not a nice pair...

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                          1 Reply
                          • Unfortunately, even if you're right about the state of the Erentil FR4, I doubt that Bungie will do something about it very soon. It took 8 months for them to nerf the Recluse (probably the most broken Weapon ever seen in Destiny history, I guess?) and 13 months for the OEM. I doubt the Erentil is a top priority for the Crucible team right now. Also, as you can see, many players hate the idea to see another cheese gun getting fixed.

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