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3/21/2019 11:30:52 PM

Are you happy with the announced changes regarding Enhancement Cores next season?





It's a start, but needs more work


Feel free to give reasons for your feelings in the comments. Please keep it constructive and relevant to how you play/experience the game.

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  • Their response to this issue was stunning in it's incompetence. "We're moving bounties from here over to here. And we're leaving the rest alone." Incredible.

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  • Edited by SpamTheDamage: 3/22/2019 2:25:27 AM
    With looter-shooters being so heavily focused on specializing/min-maxing gear in the endgame (for this game, armour perks and weapons/weapon perks that synergize with each other and our preferred supers), it’s difficult for some players who reach that endgame in one season, only to have a new endgame to reach for 3 months later - new gear, new weapons, etc. For players who already have been lucky enough to get superbly rolled gear that benefits their play style, keeping that gear relevant for them while they try to tackle new endgame activities becomes a challenge when they want to keep their gear effective/efficient. Especially when it comes to exotics. I don’t need or want a Skull of Dire Ahamkara helmet with “sidearm targeting” and “primary ammo finder” I usually roll with a hand cannon/auto rifle, scout rifle, and a rocket launcher/machine gun. I don’t need gear that gives me “bow dexterity” or “sidearm handling speed”, it’s useless to me. But I’m either being bottlenecked into using armour that makes me less effective, or using weapons that I already know I don’t like from having played the game for a year and half already. I get they want us to “feel something” when we infuse our gear, but if we’re infusing gear, the items were using to bump ourselves up is crap that we don’t want to use anyway, and are otherwise just breaking down for shards. If I’m swapping weapons out for a specific encounter or to have some fun, I’m ok not having a gear set focused on those weapons. But for my primary loadout, I want to be able to stay as effective as I can at an appropriate power level. Tl;Dr There’s nothing meaningful about bottlenecking players into using gear they know they don’t want to use.

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  • It sounds like a very minor change. One that we will have to wait until next season for us to say we want a better fix. Two issues with Masterwork Cores: 1) How to Obtain them/RNG 2) How many we need. The "fix" next season will only try to adjust Number 1 but not actually solve the issue. Number 2 is not being changed in any manner. The amnount of masterwork cores needed to fully masterwork a weapon or piece armor is ridiculous.... Making masterwork cores Impactful does not equate to them being scarce to obtain.... My telesto's ability to shred is not determined by how hard(RNG) it is to obtain....the weapon itself is the reward. If masterwork cores are going to be impactful....they will regardless of how scarce or not you make them. These types of systems are ment to be used and not held off for a handleful(or less) of weapons/gear. They are ment to add to the overall gaming experience. What was wrong with Motes of Light? Masterwork core are essentially what replaced them. I want my Motes of Light Back.....take this force fed Masterawork Cores and doo what you have done in the past.....Trash It Bungie.(Mabye a little

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  • It sounds like a very minor change. One that we will have to wait until next season for us to say we want a better fix. Two issues with Masterwork Cores: 1) How to Obtain them/RNG 2) How many we need. The "fix" next season will only try to adjust Number 1 but not actually solve the issue. Number 2 is not being changed in any manner. The amnount of masterwork cores needed to fully masterwork a weapon or piece armor is ridiculous.... Making masterwork cores Impactful does not equate to them being scarce to obtain.... My telesto's ability to shred is not determined by how hard(RNG) it is to obtain....the weapon itself is the reward. If masterwork cores are going to be impactful....they will regardless of how scarce or not you make them. These types of systems are ment to be used and not held off for a handleful(or less) of weapons/gear. They are ment to add to the overall gaming experience. What was wrong with Motes of Light? Masterwork core are essentially what replaced them. I want my Motes of Light Back.....take this force fed Masterawork Cores and doo what you have done in the past.....Trash It Bungie.(Mabye a little

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  • My only real complaint with ec's is that it costs more than one to infuse or bump one mw level. Oh and the glimmer cost is a bit much

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  • We’ll give you another round of bounties that give 1 core each. We’re making them scarce on purpose. End of “update”

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  • I am indifferent and don't care because I stopped playing right after Drifter dropped. I've had enough

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  • If Bungie won't remove masterwork cores from being required for infusion, they should at least guarantee 1 core from all legendary gear that is dismantled. It's a simple solution and legendary items drop at a steady pace depending on pure play time.

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  • Short answer. No.

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  • Edited by ExigentSolitude: 3/22/2019 1:59:19 AM
    Their response was the equivalent of them pissing on us and then telling us it's raining.

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  • Edited by Erijian: 3/22/2019 2:40:27 AM
    I want to say it's a start but it's not even that. Their idea stems on the thought that because Scrapper Bounties were RNG Enhancement Cores were too hard to reliably to farm up..which is stupid because any person who plays a decent amount of time a day is going to end up with loads of them because they drop like candy. So now we'll have a guaranteed way to obtain them which costs the widely used Weapon Materials currency (Used for Infusing, Masterworking, Banshee Rankups, buying Mod Components, etc...) with the common RNG ones being removed..yay. I'll likely end up with less cores than I would doing Scrappers if the bounties cost 25+ materials.

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  • Picture the scene from the movie, “Taken” where Liam Neeson is crashing the Albanian headquarters. “Your arrogance offends me, and for that the player base just went down ten percent”. “Do you want to continue jerking us around, or would you rather have a Destiny 3?”

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    • No they just replaced a source that gave more than just cores that had no limit on how many bounties could be obtained each day that were obtained from dismantling stuff so they were free. Now we're going to have an even worse source that has a cost and a daily limit. Absolutely pathetic.

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      6 Replies
      • Completely tone deaf. AGAIN. It just confirms that they don’t know what they’re doing....

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      • Edited by Havok: 3/22/2019 4:31:54 AM
        Nah, I honestly don’t want to grind more boring bounties to get cores. I want to jump on, play some of the newest content, power up easily and infuse gear I like frequently. That means no cores for infusion.

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      • No , it seems like the devs don't care or are unable to relate to the playerbase. That they would rather change the name of masterwork core (implying nothing about infusion) to enhancement core , a blanket statement about simply improving any piece of gear but not specifically citing what that improvement is. They are disconnected at best.

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        • Seriously how many currencies does this game need? Cores, gun parts, all the planet materials, ghost fragments, shards, it's kind of silly. Add onto that the dozens of types of bounties and it is just layers and layers of "noise" on top of what should be the core gameplay loop. Shoot stuff, get new gear, which makes you better at shooting stuff. The whole economy needs to be dramatically simplified.

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          11 Replies
          • It's obvious to me they are just stretching out the already thin ass content. How elese are then gonna have a game till destiny 3 comes out next September? The fact that they aren't removing cores. And their solution is more garbage opportunities to get cores. Bungie is far from saner here.

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          • This isn't good enough. Not by a long shot. They've proven that if you don't have a stream or a podcast, that they don't give a furry rat's ass what you want or think. It is pointless to give these people feedback. They just arrogantly toss it in the trash, give you a drive-by 🖕🏼, and go back to there stupid -blam!-ing bread memes. Cozmo, dmg, gets your asses into one of these threads and do your damn job. For a change.

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            14 Replies
            • How stubborn and tone deaf can a developer possibly be. Their announcement is mind boggling obtuse! If they continue with said mentality, all but a few hardcore players will be left.

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            • Edited by SouLFeeS: 3/22/2019 2:23:41 AM
              They seem to be very good at creating people who used to love the game, but now only take pleasure in playing just enough to frequent the forums. I used to wonder why such a phenomenon occurs. Rationally, it makes no sense that anyone who doesn't play would take the time to comment on a game or about a studio. However, after being more active here and trying to represent clan members with the feedback I get (or comments I hear most often), it's starting to make a lot more sense to me. They make the hatred, and it's so sad and unnecessary. EDIT: I don't doubt there are good people working on this game. By "they", I don't mean to implicate everyone at Bungie, and I'm certainly not blaming CMs.

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              • We were on fire, and asked Bungie for help. They proceeded to pee on us put us in a jar and cut off the oxygen. It put out the fire but now we are suffocating and wet. Thanks, I think? The pee part wasn't necessary but I like it. Lol

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              • Oof, that's a lot of no votes.

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              • It is a sorry excuse of a response. Here, let's use a verity of new words to say the same thing. If they were actually keeping track of things they would just remove the damn things, period. We are going to keep track of... translation, we are going to continue to ignore obvious feedback and continue to create a mindless grind for those still playing. My time on Destiny has gone to less that 5% when this was 100% the only game I would play for nearly 2 years (including D1). Now I am just playing other games It just isn't worth the grind or the frustration to keep going back to Destiny and it really is a damn shame. Thanks for nothing.

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                • It certainly is a start. I would be shocked if they get rid of them completely before D3, so this is a good start to more sources. And considering we will also be getting a version of Armsday, this is a really good step forward. Like it or not, it is improvement

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                • You make these posts for upvotes don't you? This is very low effort. I expected more from you

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