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3/21/2019 11:30:52 PM

Are you happy with the announced changes regarding Enhancement Cores next season?





It's a start, but needs more work


Feel free to give reasons for your feelings in the comments. Please keep it constructive and relevant to how you play/experience the game.

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  • I feel like I’m missing something here because running low or out of enhancement cores really isn’t easy to do. Also where tf is the “I don’t care” option

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  • No, not even remotely close.

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  • Edited by Gemini Trash: 3/22/2019 4:21:54 AM
    I just wanna see cores drop more often. It's not that I had an issue with scrapped bounties. It's just, why should I be bothered to go to butt f***in no where to farm a boss for one core? Or go and play crucible to kill 5 guardians for one core? It's not rewarding and I can't be bothered. How about instead, bungie consider this, actually letting me buy them from spider without the price doubling every purchase? Inflate the price to compensate, I don't care. Just stop making cores annoying to obtain. It's not even hard, it's just boring. If however you must have bounties for them. At least consider putting them behind things we already do. For example reward 3 cores for the raid challenges. I'm just not going into patrol, strikes, or crucible for them anymore I promise you. 😂 all of that content is currently your weakest content.

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    2 Replies
    • I cant for the life of me understand why they are so headstrong and unwavering when it comes to this crap.. I mean you changed "Masterwork core" to "Enhancement cores" because you were gonna add them to infusion when they were made to MASTERWORK your friggin weapon in the first place... Then you make it cost like 3x as much to MASTERWORK gear in Forsaken and switched the name to "Enhancement core" You know, I am fine with that. Nobody cares that it takes like 27 cores to masterwork a weapon and give it a 10% stack buff, ya know, 'enhancing' the weapon. Heck, let us use the cores to Enhance armor perks. I got like 1 0 peieces of gear with regular Dexterity and Targeting perks... let me use like 20-ish cores to make them Enhanced Dexterity or what have you. Infusion is second nature and sometimes mandatory. I'll be dammed, why in the blue grass fields do you want me running around with two sidearms and a grenade launcher because that was the only crap I had that boosted my light level...?

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    • To be honest I have about 300 enhancement cores. I am very picky about what gear I level up and masterwork. I really didn't masterwork much until I hit 650. Now I am waiting until I get to 700. I really don't get all the fuss. Instead of infusing or master working every piece of gear, just be picky. Go the Tangled Shore every day and get two or three cores. Run the Vanguard bounties that provide cores. Save them up and be picky, then players would have more than enough.

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      5 Replies
      • 2 games, Warframe, and Monster Hunter World. I'm sure quite a few have already compared Warframe so I won't go into detail, but MHW I will, with this video, and my own personal experience. Please watch the video first. When I want a weapon or a piece of armor or a specific gem, I make it. It's pretty simple. I look for what monster drops what parts for what weapon/armor, which gives whatever weapon/armor perks specific to said pieces of equipment I'm looking for. I hunt the monster(s) until I get all the pieces I need to create the item I want. Sometimes you need a tail, so when you fight the monster, you should focus attacks on it's tail to break it/cut it off, or it's claws/fangs, so focus on breaking the paws/head etc. Not only does this respect my time and energy, it is commensurate with the effort I put in to get what I want. There is some rng in it but it's respectful smh. It gives me player choice and freedom to go after what I want. Players are going to leave your game. Players leave every game they play eventually one way or another. The goal should not be to keep players engaged as long as you can through mindless, pointless grind bordering on insanity. The goal should be to make your players feel good for having played your game. MHW does that for me. Warframe does that for me

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      • Honestly enhancement cores aren't an issue at all for me and I don't understand how people are that low on stock? Seriously look at your inventory and check how many finest matterweave you have. Each one is a free masterwork core. Any curated weapons? 7 free cores. All scrapper bounties give 1. A lot of things you dismantle give 1 or 2. Every week Ikora gives one. Hawthorn is giving them out to clan members at a certain level (I think 3?) this season. Not to mention spider sells them too. There are so many sources I fail to see how anyone could be short on them. I don't really care for them being an infusion material, but it's such a non issue honestly.

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        35 Replies
        • Mixed. It's not a terrible solution, but Bungie could have made players a lot more happy by removing them from infusion, and focusing on improving the Masterwork system so we can pour our Cores into that instead.

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        • I'm just trying to make the poll look a certain way...

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        • I swear I be up voting and scroll pass a post to see my vote is gone.

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        • No Their "Solution" makes little sense....

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        • Edited by CatMan: 3/22/2019 4:34:27 AM
          Excuse my language, but -blam!- no. They didn't really say anything. I need to see this gunsmith thing in action, but I'm betting it going to be like the E-stores " trying something new". Or will will still find ourselves needing cores. They need to make core rain or remove them.

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        • I actually am yes! it gives the gunsmith a purpose for people with all of his guns

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        • If enhancement cores are going to be considered as an end-game level of currency then they must be removed from any action that is not itself an end-game action. I think that most players would agree that infusion is not an end-game action. Masterworking gear may be considered an end-game action, and I do not have an issue with enhancement cores being used for this action. I play the game a lot, and consider myself a hobbyist, somewhere in that space between hardcore and casual. Even though I have a reasonable stockpile of cores (around 170), I don’t use them to masterwork – the benefit is far too small for the cost. Masterworking becomes a waste of a precious resource. I have a stockpile of exotics in my vault that are still at 380 power. They might be fun to use in a strike, heroic story mission, or patrol, but infusing them is waste of a precious resource. Keeping my gear at my power level should not require the use of this rare resource. I also believe that the cost for fully-masterworking gear is a bit excessive. This becomes apparent if you consider the cost of fully-masterworking multiple sets of gear on 3 characters. Even just 3 sets of armor per character is a total of 45 armor pieces. The core requirement for fully-masterworking that much armor would be considerable, and with the new gambit prime sets, 3 sets (or more) is not unreasonable. After cores started being used for infusion, I have never masterworked armor, and have only fully-masterworked 2 or 3 weapons. The cost/benefit of fully-masterworking gear is just not there, and I end up hoarding my cores for beginning-of-season infusion of gear. All of this comes from someone who plays the game a lot, never took an extended break from the game, and has a stockpile of cores. For the players that took breaks and play the game a little less, cores become a far more serious problem. It cannot be fun for these players to be forced to use poorly-rolled gear, or weapon types that they don’t enjoy just to stay competitive with their power level. On the other hand, hardcore players will always have an over-abundance of every currency, and there will never be any meaningful barrier for these players. Keeping the gear you want at your power level is a daily decision, not an end-game decision. Please remove core from infusion and set a reasonable price on masterworking so that a typical player can choose which weapons and armor sets are important to them, so that they can masterwork those pieces of gear while not having to worry about keeping gear at their power level. Infusion should be accessible to everyone, and masterworking should be where the grind begins. Please return enhancement cores to their original purpose – masterworking.

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          3 Replies
          • [b]F.U.C.K NO[/b] They've been provided... On a silver f.u.c.k.i.n.g platter mind you... The solution that the community... [b]THE PAYING F.U.C.K.I.N.G CUSTOMERS[/b]... want. Jesus Christ...

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            1 Reply
            • No ..... in fact I have a overwhelming feeling that I want to take a claw hammer to some idiots at bungie right now🤬

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            • *Looks at destiny tracker* *Looks at* The numbers speak for themselves. It's an overwhelming no. A "no" that will never show up in their "data" because people that quit due to infusion costs aren't factored in to their graphics and statistics. It's way too little far too late.

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            • I don't really see the issue. It's no different than leveling in any other RPG. Until you hit max (Light/Power), just wear whatever your highest is I'm saving tons of cores doing that. I'll look cool when I'm 700

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              14 Replies
              • Edited by NathanDTS: 3/22/2019 1:35:15 AM
                Firstly, next season is a pathetic time frame for this. Secondly, still not fun to grind for cores. Still stops people from using what they want or actually masterworking things.

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                8 Replies
                • hell no they better get the meassge Destiny 3 might be dead on arrvival if they do not start listening

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                • Edited by Raevenent: 3/22/2019 1:28:41 AM
                  No. They LITERALLY put a hello kitty band aid on a bullet wound and hope things will be all hunky-dory. It just won't. This is EXACTLY what I was worried about that they would do.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Infusion should be glimmer and planetary materials thats it! If you want to masterwork a gun 10 cores comon bungie back to the drawing board with your dumb core ideas.

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                  • Sorry but you forgot to add the "I couldn't give a shit" option

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                  • To me, shifting reliable acquisition of cores to purchasable bounties and away from randomly obtained bounties isn't solving the problem of cores being too scarce. It addresses the problem, sure, but in a way that could introduce (or for some amount of players exacerbate) a problem of not having enough resources to feel OK picking those bounties up in the first place. To be fair, we don't know how many gunsmith mats each of these bounties will cost. What I do know for sure is that I've dumped a TON of them into buying mods from Ada and infusing gear up to usable levels. Ada has given me way, WAY more radar tuner mods than I could ever hope to find uses for, but she's been stingy with some others such as rampage mods that I still want, so I want to keep trying to get them. That's where nearly all my gunsmith mats go already, and I'm not looking forward to slowing that process down so I can spend them on another pursuit that previously cost me nothing but game time spent completing them.

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                  • And the new bounties cost weapon parts lol. Just wait until the masses are out of those then cores are useless anyways !!! You all know very well that it is going to happen !!!

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                  • Their response to this issue was stunning in it's incompetence. "We're moving bounties from here over to here. And we're leaving the rest alone." Incredible.

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