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Edited by a_dmg04: 9/10/2018 11:23:36 PM

Rapid Response to Known Issues - 09/10/2018

[i]From the Destiny 2 Development Team:[/i] Over the weekend, as we monitored your progress in Destiny 2: Forsaken (and grinded ourselves), some new issues came to light that require immediate attention. In some instances, fixes to the game will require code changes, but there are some immediate server-side actions we can take to safeguard the player experience. Our bar for rapid responses like these is to address issues that impact the economy that makes Destiny 2 a game that is engaging over a longer timeline. As we take action, we will not be issuing any bans or restrictions to players who may have benefitted from the following… [b][u]Status Updates:[/u][/b] [quote][b][u]Raid Chests:[/u][/b] Players have found their way into Raid spaces and claimed gear from bonus chests. Those chests are being suppressed until we can properly isolate them to Raid activities. None of the rewards they have granted will be rescinded. [/quote] [quote][b][u]Prime Engrams:[/u][/b] An exploit was discovered this weekend where players could earn Prime Engrams at a rapid pace using the Prime Attunement buff. At this time, Prime Engrams are designed to grant small power gains over time. Acquiring large amounts of Prime Engrams in a short timeframe reduces the frequency in which you earn Prime Engrams as you continue to play the game. Some players who have used this exploit heavily may find that Prime Engrams will not appear for the next two to three weeks. As such, this will provide a very small short-term gain for those using this exploit, but have negative long-term effects for a player’s power progression. We are investigating a fix for this exploit. In the meantime, [b]we highly recommend that players do not use this exploit.[/b] Players who are earning Prime Engrams while playing through the game naturally will not be impacted by this issue in any form.[/quote] [quote][b][u]Weekly Challenge Reset:[/u][/b] Weekly Gambit, Crucible, and Heroic Story Challenges were impacted over the weekend by an unforeseen Milestone reset. Players who completed Challenges after the faulty reset on Saturday were not given powerful rewards, and will not receive a proper challenge reset on Tuesday for these activities. We are investigating the cause of this issue, and will deploy a fix at our first opportunity. Additional information may be found in our [url=]#Help Known Issues thread[/url].[/quote] [quote][u][b]Gambit Suspension Issues:[/b][/u] We are currently investigating an issue where players are being suspended in error from Gambit due to disconnections. Until resolved, players may encounter 15 minute suspensions when disconnecting from Gambit matches. We are currently investigating server side changes to matchmaking for this activity to mitigate the issue. Additional information will be provided when available.[/quote] [quote][b][u]Masterwork Core Economy:[/u][/b] We have just made a server-side fix to correct an issue that was compromising the economy for Masterwork Cores. Until a permanent solution can be deployed, once players reach Legend rank in Gambit Infamy, they will only be able to acquire the Trust Handcannon once.[/quote] Thanks for your attention on this. As always, [url=]@BungieHelp[/url] is the best source of updates on our progress. For a summary of all the issues we are tracking, also keep your eyes on the [url=]Known Issues thread[/url] on our #[url=]Help[/url] forum.

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  • Can we just go back to a weekly reset with milestones. Give us a daily bounty for a powerful engram Instead. All of this half week/full week reset is hurting my head, not to mention the mess of the director right now!

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  • Prime engram buff is STILL broken when i already collected prime engram after the Tuesday daily reset and i still have prime engram buff active even it should become active again on Wednesday daily reset.

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  • I am a casual "hobby" Destiny player. Never completed a raid, don't care about the glitch. Love PVP, even being a solo player. Probably get 1 weekend every other month to "grind". This update has been awesome in the fact that it opened a lot of new doors. However, this update has pushed me away from the game. The fact that I was free for 4 hours Sunday afternoon to finally play "Forsaken" was awesome. Never thought I would be disappointed in the few free evenings or days I have now that this huge update is out. But I logged on today (and had a 2 hour update... for what?) and am completely restricted on my light level. Because, God forbid, i had to play on the weekend? Yeah, I never planned on be "600 Light", but the 4 hours I played actually hurt me in "the long run" is BS. Should have just done the "prime engram farm" since, as a casual player, I get to play once or so a week. The new raid looks like you made it on windows 97, btw.

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  • So everyone that goes for worlds first should be marked as a cheater? So this week anyone that completes raid didn't really work for it! They grinded through exploits of last week that we in turn get screwed this week.

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  • I’m constantly getting babooned and I know it’s not my internet provider. Any reason why destiny servers constantly crash while I’m online?

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    • Hopefully the vendors change their weapon and rolls each week .

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    • So uhh... Are the powerful engrams not supposed to give higher light gear? Because I’ve gotten 2 so far since reset and both were either at the same or lower light than what I already had.

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      8 Replies
      • Oh look. All my powerful engrams dropped at light level. Not only did I get -blam!-ed out of the weekly reset, now my other engrams didn’t give me any light. Rip raid ready.

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        • How is this a rapid response?!!! I come back to D2 just to have my dreams of entering the raid on launch day crushed because Bungie can’t figure out resets? People farming raid loot and prime engrams yet I am leaps and bounds behind all other players attempting worlds first since I got no rewards and NOW I can’t have my power rewards reset in time for raid? For Christ’s sake Bungie, just cap the light at idk 540 and reset the power drops so we all can be on a fair playing field

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        • Edited by weaselhead2: 9/12/2018 12:18:35 AM
          I think my prime engram buff was revoked, I only got an 2 prime engrams?

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        • Fast Response good job Bungie! Keep it up!

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        • Since we have no prime engrams this week no raids for me and many others thanks bungie for your mistake not ours.

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        • Edited by slavko: 9/11/2018 11:15:40 PM
          The people that looted the Raid chests should be marked with The Cheesy Stank. The Cheesy Stank. A green gaseous ora that discharges from the bodies of guardians that looted the Raid chest before the Raid was available, made visible to all of the community of destiny in all activities, the stank can only be cleansed by completing the Raid. Fellow guardians can hate or love them. Gang up on them in PvP, run them over with your sparrows, the community will decide. But first they must be marked by The Cheesy Stank.

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          30 Replies
          • You take away powerful engrams from me because I started a new character Saturday night after reset and I only did them once. How is that fair? Also all powerful engrams are dropping at a lower light level. Thanks for double -blam!-ing my guardians bungie.

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          • I didn't get the daily crucible or gambit reset? What in the actual -blam!- does the daily reset have to do with the weekly?

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            3 Replies
            • I did not received the offering from petra’s bounty, WTF buggie?😠 I can’t complete petra’s weekly engram😡😡😡

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              • That doesn't make sense. I did 2/3 weekly challenges and got a drop of 500 when I'm 510. People exploited the unreleased raid get an unfair level advantage and they get to keep their treasures. You guys should be dropping powerful engrams to people who completed the challenges and take away the drops that came from the raid.

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                • Destiny community. " people are glitching into walls using an emote and were not able to kill them in trials! Fix this" "People are glitching into the raid chests and getting loot. But its bungie's fault" An exploit is an exploit no matter the offense .

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                • Fix milestones before raid launch!!! I need my three drops you basically stole, accidental or not. Your mistake!!! We shouldn’t be punished for playing! Feels like being punished for your mistake!!! FIX IT!!!

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                  • Edited by Darth Blush: 9/11/2018 2:45:26 PM
                    Most of the responses appear to be relatively straight-forward, but the current economy for master cores seems to be unbalanced or inflated. I believe it costs 20 master cores to fully upgrade a weapon, and 2 master cores to even infuse weapons or armor without adding any additional benefits, but there are not any significant improvements over the previous benefits. My initial belief is new players are going to face significant challenges with the number of legendary shards and master cores he or she is going to be able to obtain (and maintain) as the player progresses in the game. Furthermore, I am uncertain why it would require any master cores to even infuse any non-masterworked weapon or armor piece into another. There needs to be a better option for obtaining [u]several[/u] master cores at a [u]reasonable[/u] price in this current economy. There is nothing wrong with a moderate level of grinding, but the current state of this expansion seems excessively 'grindy' in some areas. In my opinion, the cost of infusion, which includes planetary materials, numerous legendary shards, and master cores should be reduced from it's current level. There have been several positive changes with Forsaken, but some of the existing costs and benefits seem to be in place to unnecessarily extend the amount of time an individual expends playing the game. I understand your desire to make the game 'engaging' over a longer time line, but inflating the cost of certain resources or drops does not appear to be the appropriate answer.

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                    23 Replies
                    • why not just reset the milestones like normal and allow people to get the "powerful gear"???? It was Bungo's mistake, not ours

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                      18 Replies
                      • 379 old exotic from crucible in FORSAKEN . Here’s a fix EAT $&€+! Your game sucks

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                      • In relation to what I posted about flashpoints, my Titan is 522 and the flashpoint today dropped me a 523 exotic primary. I’d understand a legendary being 1 or 2 higher than my power level, but an exotic? Are you being serious right now? So you’re going to drop me 500 legendaries from the flashpoint regardless of the fact I’m over 500, and then when you DO drop an exotic from it, you’re going to drop it 1 light higher than my power level? Sorry but how the hell can I infuse a 523 into a 524? You guys need to look at the flashpoints too and not just what you’ve posted here. Not a single legendary from the flashpoints have been powerful gear; this 1 exotic has been the only thing ‘powerful’.

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                      • is it save to do the milestones now which I kept from saturday. can we get powerful engrams now?

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                        • Started a new topic: Bugged?

                        • Again. Totally unacceptable. I get punished for playing the game and cheater don't. How are you going to compensate those you are punishing for no reason. Answer!

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