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originally posted in: Crucible Labs Feedback
7/27/2018 4:56:32 PM
So first things first- I think this is a great game type, and would fit excellently as a 4v4 playlist, either in comp (but it has to have radar), or its own playlist, either weekly or permanent. There is one issue though- power ammo, at least with the current weapon system. It spawns far too often. It should be something that can be used occasionally and sparingly to make plays, either as part of your teams push or as part of your team retaining map control. There are two potential solutions that seem relatively easy to implement to me. The first is to leave the spawn locations the same, and have the ammo spawn much less frequently, something like every 5 minutes. The second, and the one that I think is more interesting, is to have it spawn in a single location, somewhere “opposite” to B flag. That way, the team that has map control has to compromise that in control to rotate to power ammo, or they have to give up power ammo. In this case, i don’t think it should spawn as infrequently as in the solution above, but it should still be less frequent than it is now. At any rate, I enjoy the game mode itself. Keep it up, and here’s to more Labs in the future. Cheers!

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