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Edited by a_dmg04: 1/26/2018 5:59:34 PM

This Week at Bungie - 01/25/2018

[url=]This week at Bungie, we've got details on the next update to Destiny 2.[/url] • Iron Banner reward structure • Legendary Armor Masterworks • Raid Reward Renewal - Raid perks, reward restructure, Exotic Raid Ghost • Patch Note Preview • Consumable Shaders - Discussion and plans • Upcoming maintenance times for Update 1.1.2 Take a read, and give us your feedback! Cheers, -Dmg [b][Update: 1/26/18] Have some clarification and answers to questions asked overnight:[/b] [quote]1. When applying the Masterwork upgrade to a Legendary, the stat package is rolled randomly. 2. All Raid Masterworks must be earned from raid drops and can’t be obtained from Engrams or vendors in the Tower. 3. Equipping a Raid Armor Mod will fully replace any mod that is currently equipped to the armor piece. While Raid Mods can be equipped at any time using a Raid Token, alternate mod consumables are lost in this process.[/quote]

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  • Bungie can you please look into the team I'm currently matched up against and have been trying t fly down to a trials match with for the last 30 mins. They have won there last two games without playing one of there gts is gzxi

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    • Should have been in the game a long time ago. Love the communication though, you guys are being more transparent but in business wise this’ll not bring all the players back. Plus if I were you guys I would get new Devs and new narrative lead director as well. Plus a person who can manage the lead on a sequel well too. Just saying this is business wise and I know everything is business but this game is personal.

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    • You know what would make for a bad ass raid ghost? One that could lead you to the different areas in the underbelly

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      • [quote][url=]This week at Bungie, we've got details on the next update to Destiny 2.[/url] • Iron Banner reward structure • Legendary Armor Masterworks • Raid Reward Renewal - Raid perks, reward restructure, Exotic Raid Ghost • Patch Note Preview • Consumable Shaders - Discussion and plans • Upcoming maintenance times for Update 1.1.2 Take a read, and give us your feedback! Cheers, -Dmg [b][Update: 1/26/18] Have some clarification and answers to questions asked overnight:[/b] [quote]1. When applying the Masterwork upgrade to a Legendary, the stat package is rolled randomly. 2. All Raid Masterworks must be earned from raid drops and can’t be obtained from Engrams or vendors in the Tower. 3. Equipping a Raid Armor Mod will fully replace any mod that is currently equipped to the armor piece. While Raid Mods can be equipped at any time using a Raid Token, alternate mod consumables are lost in this process.[/quote][/quote] Will the guardian have their voices back instead of the ghost doing all of the talking in recently got back on d1 and D2 feels really stripped

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      • You can’t mass delete shaders be “math is hard”!?! Is that seriously what you are going to put out to the players. Might as well say “We are all incompetent”. As an aircraft mechanic if I told me boss “sorry. Can’t change that tire it’s just too hard” I wouldn’t have a job any longer.

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        14 Replies
        • Edited by Not_The_God_Roll: 1/27/2018 10:33:01 AM
          @DMG04 , thanks for being a great community manager and blocking me on twitter just because I gave feedback. Didn’t threaten you or curse but speaks volumes about bungie. Hope being in public relations works out for you. Edit: I have said some really nasty things to Luke Smith and he never blocked me lol

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        • Can I suggest for Shotguns, Fusions, Snipers and maybe Grenade Launchers move them to a forth weapon slot called the “Special Weapon” or “Utility Weapon” slot, reintroducing Machine Guns, buffing linear Fusions to almost the equivalent of Sleeper Simulant levels of damage per slot to incentivise use in the heavy slot and perhaps on top of these changes I’ve proposed buffing everythings back pack capacity (Especially swords) to 75% - 100% more ammo capacity for everything in the Heavy and new 4th Weapons slot?? That’s your weapons system fixed for everyone who likes and dislikes the current loadout system without spoiling the balance so much equating to hopefully less work rebalancing everything. Other members of the community, if you like this idea please copy paste it or whatever to the feedback section and other posts regarding this topic, I feel like this suggestion of a forth weapon slot works for everything regarding the loadout debate ongoing, everyone wins here... Thankyou for reading if you did. =)

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        • I think the raid perks are almost nice, what happened to the raid weapons though????

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        • None of the changes in the update are bad, but they are just QOL fixes. -Don't care about IB because pvp is still not fun to play. But thank you for letting us know the new reward pool is tiny. Btw how many new items is Tess getting for CD again? More than 20? -We just don't need masterwork armor right now. It does nothing except lets us reroll armor. Armor reroll was a needed feature, but nothing about that says masterwork. -Raid perks are pointless because they take up the mod slot. I does not matter if I can switch back to the raid perk if the mod I had in the armor in the first place is not preserved. I also do not want to carry around another couple sets of armor just for raids in my already packed inventory. -The new Raid reward structure is cool, but the rewards themselves are still garbage. Same thing with the new ghost. Nothing is worth getting so items that give me garbage faster are worthless. -Shaders. You seriously overestimate how much I care about the stuff I get from dismantling shaders. The inventory slot matters more than any of that stuff. Just give us the quick fix now that lets us get rid of trash so we can play the game while you work on something more comprehensive. I don't care if it all just devolves in to nothing as long as it's gone. You seriously don't understand the pain point if you are putting off a fix for months for such a reason. TL;DR None of it is bad, but none of it makes the game worth playing.

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          • We were promised a short term and long term fix for vault space? Every update i'm hoping short term fix! Any idea when? Following latest Faction Rally with three new ships, sparrows, shaders and ghosts, completed three sets of faction armour, i'm constantly having to scrap older stuff to make way for new stuff. Iron Banner's bringing more new things. Crimson Days after that. Got around 20 bright engrams across three guardians I can't open. Feels pointless even turning on at the moment. Every session starts with what's getting scrapped now before I can even fire a bullet. Extra 50 slots will be instantly filled with what's living in three post masters. Each season Eververse brings say a 75 - 100 new items yet its impossible to even think about collecting them. I'm curious what the Bungie's thinking is? All legendaries to be scrapped for bright dust to buy exotics when on sale? Nothing else makes sense. Why would anyone spend cash on silver for purely cosmetic stuff they have to scrap due to lack of space? The mods & transmats are just more trouble than they are worth too. The shear quantity of ships, sparrows and ghost shells make them feel worthless. The Dawning had an expensive box for sale with an exclusive legendary sparrow in it. So what?! Looked just like all the others, offered nothing different. I missed out on plenty of regular Dawning sparrows so why worry about missing this one? Got a bit off topic there but Vault space needs sorting!

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          • So no lessons learned from D1? Great twab but it’s about 4 months late!

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          • Here is how you fix this game.

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          • Edited by Dezzie19: 1/26/2018 6:03:17 PM
            This week at Bungie. Our pve numbers hit 590,000 Pre Christmas it was 1.4 million.

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            6 Replies
            • Please explain to me or anyone that hunters don't have a distinct advantage in PVP. Why did you make Titans and Warlocks so underclasssed? Is there no one there that takes a look at trends or stats? Does no one there keep an eye on what used to be streamers to see that they only play nightstalker? They can't win playing Warlock or Titan. I would think by now something would have been done. Why hasn't anything been done and will it remain in the same state for the unforeseeable future?

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              • What’s going on with the sandbox? The details are always extremely vague. That’s the only thing that will get me back

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              • Still no sbmm ... yawn, back to Halo I guess.

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              • As someone who hasnt touched the game since October or so, and has enjoyed watching the forums burn and bleed for the past few months now, i must say that i actually found the TWAB this week to be decent. A good step in the right direction. Will it bring me back into the game? No. Am i slightly more hopeful that this game will [u]at least[/u] be Y3 D1 in a reasonable amount of time? Yes. Slightly. Anyways, decent TWAB, hopefully you guys get your shit together and make this game worth playing. Or dont. I win either way. Either by enjoying the game again someday, or watching your game flicker, smoulder, and burn to ashes.

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                3 Replies
                • Too little. Too late.

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                • Edited by J_K1NG-92: 1/29/2018 12:48:05 AM
                  Doesn’t change anything yet dmg, it’s just more words from a company who lost our trust and good faith! That dr evil fag has taken one of my comments and ran this into something else now! I might not be able to say things properly because of my condition but I try my best and this fuc:kwit has just put a bad spin on everything

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                  12 Replies
                  • So when is Croat, Atheon , coming back? Seems D2 should have just been a DLC now.

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                  • This is from a user on Reddit in regards to open dialogue between the Destiny community and the developers for the Destiny game. "This just makes me wish there was a genuinely open and evenly-constituted forum where players and Devs could chat without either side getting annoyed with the other and speaking truthfully about what's going on. For the community's part, they get that here. If someone genuinely believes something, they post it, and the 'community ethics', such as they are, behove them to adequately substantiate it with proof. What is absent are the genuine responses from the Devs. We occasionally get a tweet from Deej or Cozmo, but that is in a vacuum, not as part of a dialogue with shared input and supported continued communication. I can't help thinking that if there was such a place where Bungie and the community could talk equally and rationally without having to use PR-speak (that's you, Bungie) or flaming salt diatribes (that's you, Community) we could get to the bottom of most of these issues. Yes, it would require Bungie to admit sometimes that they know there is a problem but they don't have the resources, or the will or the interest to change them as they don't make the game unplayable. Yes, it would sometimes require the community to filter out the more extreme and unrepresentative views about the wider aspcets of the game from that discusion group, but, like any democractic representation, anyone would have the chance to input, and it would be a matter of the degree of public backing as to whether any particular issue was pushed forward or not. Of course, it won't stop us being annoyed sometimes at Bungie's response, but it would give a discussion place for us to find out exactly what "working as intended" really means, and why they have organized the game in this way."

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                    • That's cool. But the sandbox is still boring af so i have very little to no motivation to sign in. Core gameplay wise is not fun at all. To me this feels like trying to put a small band-aid to a bigger wound. So im gonna go play Monster Hunter until i get bored or find something more interesting to play.

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                    • LoL

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                    • Edited by Exileant: 1/27/2018 12:55:52 AM
                      And this is the is exactly what I am talking about by pandering to whiners. Number 2 on that list. How does that help anyone except a raid specific clan. You will be closing the door on a lot of new casual players who do not have the time to try to take a week to find decent enough people to actually play a raid with. There is no chat in this game so even the attempt at finding people makes you a bother to most. Players turning off your ability to message them to even ASK is a whole other level of annoying. And Heaven help you if you cannot use a Microphone, you may as well hang it up. I mean the raid goes NO-where if you, heaven forbid, make them read a 1 word sentence... "Do you understand what we just explained? 3 seconds later (RING!) You are sentenced to removal. "3 seconds is TOO LONG to wait for an answer..." I mean skill does not seem to matter, but unless you are able to talk about crap unrelated to what you are doing and have the ability to make it so NOBODY CAN HEAR THE PERSON WHO NEEDS TO CALL THINGS OUT, you have reached a dead end, fella. Masterwork weapons fall with the rarity of spotting a supercar on the interstate already, to the tune of 1 maybe 2 every 500 tokens or the same amount every 1000 armor materials turned into banshee. Do you know how many hours it takes to get that amount? Topping this, 99% of the Masterwork weapons that fall, are USELESS or have have a redundant upgrade, or in most cases, both, fit only to be crushed for the cores. Out of I would say the 30 I have obtained since they were introduced, I have only gotten 1 that was fully usable without needing to modify it, and hilariously I just got it last night. Unless you all are going to Quadruple the amount of cores you get for crushing a masterwork, or drastically lower the cost to masterwork a weapon, not many people will have them and guess what, this will open the door AGAIN for people to say the upgrades and Masterworked weapons need to be nerfed in crucible. Adding extra things to grind for is great, however taking things away is no where near good for business. All of these people who say they will play again, really won't. They are going to find something else to latch onto as an excuse to SAY: "That is why I quit." The sooner you leave the game mechanics alone, and say "SHUT UP AND DEAL WITH IT!" The sooner people will do just that. Look at how they treated you all for letting people have fun with the Lens. Look at how they acted for the gift of using UNLIMITED SUPERS 100% of the time in an online game.... Ingrates who are STILL not going to bother spending any additional money at Eververse for anything regardless of how nice or cool it is. So I ask you, what is the point of these changes? Just a waste of manpower and money if you ask me. How about you skip an update and hand me a check for the amount you all would pay your techs to do it. I guarantee you I likely would not care less that Trump has in store for us a year from now... At least.....for a little while.

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                      21 Replies
                      • Buying one of your games anytime in the first two years after launch is no different than buying into a kickstarter with beta access.

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                      • When are they gonna fix trials, ya know clean the -blam!-ing paid carries and bullshit network manipulators out of the game, oh and match making when are we gonna be matched up against people who are on our level, I just played four games of trials twice I was lagged out by the same team, shits so -blam!-ing frustrating I’m sitting here always defending bungie and destiny 1&2 and I realize the harsh truth that bungie dgaf for its players, I just went against a guy that has 157 flawless trips his last ten games won with no kills, their clearly lagging people out he even has posts up offering paid carries on his post on yet no reprocussions right just -blam!- the player base so done at this point 4 years and 8000 hours later I’ve finally -blam!-ing had it games garbage unbalances not fair and bias, and still these laggers are getting 40 dollars a head, why doesn’t bungie just carry people for 40 dollars at least bungie wouldn’t be going broke

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