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Edited by A_dmg04: 1/26/2018 5:59:34 PM

This Week at Bungie - 01/25/2018

[url=]This week at Bungie, we've got details on the next update to Destiny 2.[/url] • Iron Banner reward structure • Legendary Armor Masterworks • Raid Reward Renewal - Raid perks, reward restructure, Exotic Raid Ghost • Patch Note Preview • Consumable Shaders - Discussion and plans • Upcoming maintenance times for Update 1.1.2 Take a read, and give us your feedback! Cheers, -Dmg [b][Update: 1/26/18] Have some clarification and answers to questions asked overnight:[/b] [quote]1. When applying the Masterwork upgrade to a Legendary, the stat package is rolled randomly. 2. All Raid Masterworks must be earned from raid drops and can’t be obtained from Engrams or vendors in the Tower. 3. Equipping a Raid Armor Mod will fully replace any mod that is currently equipped to the armor piece. While Raid Mods can be equipped at any time using a Raid Token, alternate mod consumables are lost in this process.[/quote]

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  • Do you know if there is at least any talk of general character movement being increased to be close to if not equal to D1 movement speed? Out of everything this is probably the main reason I can't play this game much right now. Second on the list is overall ability cool downs. Is there any talk of matching D1 ability regens? I understand armor mods are supposed to help but frankly they are pretty worthless.

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  • I won't be completely happy until I see random perks brought back and the old weapon system. Sorry guys but the two primary system is a drag. I tried to accept it but I knew from beta that this was going to suck. Makes the bosses bullet sponges and that is just boring. That's why I left the division after 2 weeks. P.S. masterworks is not the answer.

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    7 Replies
    • You wasted your opportunity.

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    • Bungie it's literally too late nobody can be -blam!-ed anymore, all of this should have been in launch. With games like monster hunter world, and many others releases coming I can't see destiny surviving well anymore

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    • The iron banner reward structure coming in next week is how it should have been for every vendor since day one.

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    • It's not that the update was devoid of merit but: I still can't play heroic strikes without buying the dlc (which were in base D1). Iron banner, and all PvP, is still 4v4 Timers are still in nightfall. Raid improvements arrive long after my clan has quit D2. I'll be playing FIFA and my CoO money will be collecting dust in my pocket.

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    • you are not addressing the problems. list the top ten most expensive changes and you might get close. ditch eververse bring all d1 content planets and raids. get rid of your rubbish peer to peer hybrid and bring in real dedicated servers. peaple are moving on take a step back go dark and sort this mess out. division is more fun, fortnite is a dream for pvp why the hell are we gonna stick around destiny 3?

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    • Too little too late.

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    • Edited by BegFourMercy: 1/28/2018 10:47:46 PM
      Oh no. You think adding this junk will make people play? Fix the weapon system. And can't let someone delete shaders in mass. LOL You ever hear of a for each loop? My 6 year old can program that.

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    • No one likes the token system it's garbage! I'd go back to d2 for iron banner but god, the tokens just suck. You guys gotta change it. It's that simple.

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      15 Replies
      • How come I never see comments on the fact that all the weapons have been reskined over and over again with different perks, like iron banners "new" weapons next week?

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        2 Replies
        • Dmg answer this plz. Why is the kill tracker ghost in the everis loot pool and why does it dismantle into nothing.

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        • Yay! Weapon reskins, stupid sparrow design, lame ass webcomic which is apparently now "canon" and everything previous is suspect folklore.

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        • Remove the damn mods give us real perks on armor and weapons

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        • Make a mass delete for shaders they take up space and the majority of them are horrible.

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        • Just a note that the praise you are receiving is in response to your level of communication and not because these are great ideas that will elevate D2 to greatness. The real, necessary changes are still out there waiting for you to discover, like a secret Black Spindle quest - difficult, but worth it. I’m not saying that these changes aren’t nice, just that it’s not nearly enough considering the overall state of D2. Keep it up though and you just might become legendary (for the right reasons).

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        • #Feedback This is not an angry post or negative. Just honest feedback from someone who quit Destiny and has been playing ESO. If you really want to know why, here goes.... - The game became too easy. Even in year 3 you guys started taking the challenge out of the game, catering too much to solo players and lost sight of what you originally made the game. Now in D2 it's ridiculously easy to reach max levels or find a real challenge. - The game no longer has replay value, mainly due to the fact that there are no longer random perks on weapons and armor. (FYI, Masterwork system is not a viable substitute for random perks). Some casual players would complain, but MOST real players would replay content, would stay up all night, farming the nightfall, the raids, trials, just to get that perfect roll on a gun or to even get a piece of armor rolled the way they want. - More does not mean better. You guys took the "exotic" out of exotics by 1) making them way too easy to get and 2) making so many of them. Exotics were better when they were rare and very, very hard to come by or obtain basically like year 1 (Gally, Vex, Ice Breaker, Thorn, Bad Juju, Invective, Mida, Plan C, Suros, Truth). You introduced so many new ones because they were so easy to get that they became boring and so many were no better than most purple gear. - Different does not mean better. The weapon system was fine the way it was. If anything all you had to do was tweak the range ability of snipers or just use the new weapon system ONLY for PVP. The old subclasses were fine the way they were. Why take one away, just add the new one you developed giving us a 4th. The talent trees were fine the way they were. The new talent trees are not deeper, they just have the illusion of being so because they are different. Why not take the time to add to the old ones and really make players more customizable for real player depth and gameplay differentiation? The new locations are not better or bigger. Why not just keep the old planets (Mars, Moon, Venus, etc.) adding new missions that relate to the new story (like rally points or something) and also add the new ones? It actually feels like you made the game smaller. - Choose a player base and make the game for them. If you continue to try to cater to everyone (solo players, casual players, social/group event players, hard core raiders, competitive PVP) you will continue to fail. If someone is struggling to be competent at raiding because they refuse to play an online social game with built in clan options, in a social way, because they refuse to join a clan and learn raids and they expect to just hop in a raid once a month and succeed, then let them fail and move on to another game. Don't change the game and dumb it down for them. Don't give free raid gear hand-outs to these players and sell end game gear in Eververse. If someone is struggling in PVP because they lack the skill, they refuse to practice or research which guns are best in PVP or farm the correct guns, don't dumb down PVP for these players. There are so many more things but basically you tried too hard to be creative and change a good game instead of build on it. You put cracks in a solid foundation then built an unstable structure on it. I'm not sure how to fix it but my guess is the people still logging in daily and playing won't give you the answer because they aren't your hardcore D1 player base, or the ones that will be spending money in year 8 or 9. If you want to see long term success like WoW or something like that, then gather some player data and identify the players that have 50 to 100 raid completions with clan members, 100s of hours in crucible, farmed the Black Spindle quest and didn't give up until they got it, completed the original drop-ship events during the release of HoW, and listen to their feedback. Otherwise all you will have is a co-op Halo just good enough for the casual gamer to log into a couple times a week in between the other games they play.

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          5 Replies
          • Did anyone actually ask for any of this, like, is there actually a genuine need or yearning for it in the community somewhere? Surely being able to remove a stack of shaders easier is less priority than, I don't know, PvP, which is literally 50% of this game.. Weapons balancing, the whole respawning system should surely take priority over any other plasters you're trying to dull the already dying audiences with to try and help them forgot about the things this game has needed since day one. Get a team of devs together who actually know what they're doing and get to work on these problems now instead of making us wait until Spring because you want to throw something else into the game that's of absolutely no interest because the foundations it's released on are pitiful... IMO you guys shouldn't have wasted your time with D2 and just improved on D1. You did better in the last 6 months of that and then lost focus to vomit out this absolute laughing stock. Look how much of your community you've lost already because you put all your eggs into Osiris instead of fixing anything, only for everyone to get bored of it within a month or two.

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          • Having issues logging into Network when I first got in friends list would not appear can't make a party right now it's giving me an error code NP 39232 - 9 at you like to know thank you

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          • [quote]2. All Raid Masterworks must be earned from raid drops and can’t be obtained from Engrams or vendors in the Tower.[/quote] But don't worry, if you join a clan you can run patrol and not have to do diddly-squat. Just let your clan members run the raid and you will get the rewards as well. Got to give ourselves a pat on the back for this one. Thank you, thank you..

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            2 Replies
            • In the immortal words of some random youtuber, *ahem* "you are beating a dead horse, with a dead horse, in a pit filled with dead horses."

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              2 Replies
              • Bungie if you can’t get new workers to communicate to the community, at least hire volunteers to help. Hire volunteers in specific sections such as game development, communication, etc.

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              • Edited by ChiknStew29: 1/28/2018 8:00:59 PM
                i hope people are aware that activision is the one holding the wallet. once bungie agreed to their contract they were set on a schedule as to when to release what content and how to prioritize their dlc releases to generate the most revenue. bungie does not control when they are going to release anything. they have to work within their contract. screw activision for destroying another developer. thats what they do. just thought to drop this here cuz i read a few replies bashing bungie for things that are out of their control. blame them for entering contract w/activion. bungie builds the game, activision doesn't give them enough time to work things out proper. bungie designs the worlds and sandbox. activision monetizes shaders and locks content behind paywalls/eververse.

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              • Well I can’t play on my main character, my 332 titan. I’m so -blam!-ing heart broken. Spent hours pain hours on her and now I can’t even play. I’m literally crying over here. All that time wasted. Bungie, for the life of all things, can you please fix this. Sincerely, N_Pizza_We_Crust Can u please message me back. I need a bungie person.

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              • Fix your god damn matchmaking

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              • Fix you god damn PvP matchmaking!

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