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12/18/2017 7:05:13 PM

Three of Coins Functionality

Hey all, Throughout the weekend, we’ve been monitoring player feedback concerning the recently added Three of Coins consumable offered by Xûr. We’d like to give clarification on the functionality of this item: [quote][b]When players use a Three of Coins consumable, this provides a 50% increase to the base chance of being rewarded an Exotic Engram upon activity completion. Using this consumable does not guarantee an Exotic reward upon completing a set number of activities – but rather increased chances upon each activity completion.[/b][/quote] [b]Note:[/b] We have found that Heroic Strikes do not currently grant higher chances for Exotics when using Three of Coins consumables, compared to Vanguard Strikes. We’re looking to address this with a future Hotfix, expected in early 2018. We will continue to monitor and forward feedback concerning this feature throughout the holiday season. Keep it coming! Later this week, we’ll have notes from the development team on additional feedback items that we’re looking to address in the future. Stay tuned. Cheers, -dmg04

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  • Edited by Timba: 12/19/2017 3:24:29 PM
    OMG what the fK Bungie? Why don't you test you shit before releasing it? First you scam the people with the Experience debacle. Second you scammed people with this shit DLC and lock out players that didn't buy it from doing things they were able to do before. Third, you release another bugged game feature. At this point i think you are doing things intentional. What the actual fk? You are ether very incompetent or just plain assholes. There is no way you guys can keep doing things like this. It's to late for me to boycott Destiny 2 because of the amount of hours i spent on it and the fact i already purchased your DLC season pass scam but i guarantee you I will not be getting D3 if this is how you treat your player base. I have been really patient but enough is enough. If you see an issue don't wait to fix it for weeks. We paid over $80 to get the base game and DLC and I think we deserve respect. Why wait to next month to fix something you should have tested? This kind of shit should have been dealt with the second or third day after released. Stop using your player base to beta test you crap. Get your head out of you a$$ or you will end up just like EA.

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  • You are wrong, they definately decrease the drop rate, there is no increase, the value is negative, used 4 of them got 1 exotic, 1 in 16 hours is horrible drop rates compared to every experience i have had on destiny 2 prior to buying and using three of coins, something is definately broken and im sick of everone telling me im wrong, i know what i am experiencing because its my experience, dont tell me what is or isnt happening for me when you have not idea about how many exotics i regularly get compared to the near zero chance i get when a three of coins is active.

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    3 Replies
    • How about just take 3 of coins out and put exotic drop rates back the way they were. It's obvious from my play time since 3oc release that the base drop rate for exotics has been nerfed. Now instead of having a chance of getting exotics I may get 1 when not using a 3oc, but if I use a 3oc I get 0.

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    • 50% of what? 50% of 0 is still zero. I like how a lot of players did the testing and got zero exotics of farming either a full 3oC, or multiple 3oC durations. Something is clearly wrong, especially this is not a new feature you implemented. This came out in D1 and as a AAA game, re-implementing something from prior should not be game breakingly bad.

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      2 Replies
      • They don't increase the chance for exotics they eliminate them. The whole exotic system is broken. I got 1 exotic engram all day yesterday. Previewed it for over a half hour till it showed 3 exotics I didn't have then it gave me my umpteenth sweet business that wasn't even on the list. I got the business all right. I still can't get an Orafice Rig after farming for it. In the preview it shows that the new weapons are already in my collection. I never got them and they are not in my vault collection either. So when no repeat exotics comes up will the game already think I have the Colony or the new hand cannon?

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        • Pointless telling us its a 50% increase when you wont tell us the base chance.

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        • So basically from 1% to 1.5% or in Bungie numbers from .04% to .06%... [i]~Nyahh! =^,.,^=[/i]

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        • Well, 50% increase to the base chance... yet you won't tell us this base chance, I may as well assume the base chance is 1% so 50% increase would be 1.5% as far as players know... yay?

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        • Edited by Djinn144: 12/19/2017 1:34:28 AM
          So Bungie admits 3oC is broken on at least 1 activity ( more like most of them after the drop rate nerfs you still havent given numbers on) yet expect us to keep using them ? ( no mention of refunds on those shards used to buy the bugged 3oC either, FK you Guardians :D ) "We will continue to monitor and forward feedback concerning this feature throughout the holiday season. Keep it coming!" Yea we will keep using the broken system through out the holiday season until yous can be borthered fixing it and god forbid give us actual drop rate numbers from all activities, but hey at least Eververse is working lol. im in a multi clan 500+members and have posted this in our announcements pleading with all members to avoid the 3oC.

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          • 1
            Can't think of a single game I've played where an issue like this isn't hot fixed immediately. Game breaking bug left to languish over the holidays? Seems like bungee forgot what triple A is. They want triple A monetization and player count but they refuse to put in any triple A effort or support. One big copy paste sequel with all the good removed. And zero afterthought or care. Fire and forget is not how you run a GAAS.

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          • For the LOVE OF GOD please test before sending out to the masses. The Destiny User experience is that of lab rats and half hearted apologies just aren't cutting it. If I turned in this half baked crap to my boss I'd be out of a job. Get it together or sell the franchise to Disney

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          • I know this is not the thread for it but please hire a forum manager who enforce's the forum rules... i see a lot of people who have broken numerous if not all of them since week 1 some of them don't een own the game... please start forum silencing the spoiled children also known as trolls... Thank you for taking feedback regardless of how toxic forums are lately tho... but please start cleaning up forums...

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            4 Replies
            • Just take 3oC out of the game. Most people were complaining about exotics being too easy to get anyway. Except for everyone responding to this post I

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            • Lol. Laser tag gets attention immediately, this has to wait. Seems legit.

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              2 Replies
              • Are they monitoring the same game we’re playing? How does Bungie explain the thousands of reports that players are getting exotics only after the three of coins run out? I used 6 of them over 3 days for a total of 24 hours of the buff and only had 1 exotic engram drop, I can’t even confirm if I still had a three of coins active! To say that only heroic strikes don’t increase your chances is a slap in the face! So if three of coins are not broken then that means the RNG is broken!

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              • 50% of Zero is still ZERO, its basic math folks

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              • this guy is Waaayy better than cozmo [spoiler]absentee condescending -blam!-[/spoiler]

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                5 Replies
                • After playing crusible/strikes/etc. for two evenings useing 3oc and getting no exotics a friend of mine had 2 in 2 hours time without them. I remember this very clearly because he got "the colony" that i wanted for some time.

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                • I hope the people making Anthem read about your mistakes and make sure they don’t happen in that game, given what I’ve seen of anthem so far you guys at Bungie are gonna get -blam!-ed big style.

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                  6 Replies
                  • Look bungie its verry hard to ignore that EVERYBODY is complaining about the exact same things and if you are not going to listen to the people who still play your game , you will lose them too Like how the things that were good in d1 the weapon system, the perks, etc U all take that away and than lie about what you are really doing If you dont stop this, you might aswell cancel d3 because nobody will buy it if they dont trust you anymore

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                    3 Replies
                    • ToC seems pretty worthless. On a somewhat related note. Saw that Xur was offering the Fated Engram which gives you an exotic that is not already in your collection. Virtually the only way to break the dreaded dupe chain. I was like- “Hell F’ing yes...I’m all over that!!!” Boom! Then it happens. “Stompees” Absolute downer, but then I thought- “What the hell. At least it’s decent for infusion”. A few seconds later reality hit me and I was totally devastated when I realized that my next 3 to 4 hard earned exotic decryptions are now locked into Stompees. Well played, Bungie. Way to make me not even want think about playing the game for several days. The exotic dupes do exactly the opposite of what exotic engrams should be doing. Decrypting an exotic engram should be an exhilarating experience for the player, but I find myself immediately turning off my console in disgust about 90% of the time.

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                      4 Replies
                      • What is the bullshit about coin not working on heroic strikes, they don't work anywhere for -blam!-s sake. If you wankers continue to use us as testers then start paying us Another point to ponder vanguard boons are miss firing (Surprise, surprise) and the fire team coins seem -blam!-ed since all this broken crap was unleashed on us so could we get it fixed now not when you wankers deign to get around to it thank you

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                        7 Replies
                        • [quote]When players use a Three of Coins consumable, this provides a 50% increase to the base chance of being rewarded an Exotic Engram upon activity completion.[/quote] Wat? Am I the only one trying to comprehand this? 50% increase to the base chance. Soooo if the base chance is 1% (0.01) then 50% increase on that (0.005) will be 0.01 + 0.005 = 0.015 .... correct me if Im wrong I haven't used math for over 10 years ... Dafuq? Who in his right mind would spend any resourses on such a small odd ... ?

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                          3 Replies
                          • The only thing i know is that during ALL the weekend i constantly used 3oC and found ZERO exotics. Then, after i got bored of wasting it and stopped using it, after 2 heroic strikes a got an exotic engram. And you plan to fix this error after MONTHS? Even if it will affect the limited time event "the dawning"?! This is clearly NOT how things are correctly done. You should all be ashamed of this situation.

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                            3 Replies
                            • Hey, dmg, will it be a hotfix or a 5 hour maintenance with downtime though? Y'all addressed that as 'hotfix' before.

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                            • I want my hundreds of shards back!

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