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Edited by Realizable: 9/9/2017 11:39:32 AM

Crucible is Legit Hell for Solo Players..

Crucible almost forces you to queue up as a team and if you do not, you will most likely go against a 4 man clan, while your team is most likely a team of solo players and beating a GOOD 4 man team with ok communication, is almost impossible. They will mostly likely stay together, which forces the solo players into a 4v1 and 4v2 situations which are almost unwinnable. What makes it worse thats there is no game mode on crucible, that is 6v6 like destiny 1. Adding 6v6 will be really helpful for solo players because, you will not have to deal with a whole clan vs solo players 90% of the time, most of the time your go against groups of twos or groups of threes and your team will most likely not be a team full of solo players as well. Crucible is actually extremely fun if you play as a team, but if you play solo it can feel like hell. Also why is there no option in these game to choose your game type, I miss being able to just play control and avoid the other game modes.

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  • You're right, all those saying 'I do alright ' are nothing more than braggarts and missing the point. The game needs a solo mode.

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  • I was solo queuing last night and did just fine. It's about team work now. Running and gunning by yourself doesn't work in this one. Just gotta be more aware of your teammates around you and team shot.

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    2 Replies
    • As a guy who is playing the heck out of PVE and is getting back into PVP, I'll say this. Every player, team, clan, have a pattern. You just have to learn it and exploit it. Be patient. Learn the maps And if all else fails, make a Rebel Alliance

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    • I agree with the OP. It's either hold hands, skipping and singing together. Or die. Both Destiny 1 & 2 both take team work. Just in different ways. Not a fan of this slap @zz style that is going on.

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    • wheres everyone thinking teamshotting is a good thing for d2? lol

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    • Crucible is f***ing shit. Pandering to [i]Bungie[/i]'s frat-house-circle-jerk mentality.

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    • Unless you get lucky and get into a team with three people that are playing together.

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    • He's not wrong. Give me back Rumble. Maintained a solid 2.0 in Rumble. It's hit or miss in Destiny 2 as to whether my team sticks together or not and I get teamshot.

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    • I play a lot solo, and do just fine.

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      7 Replies
      • Edited by inFINN1te: 9/10/2017 3:34:09 PM
        Dude quit bitching. This is hilarious the complaints. You guys are making the 4v4 a problem when it isn't. Think of Halo. Most arena playlists are 4v4 and it works fine going solo. It doesn't require a ton of communication to stick by a teammate. All this does is show the Destiny community wants nothing out of PvP but to run around throwing space magic everywhere and whipping a whole team. This is coming from someone who mostly plays either Solo or with one other person. I never talk to randoms.

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        • Not really, I've played against teams of 4 and destroyed them so

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        • Lol, I'm pretty average at crucible and played solo competitive yesterday and on the my first game my team demolished a team 4-0 on survival.

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          • Having gamemodes compiled into one like that is good because there will be smaller queue times, having everyone queue for the same thing etc. Also it will make control and whatever else feel less mundane in the long run. I do want a 6v6 mode tho... Or at least Rumble/FFA.

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            • Ur onion is unvalid becusae you're kd is neg

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              • Just played a game against a full clan team in TD we spanked them and pretty sure our fireteam was all solo queued :)

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              • So far i would say i have had about 60% win rate as a solo player. What frustrates me, however, is that many of my losses have happened because people just REFUSE to stick together and try to play hero and take the enemy team all by themselves. It´s very hard to deal with a team of 4 enemies when you constantly find yourself in a 4v2 situation. Today, i was playing a bomb defuse match in which we were ahead 4-1 and we ended up losing 4-6 because the group decided to glory-hunt for all the remainder rounds. It was beyond annoying.

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              • I've solo queued and wiped entire teams without using a super by myself you just gotta play smart not run in guns a blazing expecting everyone to fall over and die you hit twice with a melee or hit 3 times with a gun or once with a grenade

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              • I can see where you could run into issues, but you just have to learn how to bait people out into the open for the easy kill.... use any grenade like tripmine, axion bolt, or spike grenade to get them to peek corners, and if you should be fortunate enough, you should get an easy kill

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              • Edited by Marduk Odjnn: 9/10/2017 3:49:54 PM
                The problem with crucible has been what I've always hated about games on Xbox, party chat I hate party chat. People can't hear you because their in sum private chat party and their making you lose because their like oh I don't give a fucc. When your tryna get 3 crucible wins for a furakking bounty. No one fuccing talks because they can't hear you. Who goes into a game where you play with random people and think great idea I'll goto party chat. With people I'm not playing with.

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              • You have a radar, use it. Just stick with one guy

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              • Since it's 4v4, if 1 player drops out you're pretty much -blam!-ed. Also love how bungie dealt with the red bar D1 problem.

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                9 Replies
                • Its not all too bad, i've played a few games with randoms and done well, just followed one person and everyone seemed to follow suit. Sometimes even then we still lost as the other team out played us. Its part of the game. Join a clan and play with a team or just turn your mic on. I love that competitive is just that, we had no communication and still floored a full clan. I agree i feel the damage could be higher so time to kill should be quicker but if you get 2v1 it makes sense that you get rattled in seconds, its double the damage coming your way. Im assuming the whole playlist splitting thing will come, just like in D1. It makes sense early days thats its all in one, certainly makes patching and balancing in the early days easier before they split them out. I would like to see the 6v6 make a come back though so you can play solo and make more of an impact.

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                • I feel your pain, normally I would spend hours in crucible, now, I am just in for the bounties and then get the hell out.... hopefully things will change in the future otherwise I just dont see myself playing crucible

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                  1 Reply
                  • Edited by Johnrocksyuy: 9/10/2017 2:24:28 PM
                    Bungie removed all OHK abilities except for supers and shotguns are far and few. This is basically a dream besides the fact that my teammates camp the power ammo once it hits less than 20 seconds. [spoiler]I haven't died to a sticky nade yet. :)[/spoiler]

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                  • Come join Uncle Ghaul's Vex Pests! All abilities and playstyles welcome, voicechat always on!

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                  • I solo queue mostly and have no trouble. Sticking with teammates isn't hard, you see them on the radar! You don't need to be in a four stack to win,get multikills, or have fun.

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