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Edited by Realizable: 9/9/2017 11:39:32 AM

Crucible is Legit Hell for Solo Players..

Crucible almost forces you to queue up as a team and if you do not, you will most likely go against a 4 man clan, while your team is most likely a team of solo players and beating a GOOD 4 man team with ok communication, is almost impossible. They will mostly likely stay together, which forces the solo players into a 4v1 and 4v2 situations which are almost unwinnable. What makes it worse thats there is no game mode on crucible, that is 6v6 like destiny 1. Adding 6v6 will be really helpful for solo players because, you will not have to deal with a whole clan vs solo players 90% of the time, most of the time your go against groups of twos or groups of threes and your team will most likely not be a team full of solo players as well. Crucible is actually extremely fun if you play as a team, but if you play solo it can feel like hell. Also why is there no option in these game to choose your game type, I miss being able to just play control and avoid the other game modes.

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  • I don't care for for crucible, but if I have to play it I just shadow someone and I do just fine.

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  • Like it or not, THIS IS PRIMARY ONLY PvP!! With no sticky grenades and special weapons to throw monkey wrenches into things, it's pure volume of firepower. The group beats the individual, and none of the group die so they can keep doing it over and over. The only way the individual has any chance is following the players he was matched with, to counter teamshooting with teamshooting.

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  • It really is a large issue that needs to be addressed. Most of my games have been against full fireteams and its almost a guaranteed loss

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  • I've had no issues at all so far and I solo queue quite often. In fact, I actually went 32:0 against a team with a 3 man fireteam and 1 solo guy yesterday. I'm not trying to brag, I'm not trying to argue with you. Maybe you're just having some really bad luck though.

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  • I played a few games solo and it was ok. Better then I thought it be.

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  • They tried explaining this awhile back how the kill times are longer meaning alot of the kills would to be assit kills in which case teams would have to stick together in order to take someone down now theres the difference between catching someone of guard and 1v1 between players because its objective based and the game just came out a lot of the pvp sweats that played in in D1 are pretty much either grinding up there KD or just farming in general, trust me if anything bungie will have to add a solo queue like they did in D1 but in D1 it was random on weekly playlist if enough cries are heard then bungie will most likely add it

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  • I've only played like 3 games but played a lot in the beta. All u gotta do is stay close to another a teammate and you're fine. Everyone's pants is in a knot because you're not running around like cod

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    4 Replies
    • I only play solo, win almost every game and am always #1 on the scoreboard. Learn to play as a team, and get better, that's all there is to it.

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      • People ran into the same complain during 6v6 in D1....

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      • I play solo and it's fine for me. Win some, lose some. But then again it's a video game and I treat it as such. Not that important to me.

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      • done the shax's quest now you wont catch me in that shit show again constant 2 or 3 on 1 me being the 1 -blam!- pvp i really thought bungie would of massively improved it from d1 but it fills backwards and cheap compared to d1's pvp

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      • I thought that crucible would be awful from the beta, and it is.

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      • if you need people to play with, Join my clan ? message me, anyone is welcome by the way

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      • OP obviously didn't play D1 crucible, it's exactly the same. Make a clan, get a mic and make some friends.

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        4 Replies
        • Yep

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        • If only solo players used the voice channel that is built into the game...

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        • Join a clan mate that's what the whole clan thing is for :)

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        • If your team splits up in the first few seconds back out before you waste any more time.

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        • Competitive is more difficult solo, particularly survival. It also sucks that another player can't join if it's 3v4. You're fūcked in that case.

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        • I think I might stick with D2 for PvE. I think I might stick with D1 for PvP.

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          1 Reply
          • Pvp is horrible, its not that I am doing bad tbh I got we ran out medals and unbroken first match I played but I am just not enjoying it... Its boring and slow, 1v1s take forever to finish and if you dont have you bffs to be close to you and hold your balls in every gunfight you are pretty much screwed. D1 didnt take much skill but D2 takes even less...

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          • Hopefully in the near future bungie will make a solo playlist to cater towards solo players in the crucible because even while sticking by teammates you can't beat a coordinated enemy.

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          • OP, I have to say I disagree. Don’t speak for every other solo player because not everyone’s the same. I’ve had absolutely no difficulty in quickplay because I know how Destiny works and the beta has introduced me to the new mechanics in the game. Competitive is probably where you’re having trouble but like other people who have posted on here, just play carefully. In solo competitive you have to play extremely conservatively if you want to succeed. If teammates aren’t sticking together [i][b]stick with them.[/b][/i] But if competitive really is the worst place to go solo, why don’t you just use the various resources to find a group? There are websites, there’s an LFG on the companion app, an LFG on some consoles, it’s not as hard to find a group to play with.

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            • Preface: I'm not the best crucible player, no 1%er here, but I'm better than average (1.65kd/ through 60 matches mostly solo in D2.) During the D2 beta I quickly found that I cannot run into engagements where I'm outnumbered and rely on a crispy stick and a three tap from a HC. The time to kill (ttk) is just too long and I would generally get turned on and get one kill out of two... not helping my kd and certainly not helping my team. What I have found to work is trying to back up my teammates. You have to read the flow of the game and try and keep track of where your team is and where the enemy is and is going to be. Without communication it can be difficult but you can gain insight based on experience and patterns (this honestly just develops from playing way too much :)) The thing that I have found to work best is to follow a teammate and look for his engagements and simply back him up from another angle that the enemy doesn't expect. If you run around solo trying to execute your own plan which no one else is following all you're going to accomplish is getting team shot and at best a trade. This can be difficult for me to do as when I play in a team I'm generally the shot caller. Every group needs someone to rally the objective and keep everyone positive and that's the role I try to fill in team play (the positiveness is a work in progress (:). Keep in mind that your teammates are not always going to intuitively do what you think is the next right move. They're not always going to want to take B. If I'm not getting help capturing objectives and continually get wrecked trying to do so then I just go with the flow and stay by my team and back them up. I may not always win that way but at least I'm not forming bad enagagement habits like I would be running to my death over and over in outnumbered situations. When these games come up for me I have to change my mindset from one of trying to win the game to one of trying to personally improve my gameplay. Hope some of that makes a little sense and helps you in some way! See you out there guardian! Jvdged

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              2 Replies
              • PvP is utter dogshit right now and there`s no other words for it unfortunately

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                • You're right, all those saying 'I do alright ' are nothing more than braggarts and missing the point. The game needs a solo mode.

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