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10/14/2016 4:29:03 AM

Primary weapons need to be buffed

I honestly only get killed by four weapons. -high rof pulse rifles -The Last Word -shotguns -snipers High rof pulse rifles cause massive flinch, and also have a quick ttk. When TLW bullets decide to register, it's probably the best primary in the game. Shotgunners have a ton of tools at their disposal to make them a nightmare to deal with. (Titan skating, No Backup Plans, Juggernaut, Stormcaller melee, invisibility) Snipers are a one hit kill weapon, but they have unlimited range. Why wouldn't you use one? Conclusion: Primaries were powerful in year one, but now they're only good for taking down your opponents shield before they shotgun/snipe you. I don't want a Call of Duty type Crucible where it's about who gets the first shot off, but I want primary weapons to be the [u]primary[/u] source of kills.

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  • Shotguns and Snipers are fine. For the most part, weapons are balanced in Destiny. There are some outliers like Last Word and Mida Multi Tool. Right now, Pulse a Rifles are a train wreck. Here's what needs to happen. High Impact Pulse Rifles need a buff to be able to kill in two bursts of Headshots, but have slightly reduced ROF to compensate. Low Impact Pulse Rifles need a impact reduction to make them kill in 4 bursts of Headshots. They have very fast TTK's and are way too effective. They need to be brought to a four burst to match TTK values of other primary weapons. Last Word is a High ROF Hand Cannon with the Impact of a Medium ROF. It can kill in 3 Headshots but fires bullets about 2x faster than Medium RoF Hand Cannons. It needs to either be brought to a Medium RoF, or the Impact needs to be reduced to High ROF standards with 3 Headshots and 1 body or 5 body. If this is in effect, the mag size needs to be increased to 10 or 11 rounds to compensate. This would put Last Word back into its archetype. I just balanced Destiny for you.

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    27 Replies
    • Edited by Xii Alpha iiXx: 10/15/2016 9:16:24 PM
      I agree but not absolutely. In this meta there is no reason or advantage to use a sniper when every weapon even outside of its intended range pervents any accurate shooting on a weapon that can only be fired accurately when scoped. The ease of challenging a sniper at any range is joke. Specially since the stats showed people used shottys double to triple the percentage before the recent change to snipers. (Even in ToO the sniper/shotty battle was more dependant on map then anything else. The numbers clearly show this but the basis blinded people to fact.) With that said, the special weapon meta has been going on for a very long time. The reason for this are a highly mobile, agile style of play mixed with in with slow primary kill times creates the need for one hit weapons like shottys and snipers. I keep on seeing people say faster Ttk would just be cod. That is wrong. It's not an opinion it's flat out wrong. Year 1 had kill times at .26. CoD kill times are actually faster than that breaching around .2 seconds. Even when kill times were .26 this game couldn't be more different than CoD. The only similarity is it being a first person shooter. I do not want .26 kill times. Having kill times .5 to .7 would be much reasonable. Those kill times are only on the absolute spectrum. Very few engagements actually involve pure headshots. There are many variables that actually make those engagements last .1 to .3 so .5 would actually be .8. Since kill times are already .8 the actually engagement may last 1.1 seconds.....that's so long.

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    • If you buff primaries it will be CoD. Special ammo is still to rampant.

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    • Edited by DOOM 02: 10/15/2016 7:52:53 AM
      Watch coolguys video on pulse rifle range. You will be shocked at what you will see. Fast RoF pulses are broken and his video proves it.

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      5 Replies
      • Primary weapons to be primary source. Let's see. All I see in crucible is... 1. Trials Pulse 2. Iron Banner pulse 3. The Waltz 4. Eyasluna 5. Palindrome 6. Mida 7. Last Word 8. Hawksaw 9. Grasp They get most of the kills. While I see the guy with shotty getting gunned down twice before he gets a kill then immediately get gunned down after that kill...

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      • Bungie trolls the community. They really do not care about the state of pvp that much. They will never fix the problems that pvp has. Pvp, and in some ways PvE, is set up for anybody to play and be good. Shotguns should have zero range. It should be a second option not a first. Snipers should flinch. Every hot should throw your aim off and critical should do more. Another thing, the community would absolutely flip if they couldn't run a shotgun for a reliable one shot kill from decent range, or stay hard stopped and snipe. The coming year dosent want to buff primary school, it's just a reason to complain.

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      • To answer why you wouldn't want to use a sniper shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun And shotguns

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      • Edited by OOOOF: 10/15/2016 9:10:25 AM
        YES Increase hand cannon accuracy allowing to "spam" shots and eliminate ghost bullets Increase pulse rifle damage, less damage increase than others on grasp of malok archetype ( return to pre-december update) Increase auto rilfe damage Scout rifles are still usable from a distance DON'T NERF PRIMARY WEAPONS ANYMORE BUNGIE PLESE, IF SOMETHING IS UNDERUSED BUFF IT, INSTEAD OF NERFING EVERYTHING ELSE

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      • Make "small arms" the default damage.

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        1 Reply
        • Preach... I wish the time to kill was slightly faster... but with the current time to kill if you're not hitting headshots.. the skill gap needs to be wider than it is now.

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        • It's because you have a moron that wants to slow down the time to kill and give us 20 shots with shotgun or sniper in a round if you pay attention to boxes. They still haven't fixed auto rifles after 6-7 patches and lied to everyone saying the 7.2 percent increase wasn't needed when it's said and done it will be around 7 percent most likely.

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        • Last Word needs abosultely no buff. Its still just as broken as ever and really should be reclassified as a special weapon sidearm not a HC. Onto primaries the main issue is the fact you can slide with a shotgun without even having any forward momentum. Just make it were you have to run for a second before you can slide please.

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        • It's the meta dude. Just use the weapons that others are using that as simple as that

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        • Everyone can have the said guns. Why don't you use it if you think they are OP. I have all those guns..but I don't use them. You will get killed in PvP anyway...stop complaining every gun that killed you when You don't like to use it. Every nerf will effect PVE...!!

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          • High ROF Pulse Rifles - I agree with you here, there is no reason why they cause flinch. They should be reflective of low impact guns of other classes like auto rifles. There's virtually no tradeoff between damage, range, rate of fire and flinch ability. They need to reduce the effectiveness of these pulses to shorter ranges. I find it ludicrous that sometimes you get taken out across the map with a pulse when you're using a scout rifle. I was playing a nightfall last night with a hawksaw user and he said the damage dropoff is virtually non-existent (like he get 26 per shot closeup and 24 at range). The last word - The gun is very powerful but easy to counter. I never get killed by it if I am at the appropriate range. I used MIDA primarily and never get killed by TLW unless they are able to close the distance. Shotguns - Again they are easily handled at the appropriate range. Use a scout, a shotgun yourself, sidearm or fusion. It is annoying sometimes when a juggernaut titan closes the distance, but it's your own fault for not burning them down when they are at distance. Snipers - Sniping does take skill, just don't stand still in snipe lanes. Every FPS sniper headshots are one-hit kills. Either snipe back or keep moving. Simple as that.

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          • You've named 3 whole categories of weapons - hardly surprising you get killed a lot as that's almost half the weapon type

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            5 Replies
            • Edited by TheArtist: 10/14/2016 11:33:27 AM
              No doubt. I've been saying for over a year that primaries in the game are underpowered, but I got a lesson last night in just HOW underpowered they are. Was doing this weeks Shaxx bounty, and part of it requires you to get 50 primary kills in Clash. But for some reason I kept getting dropped (despite an K/D of 1.08) in the Tryhard Division. Trials Emblems. Weapons and armor everywhere. ..and let me tell you. When you go up against players that good, is when you really start to see how inadequate the game's primaries are. ...and how difficult it can be in this game to kill a good player with a primary weapon. They can close on you so fast, that you're primary is absolutely not up to the task of taking them down. If you successfully flank someone, half the time the prolonged TTK gives them plenty of time to simply run away. So what happens is that people just basically use their primaries to team shoot opponents....but use snipers, shotties and other special weapons and abilities for the 1v1s. In one match I went 2-and-13 (and just barely managed to avoid going full-tilt).....and I think I died to a primary weapon TWICE the entire match. Everything was shotguns, snipers, and supers. Half of the damn deaths were to supers alone. Yeah, lots of opportunity to for "interesting counterplay" there.

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              12 Replies
              • I can deal with titan juggernaut, but the stormcaller melee definitely needs to be looked at. It's the cheapest melee in the game as of right now. In my opinion I think the stormcaller melee should have a damage falloff depending on high far away the enemy is. I feel it's too easy to get a kill with it from 10-15 feet away. Right when you think you can turn the corner and live and "BAM!!!" melee to the back from 10 feet away.

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                4 Replies
                • Edited by JungleofTaxemes: 10/14/2016 11:28:10 AM
                  Bump. Autos need to do 1.5x the damage they do on a headshot instead of the 1.25x they do now. That is, if an auto did 10 damage to the body, it would do 12.5 damage on a headshot currently. All other primaries in the game do 15 on a headshot if they do 10 on a body. This needs fixing. Autos will forever be bad weapons like this, because they cannot buff the optimal TTK without making it very easy to hit near it- because you are punished less for hitting bodies with an auto than all other weapons. So they aren't worth using for anyone except those without thumbs. If you buff them like I said (and nerf the doctrine bodyshot damage by 1-2 points, and probably spinning up), then: This makes them kill just a tiny bit faster than a HC if you hit all crit, which is where they should be- an auto user has to expose themselves to do good DPS, but a HC user can dip in and out of cover. We can then buff HC accuracy because they wouldn't automatically be the best ptrimary, but they'd feel fun again! By making HCs harder to use, but actually mkaing them good again, we will have a diverse meta at every point except for 1% min maxer players. That's the best you can do for an FPS. When you buff autos and give HC accuracy back, pulses except the grasp/clever dragon should be buffed to 2.0 levels of damage. Then primaries will actually kill people, but it won't actually be much faster at all in theory. Like 0.05s faster than a HC user can kill you in now. Give Thorn its crispiness back but take away its impact increasing barrel mods, so it's really hard to use (you would need 2-3 headshots instead of 1-2). Give TLW its hip fire crispiness back but completely remove fan fire while you ADS, so it fires only as fast as thorn can while ADS but with shit range. Then the gun is unique again but it will be MUCH easier to outposition them. Right now, fan fire, that gives it crazy ROF AND full auto, works while aiming. And that's why they are scared to buff HCs, along with hawkmoon. This is the baseline we need to keep up with the mobility and abilities and specials in this game., Primaries should be a strict MAJORITY, not PLURALITY, of kills, in all playlists except supremacy.

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                  2 Replies
                  • 10% buff to primaries aim asist 5%buff to primary range Increase the damage:impact ratio Shotguns increse damage, increese shotgun spread Create a impact:flinch ratio instead of dps:flintch ratio Take bloom out of hand cannons Increse damage to all primaries 1.5% Increse handling to all primaries 1.5%

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                  • Bump

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                  • When most people run around with specials and treat them as primaries, then we have a problem. And that problem has been apparent since the beginning. The ammo nerf hardly affected specials in PvP, since PvPers still run around with specials. PvE got the shaft again. Primaries need to be used primarily, and specials should be used for special situations.

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                  • Edited by Psalm: 10/14/2016 5:01:01 PM
                    They cant buff damage on anything unless they rework every weapon class. I personally think that scouts are fine ,pulses need a flinch reduction and a slight damage buff(1 or 2), autos need an extra 1 or 2 damage per shot and a slight flinch reduction while using high caliber rounds, and hand cannons need to have 100% accuracy at all times. No more bloom, no no more rng accuracy. Feel free to disagree with me but I've played enough crucible to know whats up. #yearonemetaisthebestmeta

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                    1 Reply
                    • Thank you! Primaries have been nerfed in to ground slowly over past year. High rof pulses are useless, autos are still a joke. Only weapons i think are just fine are scout rifles. Im so tired of people calling for shotty nerf. Shottys are everywhere in supremecy because its close quarters game mode. I see more fusions and sidearms in other playlists. Sniping and camping till cows come home is still a thing in trials.

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                      7 Replies
                      • bump

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                      • yes! plese buff the primaries, i miss the ol days when suros was a 5 shot kill. Back when primaries were the go-to weapons in pvp. Its because they nerfed everything atleast once already.

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