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originally posted in: Primary weapons need to be buffed
10/14/2016 2:58:10 PM
Shotguns and Snipers are fine. For the most part, weapons are balanced in Destiny. There are some outliers like Last Word and Mida Multi Tool. Right now, Pulse a Rifles are a train wreck. Here's what needs to happen. High Impact Pulse Rifles need a buff to be able to kill in two bursts of Headshots, but have slightly reduced ROF to compensate. Low Impact Pulse Rifles need a impact reduction to make them kill in 4 bursts of Headshots. They have very fast TTK's and are way too effective. They need to be brought to a four burst to match TTK values of other primary weapons. Last Word is a High ROF Hand Cannon with the Impact of a Medium ROF. It can kill in 3 Headshots but fires bullets about 2x faster than Medium RoF Hand Cannons. It needs to either be brought to a Medium RoF, or the Impact needs to be reduced to High ROF standards with 3 Headshots and 1 body or 5 body. If this is in effect, the mag size needs to be increased to 10 or 11 rounds to compensate. This would put Last Word back into its archetype. I just balanced Destiny for you.

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  • There is 3 different RoF type handcannons Thorn, Last word etc. is fast RoF Hawkmoon, imago loop etc. mid RoF The First Curse, Ill will etc. low RoF All fast RoF handcannons 3 shot to the head, last word is not only one and The last word shoots faster because it has exotic perk fanfire that allows it to shoot faster than any other handcannon, same thing with 4th horseman that shoots faster than any other shotgun because of its exotic perk U can see their stats on links below And here u can see all hand cannons if u want to look them closer

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  • High RoF: Last Word Medium RoF: Thorn Zaouli's Bane Hawkmoon Low RoF: Eyasluna Finala's Peril Imagine Loop First Curse That's your three right there.

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  • Omg did u even look those links? U are so wrong

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  • Forgot high impact autos

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  • We need buff's to all primar'es. Your suggestion will only increase special usage. We've been there after year 1. That shit doesn't work. Primaries are way too weak now and they all need to be buffed. Destiny Primary Time to kill must be reduced below 1 sec. Otherwise Secondaries will always dominate the game.

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  • You sir, speak amazing words of wisdom. Please keep posting on these forums and hopefully bungie will see.

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  • Swap bullet spread from LOW rof pulses with HIGH rof pulses and you pretty much balance that weapon class amongst itself. High ROF pulses should not cross map you with a tight grouping it is beyond stupid when a spammy weapon is that accurate.

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  • Edited by Pengu: 10/14/2016 10:45:11 PM
    Tlw needs to have the highest range drop off of them all. Mid range 5 head shot kill, long range 6 head shot kill, close range 3 headshot kill. The jump so it feels vastly different at range

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  • Edited by AchillesLapsus: 10/14/2016 5:35:47 PM
    Have you ever even used the last word or what? It hits for 75 to the head... eyasaluna hits for 86... is math hard for you or what? The only time TLW gets anywhere near close to that is if you put on aggressive ballistics. Which isn't worth it due to bloom/ghost bullets. It's been nerfed into the ground already... if anything it needs to be buffed back up. The gun is just not consistent enough to warrant any more nerfs to it. If they need it again they honestly might as well take it out of the game completely.

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  • Eyasluna is a Low ROF / High Impact Hand Cannon, not a Medium ROF / Medium Impact. If you want to compare Impact, do it with something like Zaouli's Bane or Thorn.

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  • Edited by AchillesLapsus: 10/14/2016 6:06:21 PM
    Thorn is in the EXACT same archetype as TLW... do you even know what you're talking about?! Eyasaluna is in the MEDIUM archetype... ill will is the low rate high impact... there are only three archetypes for HCs...

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  • Go check the stats bro. High ROF consists of Last Word Medium ROF consists of Thorn and Zaouli's Bane. Low ROF consists of Eyasluna, First Curse, Imago Loop. That's the three archetypes. Always been this way. Last Word is a High ROF Hand Cannon that does the same damage as Medium ROF. That's why it's OP. It breaks the archetype. If you don't agree, then again, go check the stats. Why do you think Last Word has a TTK of .5 seconds?

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  • You clearly have no idea about the game you are playing :D

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  • You need to get your eyes checked... eyasaluna and hawkmoon are the medium rates.... they do 86 to the head... TLW and thorn... the EXACT same archetype... do 75 to the head... I mean do you have a TLW and thorn? Use R3 and compare them... they have the EXACT SAME rate of fire. Thorn has more impact... just do it. Check it out. You're a moron.

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  • You need to learn how to read. Eyasluna does that much damage because it's a High Impact / Low ROF. The next is Medium / Medium with Thorn. And then get your glasses on. LAST WORD HAS HIGH ROF AND STILL DOES MEDIUM IMPACT!!! Go check the ROF on Thorn and Last Word and compare. Here is a Video for you Thorn ROF: 3BPS Last Word ROF: 4BPS Is there not a difference in ROF? That's why they are different archetypes, because they fire at completely different speeds. Now back to Last Word. It fires that much faster but does the same damage. Why use Medium ROF Hand Cannons if you can pump out the damage faster with High ROF Hand Cannons. Last Word breaks the High ROF Archetype. That's why it's OP. Now please stop being a moron and use some common sense before you start throwing insults everywhere.

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  • They aren't different archetypes. You also have eyasaluna in the WRONG archetype. It is in the same MEDIUM category as hawkmoon. It's rate of fire is only faster due to fan fire. That is literally it. It does not do more damage per bullet. So I mean, honestly get over it. It fires faster and has the lowest range of any hand cannon with a mechanic in place that literally DEMANDS HCs to have max range to even be able to register bullets half the time and punishes you for firing them faster! It is not consistent. And it is not in its own category. Stop trying to make shit up.

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  • You need to sit down and play the game. Eyasluna is a High Impact Hand Cannon. It does the exact same damage as Hawkmoon, First Curse, and other High Impact Hand Cannons. They might slightly differ from gun to gun because they have slightly higher or lower ROF and Impact. That happens in literally every archetype of weapons. And no, Last Word isn't a Medium ROF Hand Cannon. It might have the stats of one, but look at what it does. It fires at almost exactly one bullet per second faster. That's not due to the slight fluctuation within an archetype. It's because it's in a completely different archetype. How many times in the past have stats for weapons been misplaced. There have been Weapons with mislabeled Mag Sizes. Even Eirene had the Impact of a High Impact Sniper, but still function like a Medium Impact Sniper. Just because it says it has the same Stats doesn't mean anything. It's how the weapons play out. If you are seriously thinking Last Word is fine, you need to go pick up a copy of CoD and find a crutch to use there. Here in Destiny, we want to have weapon balance.

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  • Edited by K1LRR: 10/16/2016 4:08:24 PM
    Nice troll attempt.

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  • How is this a Troll? It's literally just stating the facts. If you don't like how it is, that's on you, not me. Last Word is OP, that's just how it is. Always has. It has the Fastest TTK of any Primary and completely breaks an Archetype boundary. The same thing is happening with Pulse Rifles, all three take three bursts.

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  • My -blam!-ing god kid... you know why eyasaluna differs from first curse? ITS BECAUSE IT ISNT IN THE SAME GOD DAMN CATEGORY!!! Eyasaluna:86 to the head First Curse:94 to the head... Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT IN THE SSME ARCHETYPE. The Last Word is not in a category of its own just because you want it to be. It does not work that way. It is in the same archetype as thorn. I.E. High rate of fire hand cannon. Have you ever owned a shotty with the full auto perk? They fire faster with that perk on than others of the same fire rate archetype that don't have it on. This doesn't magically put them in a new category. I think you need to take your own advice and play the game yourself or maybe just learn to read stats? I dunno. But I'm done talking to you. You're wrong and that is that.

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  • Reading this conversation has been hilarious.

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  • Man that guy was just talking riiiiiiight out of his ass.

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  • Edited by Psalm: 10/14/2016 4:48:37 PM
    Last word is the least consistent weapon in the game right now. If you are consistently getting 3 tapped you are up against good opponents. If your keep you distance, last word is a joke of a primary compared to other hand cannons.

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  • MIDA is not overpowered. Its optimal time-to-kill is slightly above average and its bodyshot TtK is terrible. Its exotic perk is solid but not amazing and certainly not OP.

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  • But it has increased stats in every section. It's Range is very high It's Stability is very high It's Handling is very high It's Reload is very High. It's pretty much a High ROF Scout Rifle that can be used from Close to Far Ranges, doesn't have any recoil at all, reloads very fast, equips very fast, and also has the highest Aim Assist in the game causing bullets to Hit Scan through corners. On top of that, it has increased Movement Speed while ADS and Sprinting and then has Lightweight on top of that. You can pretty much sprint into any situation and come out on top because your weapon is ready first, and you don't have a problem with finding your range or controlling stability. How isn't this OP?

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