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9/25/2016 1:59:50 PM

On Black Lives Matter

How do you reduce the effectiveness of a movement or a thought without making it obvious that you're doing so? Use every media outlet you possibly can to portray everything about this movement in the most negative way you can, so that to support it is equivocated with insanity, savagery, and ignorance. Invite only 1 dimension of this movement to be seen, so it is easier to attack. Create the largest separation between supporters and opponents as you possibly can, so that compromise is not a valid option. I mean, shit, I want you to think about this for just a second. Don't jump to conclusions so quickly because that conclusion is apparently in agreement with your world view. Just give this a few minutes of thought. If you believe that the media is so powerful in influencing Hilary's popularity, if you believe that her position was only reached by manipulation of media, how the -blam!- are you not going to question the media's influence on situations like BLM? How? How are you going to tell me, that one opinion is a completely deceitful production of the media, but the other is a valid outlook on reality? Big Brother is watching, and you all look like fools to be spun by the "this is not propaganda" propaganda. The easiest way to control the ignorant and paranoid.

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  • I'm gonna start my own movement it'll be called "No Lives Matter"

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    5 Replies
    • [quote]Use every media outlet you possibly can to portray everything about this movement in the most negative way you can, so that to support it is equivocated with insanity, savagery, and ignorance.[/quote] ( BLM is founded on false premises. The media can spin riots any way they please, but a closer look at BLM's foundation shows that the movement [i]is[/i] ignorant.

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      38 Replies
      • The problem with BLM is not only the way they are portrayed in the media, it's also the way they portray themselves on their own media. They make lots of claims and many are simply stupid and blame everything on "state violence" Some examples from [quote]How Black poverty and genocide is state violence.[/quote] Genocide? Really? The only "genocide" I can see is what they are doing to themselves. (13% of the population commit 38% of murders and 98% are "Black on Black") [quote]How 2.8 million Black people are locked in cages in this country is state violence.[/quote] So Black criminals shouldn't be punished? [quote]How Black women bearing the burden of a relentless assault on our children and our families is state violence.[/quote] Ok, what?? [quote]How Black queer and trans folks bear a unique burden from a hetero-patriarchal society that disposes of us like garbage and simultaneously fetishizes us and profits off of us, and that is state violence.[/quote] Ok I'm done! [quote]How Black girls are used as negotiating chips during times of conflict and war.[/quote] Wait what? Hold up. The only time I can think this has happened is when Boko Harem, a Black Islamic terrorist group kidnapped some Black school girls in Nigeria, to use as leverage against a Black leadership.

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        2 Replies
        • So basically just cry and bitch about them on different Internet forums instead of being an adult and going to talk these things out someone face to face

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        • I won't deny that racism exists. The question is what can we do about it? Retrain the police? Yeah it would probably help but if we extend training times for police when not a whole lot of people go into the profession in the first place, this will probably lead to less cops which would equal more crime in the long run. Give black people immunity? This has actually been proposed and I shouldn't even need to explain why this is insane. Disarm the Police? While this would solve the problem, it would create a new one, more armed criminal acts. Police would never be able to stop an armed suspect. Look at videos of cops in the UK, it takes 50 people to take down 1 guy with a machete, that's -blam!-in sad and pathetic. Putting body cams on police? This is probably the only valid solution I've heard so far. But at the end of the day, shootings would still happen and the media would still paint the cop as a piece of shit. So in short there's no easy solution and therefore it will just continue to happen. Why because at the end of the day, it's not our problem. Stallcall has the actual solution (broken families, zero discipline and lack of respect for authority,) but nobody wants to take responsibility so I guess these shootings will continue

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        • Black lives matter is the most retarded movement. If you want to protest injustice, go to the city hall, get the proper permits to close a road, hold a parade and explain why you think injustice exists, and set up charities to make a difference. Don't go rioting and looting. You're losing all credibility by doing that. When a cop shoots a black guy it can't be the cops fault every time. Also why don't they focus on the issues that are in their community? Like the absurdly high homicide rates between blacks, for example. Why don't they focus on instilling the morals and values of MLKJ? Why not exercise non violence and civil disobedience like Rosa Parks? If there is systemic racism as they claim, then why not point to the laws that supposedly target them so we can fight it together?

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          4 Replies
          • Us Hispanics literally give no shi.ts whatsoever.

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            6 Replies
            • The mainstream media does everything it can to portray BLM in a positive light. They can't [i]not[/i] report on the riots, as much as BLM would want them not to (you know, the way they barely report on all of the recent wikileaks). However, their narrative has always been that cops and white people are bad. Social media is what has been shaping people's minds in a different way because that's where you actually see things like the recently released body cams and cell phone videos that the mainstream media would never show. You're completely off-base here, unless you're trolling. If so, then well done. Otherwise, continue following the mainstream media's narrative in that it's white people's fault that a black guy got shot by another black guy while protesting and rioting over a black cop shooting a black guy. -blam!-ing white people, right?

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              8 Replies
              • Are you ever not entierly correct?

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              • Too many big words :/

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                • Bad b8

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                • Yes because there is major police violence towards blacks, so much we need to get rid of a police force, or at least "rebuild" it. Oh wait, what? The proportions don't add up when you have 2x the amount of whites being killed by cops even though blacks commit over 50% of crimes? But I don't see white people rioting and protesting. Black lives Matter has the WRONG motives and is going about it the COMPLETE wrong way. All this is, is a giant race baiting movement to accomplish a political agenda, but what wasn't counted on was the backlash from average americans. Race relations were amazing before BLM. I wish it weren't this bad right now, but BLM is to blame. Who else led to the rise of the black Panthers? And the rioters? And the much higher police death toll this year? The only group I see at the root, BLM. You can see this, right?

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                  10 Replies
                  • Lolol, you think the media is against BLM.

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                    3 Replies
                    • I dindu nuffin

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                    • They were showing some BLM protests during the MEPS I was at this morning and some idiot from the navy got into trouble for wearing her uniform during the protest. Everybody there laughed at her. You know you've -blam!-ed up badly when pre-MEPS recruits laugh at you.

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                    • BLM is a bully organization of frustrated spoiled millennials and people looking for an anger outlet. It's a borderline terrorist organization that often spews hateful rhetoric and inspires murder on police officers. I have absolutely no love for BLM. They're an awful organization. I have no time, and no patience for a group of individuals who want to blame all of the problems that they think they may or may not be facing on some "boogeyman" called "white supremacy," or "systematic racism." Because they think it's much easier to blame something else for your problems, instead of maybe, [url=http://]the fact that blacks in this country commit an insanely high amount of crime.[/url]

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                      2 Replies
                      • If I was emperor I'd throw every one of them into the hottest, blackest cell at Guantanamo Bay. That would be s good start in my opinion.

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                      • Do I believe the whole organization is a sham? No. Do I think the ideology behind a lot of their "demands" are smart? No. The movement started out on emotion. With emotion comes the inability for understanding. The first step in any problem is identifying there is one. Rational discussion follows behind. This is the step the movement has left in the dark. Policing yourselves is a disingenuous statement. It's not even fathomable. Especially with the crime rate in black communities. In good conscience no one would allow this to happen. Nor should anyone want this to happen. An easy solution? Encourage more black youth to become police officers. Remove the stigma that the men in blue are the enemy. Garner interest from people of effected communities to participate in becoming the solution and not fueling the problem. An organized group is way more powerful than a mob of marching protesters. Take it from a group that knows. Us Jewish people.

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                      • Heh, 1984 reference

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                      • Are you trying to say blms not full of s***? To hell with the news, the media, the internet have you just talked to anyone claiming to be part of blm?

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                        3 Replies
                        • Everyone in the argument is wrong on some level, and so there isn't really a good side to choose. That being said, I think that of the two sides, the anti-BLM people seem more reasonable. They aren't burning down buildings and inciting race riots. I just wish that the protesters weren't violent. Look at people like MLK jr. He never threw a punch or asked his followers to. He made changes through diplomacy and speech, not with bricks and weapons. If these new wave people were like that, I'd support them. But they aren't.

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                          2 Replies
                          • If Martin Luther King, Jr. could how black people are behaving now, he'd die of an aneurysm.

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                            4 Replies
                            • Edited by Allah: 9/26/2016 11:49:51 AM
                              Great post. As a veteran psychologist who has noticed some of these trends too(by the way I'm brown but not brown enough that people call me black, they call me white, a lot of my friends are brown, or pink, or olive brown, and even grey brown, but I have no actual albino friends) I would like to agree. The media, by [i]hyping up[/i] all the riots, all the shootings, is completely overshadowing that there is a real problem where a disproportional number of "black" people are shot by police. The thing is that the media never delves deeper. They never bring up that they, the media, and I mean news, social media, television and movies, continuously portray young "black" men as violent and unable to be reasoned with. Then you have music that portrays all young "black" men as "thugs" and gangbangers which further propitiates the vision, role and stereotype that they desire for "black" men. But guess what? Not all black men are like that. A lot are just average guys doing extraordinary jobs like my friend Bradford that works with me to help children find homes, stay in their biological home, get therapy and get adopted. He's brown enough to be called "black" and he's not any of those things. And the unfortunate thing is that he [b]could[/b] be shot by a policeman by accident just because he reached for his registration from his glove compartment. As a society, we need to purge the media and Capitol Hill of these people that have the agenda of dividing us. They want us to fight amongst ourselves in order to distract us from them stealing from us or further enslaving us. All lives matter, black men, black cops, white culture vultures, Japanese business men, Russian ballerinas, white women, black women, everyone matters and the media is trying to force us to take sides in an issue that shouldn't have sides. We need to seriously take a look at why black men get shot by any color policeman. We need to take a serious look at why people are being manipulated to think that we shouldn't take a look. And most of all we need to take a look at the people running things and why they would incite riots and push for more violence, all the while creating a further divide and propitiating racism. We all are of one blood, let's stop spilling it for these puppet masters and start spilling their blood instead. The real purge 2016.

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                              19 Replies
                              • Isn't that what BLM does too, though? Disproportionately portray only extreme cases to prove their point? It seems to me that proponents of either side are sheep in their own right.

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                              • Isn't BLM that racist group in the USA that's like the opposite of KKK or whatever? I say if they don't like the way things are they can either [b]peacefully[/b] try to change whatever it is they are trying to change, or simply just go back to their ancestral countries where they will come to realize race isn't the problem. I'm so glad I don't live in the USA. They have so much violence and bullshit to deal with.

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                                13 Replies
                                • More edginess I'm very surprised

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