This is a non-profit project focused on scientific research. We are a group of academic researchers who study videogames and the player experience (some of us are also very passionate Destiny players). We are interested in understanding what motivates people to play Destiny, how they play and what they like and don’t like. Our goal is to generate knowledge that will ultimately lead to better experiences for players.
My name is Daniel Johnson and I’m the Director of the Games Research and Interaction Design Lab (CHI discipline) at QUT. I’m conducting research into people’s experience of video games. If you’d like to help me in this study I’m looking for people over 15 years of age, who have played, or are currently playing, Destiny, to complete a 15-20 minute online survey and supply their Gamertag/PSN ID. In return for your participation you could win a $100 Voucher (from
The survey is available at (there is further details about the survey and how to participate on the first page).
Please note that this study has been approved by the QUT Human Research Ethics Committee (approval number 1400000754).
Many thanks for your consideration of this request. Should you have any questions, please contact me via email. Please feel free to share this post with other people who you think might be interested in participating in the research.
(Thanks to Bungie for their permission to share these details with the Destiny Community on this forum).
Dr Daniel Johnson
Associate Professor, Director GRID Lab
Computer-Human Interaction Discipline
Queensland University of Technology
+61 7 3138 9263
Daredevil and Conquerer with the subclass popularity of 1.7%
Daredevil/Mastermind, only 1 percent of ppl like me, not even sure if that's a good combination, but I think so lol
Achiever and mastermind. 3.2% of the population
Seeker and Survivor 😃 Means I run away a lot 🙀
Edited by ABowlofCereal: 7/3/2016 5:21:29 AMSeeker and daredevil. I can agree to that. I basically explore,run everywhere, and find stuff.
This survey sounds likes trying to figure out if we're -blam!-ing addicts or something.
Seeker + Daredevil
Seems legitimate if anyone was curious not 100% sure though. Perhaps Cozmo or someone from Bungie could officially comment here and confirm/deny the legitimacy.
- come watch a couple of guys get triggered af
I stopped when I had to give you my gamertag. Seriously??
seeker and daredevil :P
Seeker and mastermind
Came up with error: "Target service not allowed" Perhaps blocked by our administrator
Conquer and daredevil
nice b8
Edited by V4L4KH: 7/2/2016 6:18:16 AMDone it. I'm kinda curious of the results, I mean I suppose your research is heavily oriented to the social part of gamers (being this a heavily "social" game), but I'm interested in the part of the obsessive/compulsive nature of gamers in this game, because the population sample is more diverse than the one you would encounter in a pure RPG (where O/C disorder is a core part of the gamer psyche) or a pure FPS (where anxiety disorders are more common), hope you put the results. Addendum - I got "Seeker" / "Mastermind" in the result, and a 4.7 of popularity, what does that number stand for?
gr8 b8 m8
Edited by AmidVillains: 6/30/2016 7:24:56 PMDestiny is an immersive 3D slot machine. People love gambling. Survey complete.
I'm a "[i]Daredevil[/i]" and an "[i]Achiever[/i]" when it comes to this survey. It says that there are 0.5% of people like me which seems pretty true. [quote]Daredevil - You like negotiating dizzying platforms or rushing around at high speed while you are still in control.[/quote] Seems pretty much on point. I glitch out of the world maps and play outside the maps. I jump from platforms to platforms to get to parts of the map that shouldn't be accessible. [quote]Achiever - You like collecting anything you can collect, and doing everything you possibly can.[/quote] This is is on point as well considering I've collected pretty much everything there is to collect in this game, at least when it comes to collectibles in your grimoire. I've found all 50 chests, all 50 calcified fragments, and all 103 dead ghosts (even though I've got 119 according to my grimoire, go check if you don't believe me).