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11/25/2015 1:50:54 AM

Crota: The bully that brought a knife to school, but cut up in a knife fight. Oryx: The angry dad that comes to the school and abducts young girls (f*cking creeper). Skolas: The bully that tries to unite a the bullies. Atheon: The silent kid that secretly kills people. Taniks: The homeless kid that gets beaten up every day. Valus: The kid that always wins in fights. Omnigul: The girl that Crota has a crush on. The Queen: The popular girl that everyone has a crush on. Rahool: The teacher that always gives failing grades. Xur: The drug dealer. Cayde: The teacher that doesn't give a shit and has fun with the class every day. Ikora: The teacher that emphasizes the importance of knawledge. Zavala: The AP Shaxx: The P.E. teacher. Variks: The teacher that oversees detention. Eva: That awesome art teacher. The Speaker: The principal. Sweeper Bot: The janitor that is actually a ninja on the side. Eris: The crazy religious teacher that is always relates every topic to Satan.

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