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Edited by An Engram Full Of Bees: 11/27/2015 3:07:25 AM
An Engram Full Of Bees
An Engram Full Of Bees

open me. old

Highschool at the Tower (Teachers part 1)

Since I got such good feedback on the first post, I decided to make another. I worked through some ideas and wrote a little bit about some of the teachers at the Tower High School (THS). This is all I had time for today, but I'll come up with the other teachers later. Enjoy! >[b][u]Cayde[/u][/b]: The cool teacher that everyone likes. Arrives late every day, half-drunk (even though he's an Exo) and after a hangover. Always enters by climbing in through the window. [spoiler][i]*Cayde pulls himself through the window and slowly stumbles over to his desk*[/i] [b]Cayde[/b]: Okie dokie now, everyone sit down and SHUT UP. [b]Stormcaller gir[/b]l: Mr. 6, Sunsinger threw up in the garbage can! [b]Cayde[/b]: Class, what did I tell you about throwing up in my room? [b]Class[/b] (yelling in unison): Always recycle. [b]Cayde[/b]: No, the OTHER thing. [b]Class[/b]: Beer before liquor, never been sicker. [b]Cayde[/b]: THAT'S RIGHT! *[i]Sunsinger walks up to Cayde's desk*[/i] [b]Cayde[/b]: Sunsinger, you're dripping green, bubbly stuff all over my desk and it smells like a Dreg's ass. [b]Sunsinger[/b]: Sorry Mr. 6, but the trash can is full. [i]*Cayde looks over and sees vomit overflowing out the sides*[/i] [b]Cayde[/b]: Sunny, do you know where Ms. Morn's ship is parked? [b]Sunsinger[/b] (in between gags): Yeah... Why? [i]*Cayde looks at Sunsinger*[/i] [i]*Sunsinger looks at Cayde*[/i] [b]Cayde[/b]: You know what to do.[/spoiler] >[b][u]Saladin[/u][/b]: Gym teacher and football coach (surprise surprise). [spoiler][i]*Students are playing dodgeball in the gym*[/i] [b]Saladin[/b]: ARE YOU TESTED YET, GUARDIANS?! [i]*Gunslinger kid gets hit in the crotch with a Nova Bomb and doubles over*[/i] [b]Gunslinger[/b]: Agh! Mr. Saladin, you said no supers! [b]Saladin[/b]: And? [b]Gunslinger[/b]: That stupid Voidwalker chick threw her Nova Bomb at me! [i]*Saladin walks up to the Gunslinger*[/i] [b]Saladin[/b]: Yes but I don't see a Nova Bomb, do I? I SEE A WEAK LITTLE MAGGOT WHO DRANK TOO MUCH OF MOMMY'S MILK THIS MORNING TO MAN THE F*CK UP! NOW GET BACK OUT THERE, BEFORE I HIT [i]YOU[/i] WITH A NOVA BOMB! [b]Gunslinger[/b]: But sir, you're a Titan. [b]Saladin[/b]: Look at my face. DO YOU SEE EVEN THE SLIGHTEST HINT OF A SINGLE F*CK GIVEN?! FIFTY LAPS! NOW! [b]Gunslinger[/b]: Yes, Mr. Saladin. [b]Saladin[/b]: That's [i]LORD[/i] Saladin to you! [i]*Gunslinger gets hit in the crotch again with another Nova Bomb on the way*[/i] [b]Saladin[/b]: Ah, I love this job.[/spoiler] >[b][u]Variks[/u][/b]: School principle. Nuff said. [spoiler][i]*Variks is sitting in his office when the Nightstalker boy walks in*[/i] [i]*Nightstalker sits down*[/i] [b]Variks[/b]: You are from Ikora's class, yesss? [b]Nightstalker[/b]: Yup. [b]Variks[/b]: And do you have anything to say? [b]Nightstalker[/b]: I'm sorry for putting a tether in Sunbreaker's locker. [b]Variks[/b]: And? [b]Nightstalker[/b]: And for turning Striker invisible when Ms. Rey was taking attendance. [b]Variks[/b]: Yesss? [b]Nightstalker[/b]: Look, just tell me what the punishment is so we can get this over with. [b]Variks[/b]: Punishment. Dismantle mines, yesss? [b]Nightstalker[/b]: Wait a minute, what? [i]*beeping sounds from beneath the Nightstalker kid's chair*[/i] [b]Nightstalker[/b]: Oh.[/spoiler] For all other Tower High posts, you can find em right here: [url=]Tower High Overview[/url]

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