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Edited by Wiki-GT11: 10/16/2015 7:05:07 AM

SUNSINGERS Unite! Why a Buff and some improvements would be Nice! - BUNGIE

[b]DISCLAIMER: I originally posted this in the Feedback area, but was quickly buried. I hope to have a better chance here.[/b] For over a year I've been playing as Sunsinger, primarily, and so I know its strengths and weaknesses. I know that Selfressing in normal Crucible is a joke but it's vital during T. Of Osiris and Raiding I also know that Sunburst, Brimstone and Solar Wind are all jokes for the most part. I, too, know that Discipline is our life force, Maxed out armor and recovery + HOTPF + Radiant Skin being the best super set up. [b]However I've come here to talk about how we can fix some unfair things with the class, and how to make a bit more reliable. Let's begin:[/b] I went into Mayhem Rumble the other day with my Sunsinger, I got Radiance charged, activated and It just felt so good and right to always have a grenade available , Scorch Melee, while not charging as fast as the 'nades, was there when needed. It all felt like this was the Intended way to use and play the Super. Then I realized that in Mayhem while on Radiance your Strenght and Discipline stats didn't matter at all! [b]TIER 5 DISCIPLINE AND STRENGTH COOLDOWN ONLY ON SUPER[/b] The Sunsinger is the only subclass that depends directly on DISCIPLINE & STRENGTH (mostly discipline) to make the super work properly, no other Super has this problem because they function independently of other Stats. So if for some reason you don't have Discipline focused armor... you have no super at all and your only benefit is increased armor. [u]Therefor I propose to bump up Discipline and Strength to TIER 5 only on Super, If you happen to have equipped the HOTPF the cooldown will be faster, just like it is now. You should be able to throw 10-12 grenades and have 3 Scorch melees each time you're on Radiance, you shall no longer suffer inconsistencies due to poor stats. [/u] [b]SONG OF FLAME AND ITS SUPPORT POTENTIAL[/b] Right now it is a waste of a talent and it's the only Support-oriented one that could actually work, so it needs fixing. [u]Song of Flame now fastens your allies' abilities cooldown to TIER 4 and provides them with a Slight buff to armor, notice I said Slight.[/u] [b]GRENADES TRAVEL FASTER WHILE ON SUPER[/b] This is one is simple, your [u]Grenades will travel faster while on Radiance.[/u] [b]SUNBURST[/b] So far it's useless, it has nothing over Viking Funeral or Radiant Will, plus It won't always generate orbs. So I'd do this (if you have Ideas for this one, share them) [u]OPTION 1 - Sunburst can (randomly) spawn orbs on melee kills (Scorch) and enemies that come near you while on super are ignited OPTION 2 - Scorch randomly generates orbs, allies in proximity while on Super will have their health regen[/u] [b]BRIMSTONE[/b] Interesting skill and It's fun to use, however it shouldn't be triggered (right now if the enemy doesn't have low health you just ignite them) on hit. [u]Make it work like the Defender's force barrier; Melee is charged but won't be used until the last hit that kills the enemy, explosion ignites enemies (It currently doesn't).[/u] [b]SOLAR WIND[/b] Besides being good for trolling and pushing teammates off cliffs I've thought of ways to make it combat-worthy [u]After hitting an enemy with Solar wind, they're pushed back at greater speed and distance (possibility of extra damage if they hit something too strong eg, walls) and you are granted with a temporal boost to weapon readiness and handling[/u] [b]FIREBORN[/b] [u]Enemy players won't longer be notified when a Sunsinger Selfresses. Ever wondered why it's a joke to use Fireborn in Crucible? Because the whole game knows we just did! There's no element of surprise at all, which is much needed. Fireborn is supposed to be an unexpected tactic for the enemy let's make it so by NOT GIVING ANY WARNINGS![/u] [b]Thanks for reading, leave your comments. If you feel like some of the older subclasses need some improvements write a post too![/b]

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  • Edited by Soul_Eater_42: 10/17/2015 12:56:13 AM
    I myself had been thinking about that. Ways to buff certain perks to make the old subclasses more viable. Gunslinger: Have Keyhole or Deadeye provide the additional effect of bonus Precision damage with Golden Gun. Have Knife Juggler provide bonus damage to the next Throwing Knife for a limited time. Have enemies killed by Combustion chain it to other nearby enemies. Voidwalker: Increase the effectiveness of Angry Magic's tracking, and have Lance release a delayed Void Pulse after the initial impact. Give Vortex Mastery the additional effect of providing Scatter Grenades with tracking similar to the Nothing Manacles' perk, but to a lesser extent. Bladedancer: Have Encore provide an additional effect of bonus damage and an agility increase after Arc Blade kills (Agility increase is stackable up to 3 times). Have Razor's Edge fan out a bit more rather than just traveling in a straight line. Give Razor's Edge an additional effect that if used in the air , you instead throw your Blade, impaling an enemy, or the ground, and releasing Arc Lighting that strikes nearby enemies. Sunsinger: Have Song of Flame provide additional Recovery for you and your allies along with a slight increase in the overall cooldown speed, but to a lesser extent than Heart of the Praxic Fire's. Have Solar Wind provide an AoE effect that damages and pushes back surrounding enemies (about 2-4 times further than it currently can, which isn't much at all) rather than just the one enemy. Increase Brimstone's explosive damage a bit and its effect chain to nearby enemies that are killed by its explosion. Give bonus accuracy when using Angel of Light. Striker: Have Death from Above give a slight bonus damage and increased radius to Fist of Havoc the higher up in the air you are upon activating it. Have Shockwave unleash 3 waves that fan out rather than just one that goes in a straight line. Have Overload give bonus damage for a short time to the next Storm Fist when it successfully recharges it. Defender: Have Armor of Light grant increased Recovery when passing through it in addition to its usual effect. Have Gift of Light give bonus melee damage in addition to its usual effect. Have Bastion increase the strength of Ward of Dawn in addition to its duration increase.

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