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Edited by EcKo_ThUnDeR: 7/26/2015 8:10:43 PM

If Year 1 Guns Become Non-Upgradable





If Bungie and Activi$ion announce that year one legendaries and exotics will not have a upgrade path, will you continue to play destiny? Edit 1: For those who would stay... Imagine having to completely replace your exotic armory. Every exotic would be useless except for PvP. Edit 2: We are trending! :D Edit 3: We Broke 1,000! This is my biggest post yet! Thank you all for your input!

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  • That would be kinda funny if they left year 1 exotics behind Bungie: "hey Xbox users, you finally have access to those PS exclusive exotics now!"

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  • Edited by Rastifariandude: 7/25/2015 1:40:01 PM
    They have to keep the exotics able to be maxed, other wise the nerfs and buffs to hard light/IB/gjally will be redundant in year 2.

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  • Idc about legendaries but they better keep carrying the exotics.

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  • Edited by Ganymedes_Aris: 7/25/2015 1:20:48 PM
    The only gun I hope they carry over if they make other guns redundant is the Gally because whoever has one worked very hard to get it!!

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    4 Replies
    • After all the vault space excuses and their "We want your weapons to have a story" party line, I certainly hope they'll stay consistent and keep them current. ...but it wouldn't surprise me if they flip flopped and pushed the TTK weapons instead.

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      • Exotics Should ALWAYS be available to upgrade to max. Legendaries I'm not sure about. Making them obsolete makes running VoG pointless unless they change the rewards, plus there are some legendaries I'd love to use but really can't atm cause their weapon class got shat on (Summoner, Wolfslayer's Claw). That said, legendaries are changing. Bungie themselves have even said that they want new weapons to have "tradeoff" perks rather than perks that only buff the weapon's stats. And to be honest, I am kinda sick of seeing the Fatebringer everywhere though I love using it. I do, however have a possible solution for legendaries. Since Bungie seems to make raid weapons top tier legendaries anyways, they could add a relatively rare drop (for all raids) that can be used like etheric light to max out a weapon or (perhaps just raid weapons?) and TTK weapons would of course come already at max dmg. This would push players toward TTK weapons but still leave older ones as potential options. Exotics and armor though should be much easier to max.

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      • I'm all for change, and I am ready for the new grind. Really can't wrap my head around the countless hours that I have spent in this game grinding for gear through bs RNG will have been for nothing and I have to start over from scratch. I would have no problem clearing out my vault to add items if they were better and/or more fun to use than my current ones, but I guess this will be forced upon us whether they are more satisfying or not. Two dlc's and only a handful of weapons can compete with vanilla destiny makes me skeptical. I'll give it a chance don't get me wrong, but I just don't see myself putting in the hours on year 2 if everything that I obtain will be irrelevant in year 3. I understand the evolution of games and change is a part of it, but the thought of every legendary that I grinded for being completely irrelevant in the future sucks. My two cents...

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        Legendary guns I'm okay with but exotics should always be upgrade able to the next attak level

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      • I kind of do want them to make our current legendaries obsolete. I want new variety, but with the way they are changing weapons the new ones will not be as effective as the vanilla gear.

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      • So, all you people leaving, let me ask you a question. Why play a game like this? Literally you could shrink this down to questlines or a strike. You had to replace armor/weapons and even abilities as you leveled up to max your character/subclass. So, why all the nonsensical, pouty faced comments when your faced with doing the same exact thing on a slightly larger scale? All I keep seeing is people saying the last year would equate to a huge waste of time if their current weapons become obsolete. 1) Gaming is a waste of time 2) It allowed you to grow your relative power 3) You happily dropped that green weapon for a blue while leveling up. What's the difference? I just don't get your thought process. Have none of you ever played a rpg in your life? Are you all pure consolers who were never exposed to this kind of progression? None of you would have lasted past 1 expansion in a true MMO where this is the rule rather than the exception.

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        23 Replies
        • Edited by zOmgLynn: 7/25/2015 1:09:16 PM
          The exotics make sense to [b]always be ascendable[/b]. [b]Year One[/b] legendary weapons should become obsolete. Time to move on. Using [b]Fatebringer for 10yrs[/b] sounds boring.

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          • I don't want thorn to be upgradable. Screw that piece of unskilled waste

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          • I will be upset if year one weapons aren't upgradeable when ttk drops but I will not leave. It will give me a new reason to empty my vault and start over.

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          • I guess we would just start collecting new guns. Think of the opportunities we would have to pass on Xur when he offers the next future "God-like" gun that we decided wasn't worth the coins at the time. And like Ghorn, months later everyone will have stories about failing to purchase that gun and regretting it dearly. I also doubt that all current exotics (guns in particular) will become obsolete if they don't upgrade. For many players, even a 365 damage exotic gun will still be serviceable. Then again, we can speculate all we want, but time will tell. Personally, I would be happy to begin collecting a wide variety of new legendary and exotic gear. I just hope the breath and scope of these items will be wide enough to give us a wealth of new gear to make the eventual grind worth the effort.

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            So what should they do? I don't think I've used one weapon from the house of wolves. How boring is TTK going to be if that's the same, it'll be over in weeks. Yes getting the best gear and weapons was a grind but getting to 34 and level 365 weapons in a day was a joke.

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            • That was the case and the upgrades came later for legendary. It gets you on the new guns then your favorites can come back later.

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            • The conundrum Bungie have to solve is if they make the guns unupgradeable and useless for the future. They then make the content played to obtain them pointless even for new players.

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            • That will be bullshit. Why would they do that? What about new people who maybe just got the game a few weeks ago or maybe a month or two ago? They grind to get new weapons and they are taken away? Why would anyone even bother to play the game now? Why do raids ? What for ?

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              6 Replies
              • I'm ok with legendary but not exotics.

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              • I'm cool with leaving behind our legendary guns, but not our armor. And our exotics will be upgradable, unless bungie wants to troll all xbox users and say, "Hey, here are the ps exclusives Hawkmoon, Monte Carlo and Fourth Horseman, but they only go up to 365 damage. Have fun using them in patrol."

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              • Year one legendary weapons will most likely not upgrade past year one damage models. It's clear that bungie wants to phase out this weapons especially core game weapons. Soon Shadow Price, The Devil You Know, Zombie Apocolypse and many others Wil be nothing more than stories seasoned guardians tell their kindergaurdians.

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              • I am pretty sure exotics will be upgradeable, maybe even raid guns. Why would they go to the trouble of making this big list of exotics that they are balancing/nerfing and then have them be useless? Same with the black hammer, why nerf it if it is going to be obsolete anyhow? Either way I honestly didn't expect to use the same guns for 10 years. I just hope that the new guns can measure up. The dark below and house of wolves guns were average at best, garbage at worst "cough" necrochasm "cough". Hopefully the new look guns will make us want to use them over the guns we have, upgraded or not. That is how it is supposed to be, better guns come out and you upgrade. If they get rid of exotics and raid guns it will be dark below all over again and people will freak out and bungie will have to do something in the next dlc anyways lol.

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              • What would be the point of releasing the original game and all DLC with the TTK if only new weapons mattered? What is the incentive for new players to go back and run the old raids, and the prison of elders if everything they get is useless. I felt that was one of the strongest parts of HOW, it encouraged many plAyers to go back and run raids to get the weapons they had not dropped. I would hope that our current 365 arsenal is good enough to beat the new raid on normal when it is released, and then the raid gear/drops will be better for the hard level when released (just like in the past). This would force guardians to play with new weapons, but I would hope by then end of year two there is some type of etheric light system that allows us to upgrade any guns/weapons to max. After having two years worth of content to choose from, we should see plenty of variety in load outs and appearance.

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              • exotics will always be able to cap out at the highest attack value, year 1 or not, they're exotics. but legendaries. only ones i'd be mad about losing are fatebringer and vision

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              • Destiny is supposed to be a moving 'story'. It's only natural that as the game progresses, older weapons / armour become obsolete.

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              • Im fairly sure Bungie already said this. 365 is the cap for all Year One weapons, and anything after will be stronger Year Two weapons.

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