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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by suggestedpigeon: 6/25/2015 12:38:44 AM

If you care about Destiny you have to read this article [Go read the update]

Sorry for the click-baity title but this is pretty serious. If you want to talk depreciation this isn't what I'm talking about at all. [url=][/url] Edit: I also encourage you to sign this petition as it intersects well with this thread. Who knows maybe it will help. [url=][/url] Edit 2: I'm hearing threads are being deleted. If you wanna be really cool copy this post in a word document and feel free to paste it as a new thread if it disappears. Don't spam existing threads because that's annoying. Edit 3: Deej has commented that year one players will get "something better" than the collector's edition items and to look forward to the weekly update. Should be interesting to see how this goes down. (Dawn of the Second Day) [b]update[/b] [url=][/url] 7/11 employee flyer. I encourage you to read this too. "Destiny cons-- are used to paying a premium for downloadable content similar to this quest" In this article, eurogamer interviewed Luke Smith about the worries players have expressed about the taken king both in price points ($40 =/=£40) and in collector's edition exclusives (three armor shaders, exclusives emotes, and continuous XP granting exotic class items) that are only available for players willing to shell out $80, most of which is for content they likely already own. His answers to these questions were illuminating to say the least and rather than give cliffs notes I want you to read it yourself now. Think about what he says. I hope it leaves the same feeling in your gut that it left in mine. When destiny first launched there were three editions: the vanilla game the digital guardian edition and the ghost edition. The vanilla game was the vanilla game, simple enough. The ghost edition was for the high rollers who wanted something nice: their very own red dinklebot and an in game version of it. Cool. For those who wanted all of the in game content but didn't really want to drop more money on physical items there's the digital guardian edition which came with all of the in game items the ghost edition had. Now we have a new release but with a radically different setup. The $40 expansion for owners of both expansions is analogous to the vanilla destiny package from above. Completely fine. The $60 legendary edition is fine. New players should have a bundle for them, this kind of thing happens all the time and while I'm kinda suprised at how cheap it costs, they still have to be competitive against the heavy hitters shipping this season. The collector's editions are where we run into trouble. The physical rewards are analogous to the ghost edition: you either want the strange coin or you don't (well gamestop is out of physical copies so I guess this is no longer a choice). That's fine. The word collector has a certain long term investment attached to the name semantically so you would think it was made with current players in mind. But it comes with the legendary edition which is intended for new players... Alright that's fine I have my ghost I don't really mind the physical items so let's see the equivalent of the digital guardian edition because those shaders look nice, the emotes will liven up the game and the XP class items will lessen the grind and I wouldn't mind spending the halfway point between the $40 and the $80 editions. Except the digital edition of the collector's edition also costs exactly the same as the physical edition: $80 (for less content as the digital version obviously doesnt include the physical items). The digital guardian editon came as a halfway point between the the two editions and included the full destiny experience in game. That was important. Now current players are given two options: go all in on the $80 version, buy what you already own for the exclusive in game items, or buy the $40 version and watch as new players and current players who have more money than brains bypass the grind with their new XP capes for the rest of the game. Not allowing current players the option to buy the taken king by itself with the complete in game content is price gouging. It's also making them artifically inflate their dlc sales as players are buying multiple copies of the dlc that they will never use because guess what? They already own it. And then when an interviewer brings up these frustrations, this is the response we're given. If you care at all you have to be vocal about this. If this succeeds without contest it will be how companies sell content going forward. I'm not calling for a boycott but don't throw your money at them blindly. If you are content with the status quo ask yourself why you enjoy paying more for content you already own? I refuse to pay for what I already have and you should too.

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  • Edited by JESUS: 6/23/2015 3:32:50 PM
    Show these -blam!-ers who runs this game forward holding my ground titan bubble up!

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  • yeah wtf Bungie.. keep it simple

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  • I guarantee 100% they didn't anticipate this kind of backlash at all.

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      • Edited by ToothlessRobot: 6/23/2015 3:55:57 PM

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      • It seems like activision only cares about their shareholders and has bungie on a tight leash. I feel like I am being taken advantage of

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      • Kudos to Deej for stepping into the conversation. I'd imagine it being like tap dancing in a minefield. Can't wait to read the weekly update!

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      • The petition has almost reached its goal!!!

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        • I have a feeling the luke smith won't be doing interviews anymore

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        • I think people are taking a mob mentality on this stuff and everyone is over reacting a little bit. The price points are kinda high but I feel like a lot of players are thinking it will be a normal sized DLC for twice the price; when in fact it is likely twice as large as a normal DLC for twice the price and I dont see why anyone would have too many problems with that because I would assume they care enough to buy all the DLC's if they are disgruntled about not getting something so small as extra emotes. Also the point of contention for the cheap price tag is also pretty justified on Bungies side in my opinion. First off it is an excellent way to have new players coming to the game and if anyone truly cared about the community then they would love to see it grow. Secondly, its very likely my math is wrong, but i think the price difference between the content originally and in the collectors edition is about $45 or so. Seems like a lot but if you told me i could get access to the base game one year earlier, the first DLC like 8 months earlier and the second DLC about 5 months earlier.... I would gladly pay $45. Thats just how the costs worked out though, it is not as if anyone actually withheld that content unless you will willing to pay. You need to put yourselves into the developers and marketers shoes for a moment and ask how can we bring new players into the game and make it better for EVERYONE in the long run. I think their strategy may be a bit over doing it in terms of price points but theres no debate that it will be very effective. Certainly theres cause for a little concern but theres no need to riot on the forums. If you really want to see the game in community prosper then you should start providing some constructive criticism (like the author of this post) rather than just be pissed off and also understand how business works and that this will ultimately be better for the game. Disclaimer: all the numbers in this post I just pulled off the top of my head so they may be off by a little but they are relatively close.

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        • Firstly I agree that the interview is appalling. Luke has done no favours for Bungie at all. The idea that we will throw money at the screen for some emotes is highly insulting. However people moaning about the expansion price in the UK, have you actually checked the price? (That isn't me getting all high and mighty, rather a genuine question) as I can't speak for play station but on the Xbox store it's £27.99. Albeit still pricey not as bad as £40 I know I will end up buying the expansion however, now I will feel dirty as i will be validating Mr Smith's tone

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        • Thank you sir for making a logical post and explaining things instead of just raging. I salute you sir! *salutes*

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        • After reading that Luke Smith article, as a day one player, they've struck a nerve. But they couldn't care less, why would they? I'll leave destiny, because of this price structure, but they'll gain a tonne of more players through it so I will be forgotten anyway. Guardians, it's time you all realised, bungie is like any other dev, it's a business, and with activision "guiding" them, it's all about making as much money as possible, while giving as little content as they can get away with. We can voice our complaints, and they might cave and give us things, but they've already won, regardless, we've spent so much money on vanilla and TDB/HOW but this content was taken out of vanilla anyways thanks to activision and they're COD like schemes. And publishers will continue to pursue this kind of marketing from devs, because it's all just about money. I guarantee you, walk into an activision board meeting and you probably won't see one hard core gamer sitting there. Seems like Todd and Bethesda are our last hope. I wonder if a publisher will try "acquire" them and ruin another fantastic dev. Rant over.

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          • Aliens bro, they're out to get you. Hide. Now. You have been warned. Oh, and you know that jug of milk in the fridge.....DO NOT DRINK IT!!!!

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          • Edited by Hoggzi: 6/23/2015 9:54:02 AM
            Well Luke said there was more to announce. He said it. Its there in writing. In plain English. The older and wiser of us knew this. I was taken back by the price at first, but after HoW (which did surprise us all in actual fact) I figured this would be a good package. Alas, the entitled drew their keyboards in the virtual warrior way...instead of being patient. Every game does this. I bought shadow of mordor and all the DLC, last night on my way to get batman I saw the GOTY edition....with everything in it for far less then I paid...did I kick the GAME staff in the chin?! Or pull my hair out? [b]NO[/b] Because games have been doing this for years, but because destiny is popular it draws negative attention for every positive it puts out there...unfortunately people are easily blinded and follow like sheep. As a wise man once said; "Calm your tits love."

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            • I started playing the weekend of September 7th and I'm fuqed thanks everyone.

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            • Edited by dasbreen: 6/23/2015 2:31:26 PM
              The petition being solely about pricing is a bit misleading. As Day 1 players of ANY game it should come as no surprise that newer players will get the same content for less. It's the way the world works. Ever see a Game of the Year edition game? Like Borderlands 2 for example? I paid well over $100 for all the DLC & game itself, and the GotY edition has all of that content for nearly half that price. And look at other games with multiple expansions. The base game and all previous expansions/dlc gets cheaper over time. GASP!! The fact you want the CE shit for free is entitlement that isn't warranted. If I buy just TTK for $40, I don't deserve the bonus shit. They're doing something else for Day/Year 1 players, so get over the pricing and focus on the bigger issue. The petition should be about the philosophy behind selling the base game (and first 2 dlcs) to the consumer multiple times, getting more money out of them each time for unused goods, without any thought by or consequence to the seller. I don't mind the $40 price tag for just TTK, or $80 for the physical CE. The only price that really bugs me is the $80 digital CE, since you're not getting ANY of the physical goodies, but get all the same digitial goodies. The fact that I have to rebuy the current content if I want extra goodies is where my problem lies. No one else makes you rebuy content like that. I can understand the Legendary Edition to catch players up who haven't gotten anything so far. But that should be the only edition that has Desinty, TDB, and HoW included in it. Since the difference between that and just TTK is $20, just sell a Destiny bundle for that much and cut it from the other versions, and drop their prices by that much.

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            • Edited by darkknightbfl: 6/23/2015 3:54:42 AM
              As an alpha player and a ghost edition owner, it pains me to have these feelings. I used to believe that Destiny was the best game ever. It's replayability and VoG, but now I am starting to question whether or not I will be leaving. After recent events I am on the verge of leaving Bungie for good. I will wait until about a week or two before TTK drops to see if they can fix their mistakes. If they don't, then I will simply never spend money on this company again. Playing Destiny has definitely been one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences that I have had. To put it simply though, there is no reason for me to stay if Bungie will continue to act like this. I realize that I am only one person, but I guarantee that I am not the only one with these feelings.

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              • Oh and dont forget that they cut the half of original game and make it "dlcs"?(HoW,TDB)for 40$?,and now 40$ for blam! Dlc that they will cut again and sell it after 2 month us a NEW DLC for 20$?and is not about the blam! Money is about the blam!attitude of bungie to the ppl funs gamers.they say that they read the forum ok then what about the post for the AR?is 3 month up.about the post for lag and servers issue?or weapon balance in pvp?or the blam! CPs in PoE?or MM for all modes. Is unacceptable.

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              • Wow, Luke Smith. I don't know the guy personally, but on the strength of that interview he seems a massive prick hell bent on wanting your money. Money Gimmie money, Gimmie all your monies, you'll want to when you see these emotes "you'll be throwing your money at the screen". Fuk off will I. Prick.

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                Yeah it sucks but who cares smoke a joint

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