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3/17/2015 4:50:23 PM
[quote]This is probably the first forum post I've ever made openly saying that I'm a girl (wow a girl no way what's that!) Anyways, normally I wouldn't really care, nor would I say anything if it was a one time thing, but on multiple occasions have I been told that the only reason I get into groups/my raid group keeps me around, is not because I'm good/bad at the game, but for the fact that I'm a girl. Example- I run sword with my friend for randoms whenever we're bored and at the end people usually thank me for helping out, and not the both of us even though we host the raids as a team, which makes him say (OH MY GAWD NOVA YOU KNOW THEY ONLY THANK YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE A GIRL RIGHT? ?) And yes. He's serious. Example 2 - A guy I used to play with told me I suck at the game (not sure if I do or not but I don't care) and that I only have friends because I'm a girl. Basically what I'm saying is, to any other females on destiny, has anyone ever said these things to you? Guys, what do you think about this? [b]EDIT[/b] dang, it seems some of you have taken my post the wrong way. I'm not saying that I should be thanked for running raids with people, although a thank you is nice here and there, I posted this in curiosity of others opinions, I know that I'm [b]obviously[/b] not the only girl on Destiny. Thanks ~('-')~[/quote] I'm a girl.. But no1 has said that to me.. They are a just shocked that I even play.. My husband and I are looking for good players to do raids with every Tuesday so add us if u would like.. I have a level 30 warlock and he has 32 31 and a 30 (=

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