Idk that’s a good question, maybe exotics that already have the full auto on it before the changes will only be Able to use that but if it’s for all exotics imagine how fast dps would be if you could have a full auto ghorn ect. Or how op certain exotics will get. A full auto lord of wolves
I think your missing what it's actually going to do. Ghorn full auto wouldn't shoot all 6-8 rockets continuous. It still would need to load or proc the catalyst perk for the 2nd shot. The guns that are not full auto, still go thru Thier motions. Like your not going to have a Slug shotgun just shoot or a pump shotgun not pump. A lot of this Full auto toggle is just so you only need to hold down the shoot button and not make continuous button presses.
The fire rate won’t change but the human error involved in how fast the trigger squeeze is would make it seem fast because you’re actually shooting it at its fire rate.
[quote]The fire rate won’t change but the human error involved in how fast the trigger squeeze is would make it seem fast because you’re actually shooting it at its fire rate.[/quote] It's a rocket launcher. Weapons with slower rate of fire don't really need exceptional motor skills to fire at their full rate of fire. Unless a player has absolutely no motor skills or a broken hand the dps output won't change at all.
Full auto ghorn won’t shoot faster or a Lord of Wolfes. But full auto setting will not work with Devils ruin because how the gun is right now