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Edited by X-LoganX: 10/8/2018 11:10:17 PM

There are no PVP modes that I like anymore.

As someone who came to Destiny as a pvp player, after playing the last few weeks there are no PVP modes that I truly like to play. QP is garbage without some kind of matchmaking Most of the comp modes are overrun with meta weapons. I'm not mad at that part really but it's just not fun to play. The new Breakthrough didn't get enough thought put into it. Add to that the 'job' the milestones are just to progress. Just not really having fun. PVE can only satiate me for so long. Might be taking a hard look at BFV and taking a break from space magic. Edit: in before "but this is a pve game" I completely understand that at its core Destiny is a pve game. However D1 (which drew me in) had some of the best gunplay to being a PC Battlefield player on to console. I've defended the pvp side of the game for 4 years now. I'm having trouble doing that at this point. Edit 2: Breakthrough is garbage actually. There's so many flaws I can't list them all. The main on is there is Zero way to come back from a disadvantage.

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  • I have to agree on at least one point. Matchmaking is absolutely broken with nearly every match a decisive win/loss. Easy games to the detriment of others. Whatever happened to close games with opponents of similar skill?

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    • I agree quick play needs SBMM but you and now me will get lots of unorignal git gud replies with no real reason to justify having SBMM turned off other than the more skilled players like to stomp lower skilled players. Reason I've seen for not having SBMM in QP: 1. Longer loading times - this can be fixed without turning SBMM off 2. Laggers - Still have this problem even more so now. 3. People dont improve their skills as they get matched with the same people all the time - this one makes me laugh if your getting matched with people of lower skill then you will not improve! if your getting matched with people at your skill level and not improving then your the issue! getting match with people at your level is how you improve.....

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    • I'm thankful for destiny's PvP.. I've never been good at it but it's pulled me away from Call of Duty

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    • Edited by X-LoganX: 10/11/2018 2:58:08 AM
      Maybe I just need to go back to Battlefield. I don't know what's different about D2 pvp but it's just a very frustrating experience. I'm trying so hard to have some level of tactics and aim and all I see as the most effective tactic is [u]running[/u] around with Trust and Chaperone. So engagement tactics at all. 2 weapons that I'll likely never see because progression is terrible and the loot pool is garbage. It's becoming more and more not worth playing.

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      4 Replies
      • I've put a good chunk of playtime into Crucible since Forsaken has released, and I'm beginning to hate it more and more. I can't recall how many times I got spawn trapped by stacked teams earlier, or how many times I got two tapped by the Luna's Howl from across the map. I definitely can't recall how many times my teammates ignored the objective, such as capturing a point in control. I've pretty much reached my breaking point for PvP. Either my team absolutely destroys the enemy team, or my team gets absolutely destroyed by the enemy team. Even with a team of friends, Crucible just isn't fun. It's an absolute chore to deal with most of the time. I think the thing that really just killed it for me, was getting put against a full six man team, with one guy having 54 gold tier medals, and not even being pass light level 500, because he clearly plays nothing but PvP. Putting skill based matchmaking in is too much to ask for apparently. I miss the days of having fair, fun, and intense matches.

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      • But mayhem...

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        • I miss combined arms, I loved the maps and I feel the mode had a crazy amount of potential. All bungie had to do was make the teams bigger, so instead of making it 6v6, it would be 8v8 or 10v10. Heck a 12v12 would be insane! The vehicles obviously needs to be really tanky unlike destiny 1 where you could get one shotted by snipers lol. Idk combined arms always gave me that halo/battlefield vibe and it could be really fun.

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          • I just hate the small maps man....and comp...don't hate comp more than Gambit tho.

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          • Matchmaking in comp is screwed up

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          • Edited by drvankmen: 10/9/2018 4:09:45 PM
            i cant relate to anyone that likes d2. i just cant. it ripped the heart and soul of the game out completely. pvp has not been good since poe. pvp was a great place to bring in the new rng gift you just got from doing endgame content and try it out on your fellow guardians in a fun and totally unbalanced sandbox. thing is, THAT is what made it fun. and, it gave you loads of incentive to play both game modes. grind pve endgame content to get the nutty weapons, play pvp to cause havoc with them. reminds me of vanilla wow, world pvp. the lack of balance was what made it so exciting and gave you drive to complete endgame content. you do not want matchmaking based on skill, if you think you do you are just lost.

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            • I just don't like Crucible anymore period. The map designs match the game environments but I don't like most of the layouts. I don't know exactly what made D1's Crucible so fun but it's still missing from D2. The mass adoption of team-shooting took a lot of fun and individuality out of it as well.

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            • It would be more intesing to play i we could vote for the game mode and map.

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            • Newsflash pvp was only ever supposed to be an add on to the game and it’s never been fun!

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              • It is far easier to defend than to attack....

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              • Sorry man i totaly disagree. I live in QP list now. So much fun.

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                7 Replies
                • I deleted d2 a few days ago. I recently reinstalled it and I want to delete it again. I will be deleting it for good when red dead redemption 2 comes out. I might try battlefield 5 although I haven't played any battlefield games in years.

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                  • The problem is that all of the tryhards and sweat stains are doing quickly now. This is because for now there is no Cheaters of the 9. It would go along way to fix things if only in the Crucible you could not use any 1 shot kill weapons and aim assist and radar was removed. Should only be skill based. If you notice the tryhards and sweats mostly use the cheap shot no skill to use weapons!

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                    • [i][quote]QP is garbage without some kind of matchmaking[/quote][/i] Sadly, this. There is a lot to do in Forsaken outside of PVP that is terrific, and the game as a whole is a major success in my eyes, but the lack of coherent, logical matchmaking in pvp playlists right now (comp as well) has kind of turned pvp from something I enjoyed to something I have to endure (to get those three milestones a week). Once I reach 600, I doubt I'll touch pvp, and it used to be a ton of fun.

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                    • Your pvp state tho...doesn’t looks like you were pvp player imofa.

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