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Edited by Mystin: 2/11/2016 7:06:24 PM

Why SBMM is ruining the game, from a top player

Edit: I am really happy to see such great discussion in here, but after reading various replies, there seems to be a lot of people misinterpreting my post. Let me be clear - SBMM, in a vacuum, is a [b]good[/b] thing. It promotes an even playing field where everyone has a chance to be on top and improve. I stated multiple times in my post that I am actually in [b]favor[/b] of SBMM, but it must be contained to specific playlists, like Trials or Iron Banner. The core argument that I, along with many others are making is how Bungie is [b]forcing[/b] SBMM across nearly every playlist. Revert back to having a casual connection-based group of playlists, and in addition create a ranked SBMM playlist or "league" where people can [b]choose[/b] to participate in. I am speaking as someone who is in the top 1% in terms of K/D (2.9 in Clash/Control, 3.1 in Trials) and Win%. Please do not mistake me coming off as arrogant or elitist, I am merely providing a perspective. Skill-Based Matchmaking across most/all playlists needs to go. [b]Period.[/b] My girlfriend and I use to always play Destiny together, mostly PvP, until last August when we started to do a bit of traveling together. We were thrilled to pick it back up, but already she wants to quit. We can no longer play together due to SBMM. I am posting from my new account, which I created solely to test out the new changes. I queued up with her for the first 10-15 games of my new Titan before my K/D started increasing, and we were being matched with players at her skill level. After multiple trial runs of queuing separately, the skill disparity between her games when she queued solo and with me, was enormous. When she queues solo now, she always gets at least 8-10 kills, but with me, she struggles to get 2-3. After 12 years of online gaming, I have never dealt with a system as frustrating as this. [b]A competitive, evenly matched PvP environment is great[/b], and it's one of the reasons why I love Trials in Destiny, [b]but it needs to be an optional experience where players can choose to participate in when they want to.[/b] Bungie wants SBMM? Fine, then put it in Trials where it belongs. [b]At the very least, there needs to be a [u]clear separation[/u] between dedicated SBMM playlists, and CBMM playlists.[/b] Forcing it upon every player for every PvP match is not only absurd, it’s pushing people away from the game. Is this what Bungie wants? To alienate PvPers across different skill levels? You advertised your game to incentivize playing with one another. Aside from my girlfriend, my other friends I used to play with no longer want to queue with me or even with one another due to the skill disparity. [b]The state of PvP is completely backwards right now.[/b] Originally introduced as the go-to competitive environment, Trials has now become the most laid back game type. Aside from the fact that my girlfriend can no longer enjoy playing PvP with me due to getting stomped by everyone in the game, I can barely stomach solo queuing myself. As I said earlier, I love competitive PvP, it is one of the reasons why I ran Trials so much every weekend, but having a hyper-competitive sweat fest forced on me every single game is ridiculous. After reading several topics similar to this, it’s pathetic how many players are using the “Oh look, another elitist try hard is butt hurt because he can’t roflstomp noobs anymore” card. This cannot be any further from the truth, one of the most enjoyable things for me was queuing up for Crucible to relax and try out some cool builds and weapon setups solo or with my friends. I can’t even do this anymore because every game I’m in is full of tryhards running top tier, cookie cutter builds. SBMM is also a nightmare for any good players due to how the search functions. Instead of being pure connection based, the system tries to match you primarily with players around your skill level, which are very likely in different countries. Because of this, you end up with laggy, teleporting players and a completely degenerative experience. Crimson doubles - what another great example at how terribly flawed SBMM is. My girlfriend and I were looking forward to doing doubles during this "Couples' Valentines Event." Across [b]seven[/b] games with me, she got 3 kills; every game we were matched against people my skill level. My girlfriend can't even enjoy a special event MADE for friends and couples due to SBMM. I rarely post on forums, but it really depressed me when last night, during Crimson Doubles, my girlfriend flat out said “This is it, I quit. This isn’t even fun for me anymore.” She got the game for the sole purpose of playing PvP with me. Because of SBMM, the great experience we use to share has been taken from us. I could probably go on with this for a while, but I did the best I could to condense this and keep it concise. When Destiny came out, it immediately became my favorite game. The friends and connections I have made through this game will stay with me for the rest of my life. I actually found this incredibly difficult to write, due to what Destiny means to me and how frustrating it is having that ruined by Bungie’s warped perception of how PvP “should” be.

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  • I thought Bungo reincorporated Connection Based MM into the game.

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  • Has no one realized that in a sbmm situation,,the game is sweatier for everyone due to being matched with similar skill based players, the problem for the people who take pvp semi seriously is it often requires offshore high latency non server dedicated lag fests. And that is the point, not Kd this or pub stomp that bullshit.

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    3 Replies
    • TL.DR. GG nub

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    • Edited by Reina Storm: 2/12/2016 11:17:08 AM
      I completely, 100% agree. Crucible just isn't as fun anymore. Trials and Iron Banner is where SBMM should be. Everything else needs to go back to how it was before SBMM was made top priority. Everything you said, I don't think anyone could say better. EDIT: I have friends I play with that are nowhere near my skill level. They play casually to have fun. I play to enjoy the game, too, but I have a much higher skill level in games than a good majority of my friends. They don't care to "improve" their PvP skills. They play the game to play the game. And when they play PvP with me, they've been getting matched with people way beyond their skill level. That's unfair to us. Them because they aren't good. Me because I'm watching my friends suffer. I don't pride myself in K/D. I think it's a stat that shouldn't've been put in games, because people get so worked up over it. People try to use it to invalidate people's arguments. I don't care for skill based PvP. I play well, yes, but I'm just a decently skilled gamer. I don't like competitive because I get frustrated with matches that are so "sweaty". I play a game to relax and have fun. That's all I want to do, not get worked over by tryhards when I'm not even trying to play competitive. This game has so many weapon types and variety that it's harder to balance and give an even playing field to all. Which is another problem in itself. This game's skill measuring isn't accurate. If the game was like Halo or CoD and weapons were a lot more balanced, skill would be a more accurately measured stat. But because of weapon balance constantly needing to be reworked (and it will until that sweet spot is found) and because of some weapons just being vastly superior to almost every weapon (TLW is still broken) until they are nerfed into the ground (like Vex Mythoclast), SBMM doesn't need to be in standard Crucible, or a whole ranked and non-ranked playlist needs to be made. IB and ToO is fine. Those should be competitive. But just like the OP, I like to switch up my weapons and try new things. I get new weapons every now and then and would love to actually play with them, instead of having to resort to what I know always works. And I like to play with friends that are less skilled than I happen to be. But they don't enjoy being stomped while I have to struggle practically alone against a team of fairly matched (with me) players.

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    • Im not even that great and I hate sbmm as well, having to go 150% if I ever play with a friend, just to make up for the gap. Its like Bungie forgot they added the Mercy Rule to help end the one-sided matches in a cbmm

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    • Edited by FantasticMrFox: 2/12/2016 10:17:57 AM
      Here me out; It's the one thing that has zapped my enthusiasm for the game more than anything else, but for different reasons. I was initially a pve only player, pvp performance was wretched, about 0.5 kd, but overtime I played it more and steadily improved, to a point where in my head I was maybe slightly above average, with kds around 1.2-1.3, sure I still got smashed in trials, but in normal crucible I could hold my own and even finish bounties where you needed the top score, or ten kills sprees like with IB. I looked carefully at my kd and progression and was proud of my above average performance. But now, it's all so very pointless. I am herded to a 1 kd which I and nobody (no matter how good you claim to be) can do anything about. It's like some horrible socialist diktat. Doesn't matter whether you are bottom 10% or top 5%, you will be herded to a 50% win/loss ratio and 1 kd, there is literally nothing you can do. SBMM should be on for selected, flagged game modes, that's it. Am sure I will come back to Destiny at some point, as the shooting mechanics are second to none, but I am counting the days until The Division and some real player base competition. In summary, SBMM is, I am convinced, the single worst thing they have done, and will be commercially bad for them.

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    • Edited by Chubbums: 2/12/2016 7:36:46 AM
      Edit: Just recorded my daily crucible experience, every -blam!-ing game is like this and it's getting old... My teammates seem to be from the Middle East FFS... No American players on Destiny anymore I suppose. When are all the -blam!-heads gonna understand the majority of players hate SBMM because of the atrocious lag? It isn't about pounding noobs you -blam!-ing morons, it's about playing on an even battlefield. When Laggy Mc-blam!- is sponging shots on top of sweating his ass off in PVP it gets pretty -blam!-ing tiresome. Sure though enjoy those nice green bar games because you know you guys deserve a great PVP experience everyone else who dedicated the time to improve gets the nice old red and maybe a few yellow bars.

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      5 Replies
      • I love sbmm. Super close FUN games I've had with friends in crimson doubles this week. If we lost one it was no biggy as it was so close you knew it was no hardship to loose it. When your loosing 5-0 to try hards on your first round in trials that's what makes you not want to play this stuff. But sbmm we've been winning and loosing like 5-4 or 4-5 all the time. Super fast game mode I will certainly be playing again. Oh and lol at the scrubs who just sit back with icebreaker and invective-deez nuts be dropping hard on your faces!

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      • Remember when, in halo, if you wanted ranked MM you could select it? That was pretty cool.

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        • Surely, like Matchmaking, the solution is to give your player base the option TO PLAY THE GAME HOW THEY -blam!-ING WANT TO... Optional MatchMaking, if you want to put up with random nutjobs, go for it... If you want SBMM, then you click on the RANKED Games List and put up with the mind-numbing lag that comes from a retarded P2P PVP mode, otherwise, you're unranked and can go pub-stomping for fun, probably getting lower rewards... Of course the follow on from this is custom matches and dedicated servers, but you know ... Bungo... I'm pretty sure other games have managed this...

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        • Edited by BoogerLover: 2/11/2016 7:25:04 AM
          Mystin, First, I'm sorry you've been having a rough time in PVP with regards to SBMM.... It is so hard for me to read your post and not feel a wee bit contemptuous towards your plight. Stay with me though, because I'm going to stay on the high road with you while I attempt to offer a different view by way of a counter-point to your situation. I've attempted to see your situation not through my eyes but rather truly understand through your perspective. However, let us consider all those potential players that you would be matched against if SBMM was turned off. I'll use myself for example... I'm speaking as someone who is in the top 53% in terms of K/D with an overall score of 0.97. So mathematically, my PVP skill is representative to roughly half of the total community (as opposed to your being within the super minority of 1%). 1. Regarding your situation w/SBMM and attempting to casually PVP with your girlfriend. It appears that you are failing to have fun due to your OP competitive nature. For example, I recently did the "Refer-a-Friend" thing and brought my very young nephew into Destiny. As we were leveling up his shiny new Titan, we went into the Crucible to knock out a few bounties... At first we got killed.... a lot..... But thank goodness for SBMM because eventually (after Shaxx breaking up a lot of teams) we were able to get enough kills to satisfy the bounties we were after. I had a great time because the whole point was to play with my nephew and eventually we could win a few. As a side note, SBMM prevented me from effectively "carrying" which many of us find annoying (when 1 or 2 players can carry an entire fire team and almost single-handedly wipe out the opposing team). 2. The fact that you felt the need to "create" a new account just to test out the "new changes," indicates to me that you don't want that precious K/D of yours to suffer while you "casual" it up and "have fun." Or, you miss a good ole Pub Stomp that SBMM has been denying you... Either way, looking at this in the most favorable light, I'm still coming up with the perspective that you just can't help yourself and continue to fail at the "fun" part. In other words, nobody but an uber OP competitive try hard would even consider what you did;"create a new account just to test out the new changes." Listen Bro, if you want to have fun, just let it go man.... Just take an "I don't care about my K/D (winning)" attitude and go uber casual mode. If you're not truly afflicted and can shake this OP competitive condition, you'll actually have fun.... :D 3. By the way you started this conversation, I infer that your K/D is important to you and in fact, a point of pride. Further, as you roll out your "competitive" resume (12 years worth apparently) in your appeal for SBMM to "be an optional experience," I couldn't help but get the notion that you simply don't know how to be non-competitive. I think a more honest way to define your position is that you want to win without having to try "sooooo hard." Truthfully, if you spend the better part of a weekend nerfing your K/D into oblivion than you'll start being matched against lesser skilled opponents like me. But the jeopardy there is that as soon as you start casually stomping us into the ground you'll be back to square one. 4. SBMM is a great concept for the majority of players out there. Is it flawed, yes. The lag is a big problem. However, with the potential of the new "damage referee" coupled with SBMM has potential to move us closer to that sweet spot that benefits the community (writ large vice you 1 percenters). I know this isn't what you probably wanted to hear but if you could afford to look beyond your 1% and consider Bungie's attempt to accommodate the greater majority you could be more understanding of their intentions with SBMM. If you really care about creating a fun PVP experience with your girlfriend and value that over your K/D, you'll find the solution was in front of you this whole time. :D Just have fun like I did playing with my nephew! After all, isn't that the whole point?

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          • Edited by BannedMythicAccount: 2/12/2016 5:59:21 AM
            There was a lot of pre-planning in your OP, so I can tell a lot of thought went into defending your credibility despite the FNG stats as your core defense. I'm agaisnt SBMM, more so because the foundations of this games PvP gameplay lied in a casual experience which is fine, masking this by forcing a 'skill based' arena of opponents goes against the very nature of the game where the gameplay of PvP is more in line with games like Team Fortress 2 where the online is very casual to all, instead of games like Counter Strike where the game drips in competition. It's a obvious flip flop decision that a design team or whatever team that is in charge of these changes, is making, by continually flexing their lack of understanding of the direction of this game in a series of avoidable mistakes. If they want a more 'skilled' PvP they have to make a more 'skilled' game as of right now the gameplay, maps and design choices do not reflect a balance where skill comes out on top. So implementing SBMM in this game was inherently a fail from the start. For example, I'm spitballing here but Bungie needs to make changes to the symmetry of the maps to be more fair to both sides, if they don't go for symmetry in an effort to bring diversity they need multi dimensional levels that promotes mid distance combat and map advantage that both sides have an equal chance at, where teams vie for positional dominance as a means of dominance and co-ordinanted team play. The majority of Destiny maps are CQB favored and I'm very sure the people designing these maps did not account for movement speed, if they did then by default they either knew, or unintentionally created a game that was aimed at breaking personal space without too much effort. The always on radar is another reflection of the decision to direct a casual PvP, mixed that with another design choice such as taking off crouch as permanently staying off radar as opposed to the permanent temp flashes we have now is another reasons that this game promotes dumbed down gameplay in favor to increase the 'speed' of the game. I'm not even going to go into weapons and supers into how that needs addressing if this game wants to take itself more seriously like its trying to superficially, but the simple outlook is this. They did not create a skilled based PvP, so forcing SBMM towards an audience who have not reaped the benefits of understanding this notion is undermining the entirety of PvP itself, by forcing it to be something its not.

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            • Edited by Oddish43: 2/12/2016 2:21:47 AM
              I understand your perspective, and I hate game lag as well. But, my perspective is different. I have about 1200 hours in Destiny. Most players with that experience level would be good. I am not. If you check out my three Guardians, their K/D's range from 0.76 to 0.94. I have the reaction time of a dead slug and the fine motor skills of a drunk hippopotamus. No amount of experience can compensate for such inherent weakness. Until SBMM came along, I went into the Crucible knowing that at best, I might break even, and at worst, I would be humiliated. With SBMM, I have a good chance at an even-steven game, and might even have the occasional brilliant one, where Shaxx tells me that with ten more like me he could end war. I know that players like Mystin get tired of that line, but it's a rarity for me. I might score a Merciless or a Machine Lord or a Gutted instead of just a crapload of Back in Actions. Because I have a chance in the Crucible, I have fun there. It's not like Trials, which I bowed out of months ago because I was so disastrously overmatched. It should be noted that Destiny noobs are more likely to be cupcakes like me, rather than crushers like you. Do we really want to drive them away by making PvP gameplay a deporalizing experience? I hope we can eliminate the lag. I really do. But I like SBMM, and hope it sticks around for awhile.

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              4 Replies
              • Bump

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              • Every single game is a lagfest. My KD plummeted since the SBMM, not because of skill, but because I have to play people from across the world, or just abusing lag to get a good kd

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              • I 100% agree with you. You can't experiment or have fun in crucible anymore, not to mention every match is a lagfest. :(

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              • I Agree with everything you said! SBMM needs to be removed from Regular Crucible. I don't mind if they Put it in Trials or iB.

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              • This. Seriously un-blam!- this. If I wanted to play SBMM then I'd solely do trials and iron banner.

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              • After reading I have a solution that I want to irritate so everyone can be happy. Introduce Casual and Ranked playlist. Casual: Pure connection based match making that is just for casual. Another idea that might be cool is having different KD for each playlist. So if you grind up that KD, then it won't matter as much as ranked playlist and the tier you are in that playlist (I will talk about ranked in a moment). If you want to chill with all kinds of skill level and want to have fun and try out stuff; then this the playlist. Ranked playlist: Skill based match making like how it is now. This is the game mode where you can try to get better at PvP. There will be tier listing Aka Bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond. You have a different KD and win/loss stats from Casual which is a good thing since it will stop people from trying to grind KD in casual playlist. You want your KD to go up? Then play against people with your skill level. People will be looking at stats from ranked as it shows how good you are and where you on skill level whereas causal it's could be by pub stomping noobs, ranked would mean how well you do against people your own skill level. Sorry if this was long or not concise. But this is what I could think from after reading everyone's opinion on my petition (while back with the 1000 up votes) and OP's post. Only people that might hate this idea is people who are trying to raise their KD by crushing noobs...... But eh, who cares about them? Let me know your thoughts and it this idea could be revised upon it. Bump if agree.

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                1 Reply
                • I actually agree and have said for awhile that the connection issues are killing my KD as well. In some games I can't even get 7 kills because of how laggy it is.

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                • Edited by slothee: 2/11/2016 8:34:57 PM
                  I feel like SBMM is like communism. Without SBMM the playing field was already even, and everyone has equal access to invest time, develop game knowledge, acquire the best gaming tools, weapons, abilities, etc.. I accept that if someone is beating me in the game it's probably because they've have excelled at doing one or more of those things better than me. btw this is coming from a very average player, so SBMM probably favors me. However, I would rather see SBMM gone and play in a more capitalistic environment. Then instead of worrying about or controlling other players actions I will continue to worry more about my actions, what I can do to improve, and how to join them at the top. This is the same as how I view people who are more successful than me at making money.

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                  • Top player? Lmao

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                  • couldn't say it better +1

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                  • Not trying to sound like an ass but what makes your opinion so much better because your a top player? Why should I care if your a top player or not. The same argument could be said by the worst player in the world. Don't bring something so irrational into a discussion. Just a suggestion. Now on to the post itself. Personally I see where you are coming from. It is very frustrating when your either playing against a team that is incredibly good or sometimes even incredibly bad. I was helping a friend with Crimson Doubles bounties today. He was getting very very frustrated. Say what you will but I say I was carrying him. I think a way that this problem could be solved is add in a ranked playlist. I think it is very ridiculous when your trying to have fun and you get shit on by an opposing team. So why not have regular playlists like regular Control, Clash, Rift, Skirmish, ect. Then each game mode have a ranked playlist. I understand that it could take longer to find a match but it would be well worth it.

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                  • Having a good K/D and W/L does not make you good, it merely shows who you play with and what you play.

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                    6 Replies
                    • Look at this guys medal score and decide for yourself if he's a top 1% or 3% I smell a bit of bullshit

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