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2/5/2015 8:35:20 PM

Bungie Weekly Update - 02/05/2015

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12558]Bungie Weekly Update - 02/05/2015[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Lol at this update. "Your pulse rifles really need some love" Fast forward awhile. "Your pulse rifles really need a nerf." Keep going bungie you guys are shitting the bed consistently.

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  • Ah yes

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  • Nenenenecrobump!

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  • Ummm

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    2 Replies
    • Edited by puppyk1sses: 2/6/2015 7:27:25 PM
      Few thoughts: 1) I really, really, REALLY do not like how PVP dictates the entire flow of the nerf/buff/weapon tweaking system. Bungie, you are walking on a slippery slope here. You're really pissing off a lot of strictly-PVE players. I.E. My favorite weapons are getting nerfed, and I don't even play PVP. I'm sitting here minding my own business and I just got completely hosed! Why? There needs to be a system that nerfs certain weapons in PVP only and leaves them be in PVE. I now know that Bungie has the power to do this, cuz they just buffed shotguns in PVE while nerfing them in PVP. 2. Bad Juju and Red Death just got a HUGE boost, and now will be top-of-the-line exotics. 10% damage boost + other weapon classes taking a hit. I hope you held onto yours! 3. Shotguns. A) Just got an enormous buff in PVE. Double damage, wow. Pair this with the fusion rifle nerf and they should be more viable. B) that being said, you just gave my Universal Remote and 4th Horseman LESS range in PVE? These weapons (and all the exotic shotguns) need to be seriously looked at cuz they are a joke. For any enemies that matter, we can't get close enough to them to hurt them as it is now, you take away more range and we still can't use them at all for any high-level content whatsoever. You're on the right track here with understanding Shotties need PVE help, but you just gave with 1 hand (2x damage) and took away with the other (moar range nerf). Shotguns need RANGE in PVE cuz we can't get close enough to anything to do damage, and they can't compete with the range of Fusions. Until this gets addressed, I still won't be able to use any Shotties in PVE. 4. Auto Rifles. These numbers about the "overuse" of Auto Rifles in "the wild" have to be skewed by low level/easy content like Patrols, Daily Heroics, Bounties. Autos are good for taking out packs of low level trash for sure, but on the game's harder content, Autos take a back seat already to other weapon classes. Endgame PVE is dominated by scouts/hand cannons. I barely have any reason to use any of my Autos now as it is. And Bungie just gave me less. I think Bungie just made Auto Rifles the new Pulse Rifle. I now know Bungie has the power to separate PVP and PVE buffs cuz if what they are doing with shotguns. Autos needed a buff in PVE, not more of a nerf. Do you see the trend? I am a strictly PVE player and I just got blindsided here cuz Bungie lets Crucible dictate EVERYTHING. That's all I can think of now. Bottom line, Bungie you gotta quit hosing us PVE players cuz of crucible whiners. There have been several polls, and the overwhelming majority of your players prefer PVE, yet you continue to cater to the Crucible Kids and alienate the biggest chunk of your playerbase. First there's the Queens Wrath vs Iron Banner debacle, now this. Where is our love? I can't be the only one offended by this? Thanks for taking the time to read my rant. Edit: thanks for liking and bumping this, gang. How many hundred bumps/likes/comments will this message take to get noticed by DeeJ? Keep bumping the crap outta this and let's see! Edit 2: woke up this morning and lol'd. Over 400 comments, whoah. Glad i'm not the only one that feels this way! Keep em coming. #Bungie #DeeJ

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      1001 Replies
      • Hhkjgh

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      • zoo wee mama!

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      • My favorite pulse rifle is The Stranger's Rifle. So fun to use. Am I too late for this party?

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      • Can't wait for taken king [quote][/quote]

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        • Bump

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        • Rise!

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          • 152
            Here's my plan: 1. Learn how to program video games 2. Get a degree in video game programming 3. Make a resume 4. Apply to bungie 5. Get a job as a dev at bungie 6. Slip NyQuil tablets into everyone's drinks 7. Add vault space, fix glitches, add story, etc. 8. Get the hell outta that b!tch 9. Walk out before everyone awakes 10. Get in an epic car chase with Deej, drive on a bridge, pop his tires, and then ram him off 11. Epic Explosion 12. Hot girl gets in car 13. My pet monkey takes the wheel 14. You know what happens next 15. After we're done, I take the wheel back 16. Get to the parade all of you throw for me 17. Even ben obi wan is proud 18. Wake up from dream and cry 19. Get likes and bumps on this comment 20. Squirrel

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            191 Replies
            • "The clock is ticking" lmao they made their money on this game already... They don't care about glitches or HoW because they are more than likely working on the next destiny which everyone will buy regardless of what they bitch about on this form

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              • Bump

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                • Could you get Xur to sell some sort of heavy this week for the past few weeks all his being selling is complete shit i already had what he was selling.

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                  • Stop -blam!-ing making weapons worse just make the bad ones better. That's why your game is shit cause you don't know what the word "balanced" means.

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                    • Why in the hell is this here?

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                    • I can't wait for the new weapon line-up! It's going to be totally BEAST after the update hits! [url][/url] ;P

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                      • Necrobump

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                        • Edited by DestinysInBeta: 2/6/2015 1:33:24 AM
                          I quit, not because of the nerfing but because you put out another post on shit no one asked for, but you can't fix the first raid, let alone the second, now its mid q2 for the next dlc? Suck my dick.

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                          23 Replies
                          • [quote][b]Bungie & Fellow Guardians:[/b] A quick introduction - I write articles and review games for a small gaming media publication called [url=]Frag Tag Radio[/url], while also co-hosting a podcast under the same banner. Some of you may know me from there, on [url=]Twitter[/url] where I interact with our fans, or from our [url=]Destiny Clan[/url] which has over 250 members. Others may have seen me wondering around the Tower in Destiny under my gamertag (PradiusXUCM), and some may not know me at all. I have been making a list of things I would like to see added, removed, and changed in Destiny since the game launched. Earlier this week I posted a short article called "[url=]40 Things Bungie Can Do To Improve Destiny[/url]" on our website. The article is also available/featured in a number of mobile apps that we are partnered with - Appy Gamer, GameOn, Gaming News & Reviews, GameRSS, Filtr Gaming, Etc. Our biggest partner is probably Appy Gamer, where my article was the top read/mooded article for Tuesday & Wednesday. I enjoy playing Destiny with my co-hosts, clan members and many fans of our podcast, but Destiny needs improvement. I personally see Destiny as a game with great potential. I believe this list of 40 things would improve Destiny. Please feel free to let me know if there is something I left out, as I will be updating this article in a week or two before posting the revised list on our website & Appy Gamer. [i][b]NOTE:[/b] I have also taken the liberty of making a post of this list on [b][url=]Reddit[/url][/b].[/i] [b][u]40 Things Bungie Can Do To Improve Destiny[/u][/b] [i](these are listed in no particular order)[/i] [b]1.[/b] Increase the amount of Vault space available to players. [b]2.[/b] Make the Vault accessible from orbit. [b]3.[/b] Add an option that lets players default to Tower instead of orbit. [b]4.[/b] Increase caps on Vanguard/Crucible Marks and Glimmer. [b]5.[/b] Add a Survival/Horde mode to the Vanguard playlist. [b]6.[/b] Add an NPC to the Tower specifically for currency & materials exchanges. [b]7.[/b] Bring back Queens Wrath or add new PVE events, and have those events more often. [b]8.[/b] Add an NPC to the Tower that sells new emotions/taunts and dance moves. [b]9.[/b] Allow players to equip/un-equip taunts and custom map them to the d-pad. [b]10.[/b] Add more Ghost shells (seriously). [b]11.[/b] Add private/custom matches to PVE & Crucible where modifiers can be turned on and off. [b]12.[/b] Add a legendary weapon engram to the Gunsmith that can be bought with 10 Commendations. [b]13.[/b] Add ability for players to transmog/modify the appearance of their armor. [b]14.[/b] Add in-game Clan support, with ability for Admins to manage clan members and invite others. [b]15.[/b] Increase the cap on Clan members from 100 to 1000. [b]16.[/b] Add better options for voice chat and communication with players in Patrol, Crucible, & Tower. [b]17.[/b] Increase the number of Fireteam players allowed on Patrol from 3 to 6. [b]18.[/b] Add skill & level-based matchmaking to Raids, Nighfall, and Weekly Strike missions. [b]19.[/b] Remove Ascendant materials from the Nightfall rewards pool. [b]20.[/b] Allow players to use Shaders for customizing the colors of ships in addition to armor. [b]21.[/b] Increase percentage/chance of obtaining rewards for Crucible MVPs. [b]22.[/b] Add an NPC in the tower that allows players to change Guardian hair styles, colors, & tattoos. [b]23.[/b] Add a map system to the game that can be accessed during missions, on Patrol and in the Tower. [b]24.[/b] Add an in-game Codex, where players can view/read unlocked Grimoire cards. [b]25.[/b] Add a trading system to Destiny that does not allow currency, exotics and raid gear to be traded. [b]26.[/b] In addition to Daily missions & Weekly strikes – add a Monthly event, strike, or raid. [b]27.[/b] Add a level 32 difficulty level to Vault of Glass where 331 damage weapons can be obtained. [b]28.[/b] Add a Mission Creator for PVE and Forge/Map Editor for Crucible. (don’t forget private matches) [b]29.[/b] Permanently add Heavy Ammo Synthesis to Xur’s weekly stock. [b]30.[/b] Change the Black Wax price of Eris’s Heavy Ammo Synth from 5 for 1, to 1 for 1. [b]31.[/b] Add more Exotic Bounties & Vanguard Bounties, and possibly allow for player created bounties. [b]32.[/b] Add an NPC in Tower for players to re-roll a single perk on legendary Vanguard/Faction weapons. [b]33.[/b] Add custom loadouts to PVE & Crucible that players can quickly switch to after death. [b]34.[/b] Add an option to skip cut scenes. [b]35.[/b] Add a section to the pause/menu screen where players can track Vanguard & Crucible reputation. [i]Note: #35 has been addressed. Only 39 more to go![/i] [b]36.[/b] Add an option to undo the last item dismantled or discarded. [b]37.[/b] Add the ability for players to “fly” or move their ship around while in orbit. [b]38.[/b] Add a Capture the Flag mode to Crucible. [b]39.[/b] Add fun distractions from the daily grinding monotony, like Sparrow Races & Dance Parties. [b]40.[/b] Add one or two “Spectator” slots to Fireteams, so that Guardians can watch friends in action. [i]For anyone who would like to see the original article, you can find it [url=]here[/url].[/i] [i]If you would like to read the article on Appy Gamer, you can do that [url=!EH.CJHvk]here[/url].[/i] [i]And if you'd like to chat with myself or my co-hosts, we are always interacting with fans on [url=]Twitter[/url].[/i] I'd like to thank my friends and podcast fans that helped me come up with this list. It is my hope that by bringing as much attention as possible to these issues that Bungie will get on the ball and make Destiny the game it deserves to be. Again, feel free to let me know your ideas, thoughts, and feedback. Or just BUMP if you agree. =) [i][b]NOTE:[/b] I have also taken the liberty of making a post of this list on [b][url=]Reddit[/url][/b]. Keep it alive, Guardians! Hopefully Bungie will listen.[/i][/quote]

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                            8 Replies
                            • Edited by Asylum: 2/9/2015 1:46:55 AM

                              Your not worth a response - old

                              Destiny is dying. This year will probably be the beginning of the end for the Destiny franchise that really hasnt even started yet. The game is literally a pathetic joke. It was completely over hyped and then under cut by is publishers and its developers : activision and bungie. It in its current best is nothing more than an over extended alpha. Is not even worthy of being called a beta. The dlc is nothing more than origional content cut from the game to be sold by activision and bungie to make more money. PvE- At its best moments its only mediocre. Tower- Nothing more than a gathering place for players to point, dance, and wave at each other. The vanguards are virtually useless once youve either purchased the legendary they offer, or gotten a luck rng roll and gotten the same or better gear as a reward. Anything you get from the speaker is absolutely pointless for nothing more than cosmetic. The factions are pointless as well you have just as good a chance to get their gear in rng roll as you do doing bounties and faction levels to buy them. The cryptarch is a joke and nothing more. Gives you useless gear from any engram from green to purple. If youve ever gotten a exotic engram congrats youve won destiny. Why is there a lady to buy ships from? They serve as much good as the speaker. Cosmetic. Vanguard quartermaster sells weapons but it stays the same for months at a time and once you get a good rng roll they just take up space. Bounties are the same every day just on a differemt planet. Once youve gotten full raid gear and good guns youve no need to do them anymore, it just becomes boring and repetitive. The vault is severely lacking in space atleast for the side of materials, why you would need vault space for armor ive literally no idea. Eris is worthless to you once youve gotten murmur and hit 32. No real need to lvl her at all. Xur is the only thing good in the tower and most of the time he either sells the same thing or has worthless gear. You get better gear from the raid than you do from him half the time. Every now and then he has a good gun but thats not often. Out of the tower youve got 4 planets that as far as playability go are completely the same, patrols are the same, strikes are the same, missions are the same. Either go here kill this or go here and kill alot of this while the little ghost scans something. Hes literally nothing more than an HP Deskjet scanner and locksmith, serves no other purpose to the game what so ever. Unless you have bounties to do which as said are nothing more but repeats of each other with no real reward but leveling vanguard you really dont need, theres no point in spending time on the planets. Strikes- completely repetitive. Pointless. Un-rewarding. Highest lvl you can play on outside of the nightfall is 28 but you have to have the dlc to even do that. So to anyone above lvl 30 its nothing more than another story mission with random people. Raids: VoG- now its nothing more than a time killer between weekly resets. With TDB release it made all gear/weapons from this raid obsolite. The only reason to play is to kill time between resets and hope you get that lucy roll for an exotic or the even less possible.....the mythoclast. Other than that, boring, and obsolite. Crota- run it once a week to get gear. Once you have the gear run it until said gear has full level. After that, same as vog, playing for that slim chance of an exotic roll. But once HoW releases the gear will probably become just as obsolite as VoG. In total not only is one of them worthless but both have very slim chances for anything good. Not to mention they are COMPLETELY FILLED with bugs. And worse these bugs arent even being fixed nor even noticed by bungie or developers. Pretty soon the raids will probably crash from all the bugs forcing them to be fixed or with how lazy and arrogant bungie and devs are, simply removed from the game. Weekly heroic/nightfall- strike with more bullet sponges. Nightfall is pretty much the best chance at getting anything good outside of raid gear. Once you run it once no need to do it again, you wont get anything anyway after the first run. All in all PvE is a pointless, repetitive, boring grind for gear and weapo s that will either become obsolite, leveled, or even nerfed. PvP- It takes absolutely no skill to play this. The radar is constant unless you crouch (then it blinks every 3 seconds making you a little bit better camper) which eliminates any tactics beside run and gun. Nothing more than a campers wet dream. Full of shotguns mostly. The hit detection is absolutely horrible causing you to die when truelly you should have one but bungie blames this one on you and your internet (we know better than that bungie but nice try). If you melee your more than likely gonna kill trade but thats ok because remeber thats your internet not bungies fault (yeah right). The maps are terrible, CoD in almost every way. Not enough room for sniping or any sort of distance play except for mayb a few spots. Making shotguns and auto rifles the top choice but oh wait, rifles are the top choice hince they MUST be op so they MUST be nerfed so people will (be forced) try pulse rifles. Very stupid logic bungie. There are crucible bounties but truthfully they take way to much time to complete and are in the end pointless after you get better gear. Speaking of which the reward system for crucible is absolutely pathetic. Whoever designed it or made the call for it to be applied should be fired. 20 kills no deaths = strange coin.....AFK+no kills+10 or more deaths= legendary or exotic? That was the single stupidest thing you put in this game bungie. I lost all respect for you just for that alone. The only thing crucible is any good for is exotic bounties. Other than that it is absolutely pathetic in everu aspect and could never become competitive. Its literally built for 7-13 year olds trying to learn more about this fps world, and its a very bad example. And all of this will become worse when HoW releases. Gear will become obsolite and more bugs will surface. Previous bugs will be ignored or continue to be ignored and will never be fixed. We as a community were robbed. Forced to pay for content already on disc. This game has not lived up to anything we were promised pre-release, and we wont be getting it any time soon. Theres no 10 year franchise possible for this game, it will not see a 3rd instalment and if it does, you wont make enough money off of it to even pay for half the cost of making it. Your reputation is tarnished, your greed solidified in gold. Bungie, activision....its the end of destiny and it hasnt even begun. The "fate of all fools" is clear. Its over for you. Oh and you can try to hide this post all you want. Ive got it copied and will repost everytime its taken down :)

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                              402 Replies
                              • Never gonna give it up...

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                              • Edited by ApexAnimal: 2/8/2015 6:45:12 PM
                                Well Bungie, the clock is ticking. You can further push the DLC back as much as you want. Its not like your testing it for bugs, its not like there is any more than a lackluster amount of content, save for a raid, and maybe a couple of those PVP maps, if we're lucky. In fact, if you hadn't already suckered me into the DLC, I'd be high tailing it out after the Dark Below. Sourly regret buying this expansion pass, what's saving $5 when your ripping me off the other $30? Thanks Bungie, it's been real. You have taught me how excellent other developers are, and your old self will be missed. Your lack of support has been terrible. At every step forward, you manage to take 3 terrific steps backwards. I don't know who's pulling the string's behind what is now the sock puppet known as Bungie, but I can see through the act. You ain't gettin no more of my money. I mean, obviously, its not our recognition, loyalty, or respect your after. No, as long as the money keeps flowing, from the absent minded casual gamer, you'll continue swimming in it, so why bother? Well Bungie, thankfully, a-holes such as you can only exist so long. EA, Activison, they took Dice, people who made the likes of Battlefield Bad Company 2, and now look. BF Hardline, as fun as it can be, is BF4. Its a skin. There have been more creative mods done by teenagers sitting in their rooms. And you guys are no different. The circuit maps that involve strikes, which are also story missions, which then also have you patrol, which are also where public events take a place. You effing jerks even made the DLC in the same area's. So what did I pay for? You already had the enemy designs done. Check. The levels I played on were already made. Check. I am just amazed, but I can see through the facade now. You guys are absolutely ruining gaming. You went from assisting in its growth to securing its demise. Thanks a lot. I am all for the community that has been created, but the designers at Bungie are well aware that the community was ALWAYS there. The use of mic's, constant talking, online friend's we play with regularly, these have been novelties I have enjoyed about online gaming since Halo 2. Even before that. But I can't understand why you must deliver such a hollow experience, in order for it to be social. What happened to the personal feeling that your games had? Whether PVP or PVE, it was always there, and it isn't here. I will be happy when The Elder Scoll's 6 does NOT employ such crappy, greedy tactics. I will be happy when bugs and issue's are addressed quickly and accordingly. Not 6 months later. And man oh man, you guys made this game for yourselves, not us. And it stinks of it. So again, Bungie, in my opinion, and I don't care if people disagree, I'm not arguing with anyone, just stating how I feel... Destiny 2 will not be like what MW2 was to CoD4. Keep in mind how little CoD4 disappointed. It left for it a bright future. And CoD is beaten to death in repetition. I realized, its not that they are afraid to change things so that it can be a better experience, no, its to cut cost's in an effort to maximize sales. I am thankful that other developers exist who do not become so arrogant about their game, and make such absurd changes to it. But the biggest, worst, most conniving thing about you and your absolutely constrained and falsely advertised game, is that you are [b]getting in the habit of LYING to us.[/b] Seriously Bungie, you ever get that feeling that you know someone is full of crap, but you let them continue on? That's how I feel about [b]YOU.[/b] I don't even want to begin on DeeJ, he has been nothing more than a let down to this community. At every. single. turn. Lying is something I am positive was never a part of the Bungie fan experience. But today, you tell us that the House of Wolves "won't make the same mistakes". Hang on hang on, you are telling me that creating an easy path for new "christmas n00b" adopters to catch up right away to their launch player counter parts, giving vendors gear that exceeds what players obtained through previous efforts, you [i]are actually trying to convince me that choice was not deliberate?[/i] So, all those people would buy DLC, right? What's the point of being one level higher than VOG? To get all that gear, but all those weapons are only 300...WAIT...NOW I GET IT!!! You did that to entice new fan's into buying The Dark Below..or even better, the House of Wolves, to get them stuck on the chew chew train to BS even LONGER! [b]LOL.[/b] It wasn't a mistake. It was on purpose. You freaking LIARS! And now, you are telling me that you cannot control what Xur has? Remember when you announced he wouldn't be carrying heavy ammo as often, if at all anymore? Wait wait wait wait...and now, your telling me that The House of Wolves content is going to have "surprises" and that the Japanese dude who found all that new content is wrong? Well, this time, instead of taking your word for it, well, we'll see. I am pretty sure though, that you and I both know Bungie, DeeJ, that Japanese guy was 100% spot on. You wouldn't have said jack crap if he wasn't. I'm also pretty sure that there is no surprise. Just like no more content in the VoG. But you would lie to us to ensure we keep playing and purchasing, rigiht? I call BS. So, you have not only lost my personal respect, appreciation, and loyalty, but worst of all Bungie, you have absolutely tarnished your [b]Trust.[/b] People might click on my name, and find 3 characters. As we all know, we find armor for each character, sometimes when we aren't even playing as said character. Getting these characters to 20 was the hard part. From there, well, I already had everything needed to hit 31. Then it was a simple matter of using all those marks I never spent. Remember, 31 gear from vendors? It made it quite easy, and actually hardly time consuming at all, as opposed to hitting 30 with my first character. And the PVP, I can enjoy if I'm having a good day with hit, and the Raids, when I have a good team. But there are so many factors and variables with connections, glitches, bugs, all these rampant issues that mar what could be a fantastic experience. Ya did me wrong Bungie. And I have a strong feeling that other people take notice too. We know you are lying. We are being silent about it...we aren't saying anything because we still have some slight glimmer of hope that you might remedy this horrendous experience you have put us through and continue to do so. It's because we'd like for you to continue providing us those excellent games. It's what we pay you for, ultimately Activison thrives off us, the fan's as well. Your treatment of us has been noted. [i][/i] [i][/i] [b]EDIT:[/b] It has come to my attention that the forum moderators have made my post "hidden". I'm sure this means that it disables the post from appearing in the comments section. This is very sad Bungie. This seems like some kind of weird dictatorship. This is America you know, yeah its your forum, your rules, what happened to freedom of speech? Did you not just take mine away? EDIT 3: Again, I wouldn't have typed that all up about a game I didn't [b]want to continue playing.[/b] That's where my concerns derive from. The fact that before Destiny came out, I felt that Bungie games rarely leave my console for a year almost, and after that, its still in constant play sessions for a while. I wanted that from Destiny, but there are soooooo many problems preventing that. And you can't blame [i]me[/i] for pointing out game breaking faults in the core mechanics of Destiny. The economy, etc. I didn't even bring up the story dude. When did it become impossible to point out issues and errors? If my spaghetti comes from the kitchen cold and moldy, does complaining make me a hypocrite if later that day I eat a proper, delicious serving of sphaghetti? You weenies! Your argument is invalid! Yes I play. NO DUH. Hence my issue's with Bungie and their game! I will continue to play! I will be on the Crucible today, as a matter of fact! And yeah, however many hours I have, that's sitting in total solititude, waiting for my University to start. I moved to Oregon and I've been here for 3 months bored as hell. Destiny has definitely helped with that. Also goes to show why I want MORE. And you can't blame me for that either, what exactly has this game done? What MMO's do, just, its not an MMO. They give you timed events and weekly chances at prizes that you feel obligated to be a part of. But I am honestly not too concerned about simply missing a few Nightfalls. Like I said, I'm out after HoW. That means that if I like the Raids and everything else, I will be able to play on my own time, when I feel like it. It will be nice. I won't give a crap about drops, HoW is the last content I'll buy, therefor, the drops aren't a requirement for me as they'll always be there. Bungie can make the daily, the weekly, the nightfall, even PVP, make it all Comet only or what ever, after HoW. You've alienated your fanbase and now your basically showing us the door, whether peopl want to pay, or can even afford, your absolute waste of time and money.

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                                • Why o why will you never learn bungie. Us players, yes your customers, ask for one thing but get another. Who cares about weapons buffs and nerfs. You won't satisfy everyone with these changes. With millions playing this game there's always people who think this weapon needs a buff and that weapon needs a nerf. It's an endless process. We need you guys to listen. Read and react. We ask for way more important things. +vault space +heavy ammo synthesis because ur game is obviously broken and you even acknowledged that. +tons of networking errors +bugs and glitches in raids. Your number one team up part of the game. And it's still broken. Please take us seriously as we are the #1 reason you guys earn money and feed your families. Don't take the community for granted.

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