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8/6/2022 1:45:56 PM

Sbmm won’t make you magically good at pvp

Sbmm will help the people at the lower end of the skill spectrum have more fair fights but won’t magically make them pvp gods. I’d say the people who advocate Sbmm for the fairness of a fight is correct. All pvp should have it to a degree, but what about trials and free adepts. Trials even with Sbmm would be pretty difficult for lower skilled players. But in conclusion Sbmm won’t make all lower skilled players gods at pvp it won’t give them “free” adepts either it would just create fair fights for the health of pvp

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  • No, but it will magically make some not as good.🙂

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    • Neither will CBMM...but that was never the point. The point is that SBMM helps to make the experience of playing the game FUN for more than just those at the very top of the skill curve. SBMM creates a **competitive** envirionment. Each player gets to go up against someone who is more or less his level of skill (as in real sports)...and therefore has a realistic chance of winning fights. CBMM---especially CBMM after many years of skill creep---creates a **predatory** environment. One where players of average ability constantly find themselves thrown in with players of dramatically higher levels of skill that they have...and find themselves routinely in fights that they have little-to-no chance of winning. A point that Bungie's own in-house skill assessment and tracking confirmed. This is a situation that is not enjoyable for these players. It drives existing players of average ability out of the game...and creates an extremely hostile environment for new players to try to join the game. So the game hemorrhages players. Which is what has happened over the last three years. Since CBMM was made mandatory in 6s, daily PVP engagement has dropped from an average of nearly -blam!- per about 300k. More ominously, is the fact that those numbers are FLAT. IOW, there is no bump to those numbers at the start of seasons or during special events, when PVE numbers always see a bump as players come back to the game for the new activities. Bottomline. CBMM was slowly destroying The Crucible. Just like it kept doing to TRials. Only it was just happening more slowly to 6v6.

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      • It won't but it will prevent stacked trams to rolls over lower skill player Its not about winning or losing ...its about having fair games Personally playing a game to get mercy(wither win or lose) is just not fun that end up with close scores are more fun...and happened way more back in D1 with SBMM Its just my take ...everyone play this game differently and want different thing

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        • I never really gave much a dam in pvp, what it really came down to is what people just wanted to be the best without looking in the long run Back when i played alot and in sbmm, I usually ran double primaries while everyone moved to handcannon and shotgun, when I mean that I was in matches with the best shotgun in the game (at the time) mindbenders ambition and spare rations or ace of spades I saw that the used most and a lot of match I saw a full squad they wanted to just kill everything and prove they are better or have fun in their case, you ask me, they did it to themselves when sbmm limited their games thanks to them trying to prove something no one really cared about Sbmm may not cater the most experienced players but it not was made to, it was made to make the game mostly balance and show it was never about the winning or getting the most kills, just have fun

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          • Look kid, it's not true sbmm. It's soft sbmm, to keep the skill gap from getting too big without making wait times super long, and wait times are the only real reason any of you people complain about sbmm. Trials isn't difficult because "Oh skilled players", trials is difficult because of sweats. Sweatlords go in there with top tier meta loadouts that they spend way too much time practicing with, then run games like they'll be put to death if they lose one round. If everyone in quickplay treated it that way there would be no difference in the two modes. NOBODY thinks sbmm magically makes you good, EVERYONE agrees it allows for more fair matchups.

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            • Edited by UncleObscene: 8/7/2022 2:07:26 PM
              Thats only a problem for players that take Destiny crucible really really serious. Its not a serious pvp experience to be had. Folks just want to play it to have some fun. Destiny crucible is not a balanced competitive pvp experience and it never will be ( its why Bungie never got into the esport scene at its height ). Its only the very low percentage that want it to be and dwell in the gamemode 24/7. Maybe they just enjoy it that much. Maybe they are not great at actual competitive shooters so this is their fix, because they are the big fish in a small pond. But hey, its their fix and im not jabbing at them for it, its just not it for the majority of the playerbase. Dont forget that Bungie asks alot of folks to step into their crucible for various activities be it catalysts, pinnacles, titles, event rewards and etc, in which they would not want to otherwise. So it leads to many guardians just getting farmed by players that play crucible alot, when all the guardian wants to do is get their stuff done and get out. In actual competitive shooters you dont have this problem...its a competitive shooter after all, everyone is there for the same purpose...Destiny is not that game. Have you ever seen any top Destiny pvp players show off their skills in an actual competitive pvp game and post it to video, to show how they pop off ? Its maybe a handful at best. Alot of the Destiny playerbase always claim that it has the best gunplay, which in fact it just has the easiest. It by far has the highest aim assist and bullet magnetism in any shooter. These would be considered borderlined hacks in actual competitive shooters. Just look at how many PC player use controllers to gain that advantage.

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              22 Replies
              • I’m not the best at explaining my thoughts here to bear with me. You do have a point I give you that but for me I learn through repetition, let me give you an example say I face somebody with a shotgun, scout and a random heavy and exotic armor I need to more or less face that same load out over and over again for me to learn but for pvp be it quickplay or trials, it is random it will always be random to the players, the skill gap between them and I, to their favourite load outs, the maps etc. There’s so much for me to be aware of I can not retain it all and even if did I’d be over thinking every single step of my actions and their actions leaving me little time to react and I don’t want to feel like I’m being a -blam- or a control freak. That being said the main thing about destiny or any game in general is for me to enjoy it. If this helps me at least learn a little repetition in pvp from people at the same skill level as me I see that as a bonus that is it a bonus nothing more nothing less, a bonus is not important to me. If you read this fully, thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your day people.

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                • No one ever claimed it makes them gods. Everyone wanted SBMM for fairm matches

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                  • If you are at the lower end, sbmm does nothing but give you a kiddy pool to play in. It’s a participation trophy designed to make you ‘feel’ better. The game has been out for years. If you’re still bad at now, you’re just bad. In cbmm you play against some better players and you pick up what they do to get better. Or you don’t and you have a bad time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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                    • It doesn't matter the focus will switch from im losing because of no sbmm to: I'm losing because of insert weapon, class, or ability please nerf.

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                    • The most fun season of pvp for me was dawn which I believe was the last of Sbmm, I could have a decent game with any class subclass or weapon combo, and you are correct I wasn’t a pvp god but I was having fun , since then pvp has slowly forced me to play more meta and focused and still perform worse then messing around and having fun

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                    • Who cares if lower skilled players get adept weapons, if you're as a good as you think you are you won't be playing them anyway.

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                    • I won't "magically" get good at Crucible, but I also won't have to play sweatlords every *BLAM* game!

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                    • It will make everyone else as bad as I am? Good enough.

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                    • Just remove pvp it's toxic sewage.

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                    • Edited by AbsolutZeroGI: 8/7/2022 4:24:15 PM
                      Progression is how we learn as a species, and SBMM presents progression. You don't teach kids math by forcing them into calculus in Kindergarten and then teabagging them and calling them stupid when they score a 0 on their first math test. People want to feel like their contributions to the game matter, which doesn't happen in today's PvP. When people feel like their contributions matter, they come back and keep playing. Players who don't feel like they're doing anything for their team don't come back. We need players to stay, retention in this game is awful. This contributes to fixing it.

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                    • Playing with other garbage players like myself is good.

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                    • Well that's good, I'm not trying to get good. I just want to hop into PvP games and enjoy them

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                    • Nobody ever said SBMM would make them PvP "gods". I They just want a fair match, not one decided before it even begins while being matched against people that outclass them completely. To that, I completely agree, and welcome any semblance of matchmaking, as what we have now in inherently broken and has been admitted as such by Bungie themselves. If anything, it will make the ones who already think they are "gods" have to play against similar skill level players instead of farming the lower end to pad their stats. I welcome the change whole heartedly.

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                    • Edited by NotCreative123: 8/9/2022 2:13:25 AM
                      As a player who might get "hurt" by the changes, I wholeheartedly agree with implementing a form of SBMM. There is absolutely no reason for a new light player to have to play in the same lobby as a top player Some skill disparities are simply too great. No one wins if it's not a challenge to get kills, or it's impossible to ever get a kill SBMM probably won't even be noticed by the majority of the community, but for the absolute bottom players, it's going to male a world of difference

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                    • While I do believe it will help me personally get better within my own skill level. Two things are for sure. 1 I’ll be happier with SBMM 2 I’ll play more with SBMM

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                      9 Replies
                      • I personally couldn't care less about being good at pvp. All I want is an enjoyable time playing it. You guys just can't seem to understand that simple thing. For good players most playlists are casual, but for the rest of us NONE is. We have to sweat in all of them just to get a few kills and break even. I do pretty good when playing against guys on my skill lvl, even slightly above. This has nothing to do with winning. Having fun is much more important than that.

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                        19 Replies
                        • Edited by Spawn Of Apathy: 8/7/2022 3:44:54 PM
                          Who’s saying SBMM is going to make them good at PvP? Nobody is thinking they’d have a skill rank of 600 if it wasn’t for all those 900s giving them stats of a 200 skill rank player. But the 200 skill rank player thinks they’ll have more fun when they’re not getting what feels like instantly killed by the 900 skill rank player. They may loose some still, they’ll probably win some, but their engagements should feel much less predetermined. Much less like they had no chance. Not everyone is even looking to become a top 10% player. They just want to hop in and play some matches without feeling like they were somebody’s punching bag. Without feeling like they were just griefed all evening. High skilled players are just no fun to play against. They don’t even want to play against each other. A match feels very different losing it 5-4, vs losing 5-0. Same for a thing like control being mercied with less than 30 points, vs losing 150-140.

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                          • Edited by JazzyPaladin477: 8/8/2022 11:22:04 PM
                            At least we magically won’t have to listen to sweats complaining about having “Jims”, “blueberries” and “bot walkers” on their teams. Talk about wanting to have your cake and eat it too.

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                            • Honestly, don’t think most people are advocating for sbmm in Trials. It should have stricter card based match making so teams on their lower wins actually face other people on low wins. Lose sbmm with an actually functional lobby balancing system is all I ask for. outlier protection to keep the bottom 10% from facing the top 10%. Give higher skill players less curb stomps and let the guy with a 0.4 actually have a fighting chance for once. I’m 100% average in PvP. I just would like it if my matches stopped going to mercy, and sbmm (while not perfect by any means) is better than the harmful matchmaking system we have right now.

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                            • Strawmans will not fulfill your life.

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