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3/27/2017 1:35:54 PM
Look at my emblem. I've been around as long as every other beta player. I don't remember the promise, though. But I still agree with your comment.

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  • Notice how the dead body doesn't fall through the ground? That's playable terrain. Bungie just made it off-limits.

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  • If it's off limits then it's not playable. I don't care that my body can land on something or fall through if it's unplayable, what's the difference?

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  • I'm just saying, Bungie didn't lie about that area being playable terrain.

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  • Edited by Tree Fox: 3/27/2017 1:45:55 PM
    It was never promised. People have twisted the original quote to suit their agendas. The guy was talking about playable space. Areas that Bungie could go into and add things, if they wanted. Basically, playable space is "You see those mountains over there? They have geometry. You can run all the way to them, without falling through the ground." The community took it as, "OMG gaiz we shulda been able 2 go to tha mowntanzzzz!!!!!"

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  • Edited by Blackcrow3k: 3/27/2017 4:27:49 PM
    The comment was made during this demo: [url][/url] To wit: "A place I like to call 'Older Russia'. "So all of playable space that we hope to one day get to send you to." "It is all real geometry. You could [i]go there right now. We could go there right now,[/I] but we have an appointment to keep. *Throws grenade at space/cars in the distance" I'm not one to belittle Bungie over what was promised or not promised. I am alright with how the game turned out versus what was demo or promised in all the over-hyped vidocs. Been since Beta and watched how much the game has evolved/changed for better or worse. That being said, let's not sugar-coat it with a "this is what they meant" excuse 3 years down the line. He didn't explain what the "playable space" was; it was flat out implied you could go anywhere. Truth is, it was a screw up line that was never explained until far too late after the fact. In other Bungie demos of the same footage no else makes a quote with the same mistake, but that version was released (via sources like IGN) more extensively. So, yeah, if you've been playing since that early on, stuff like this demo (among with some of the other vidocs Bungie released) definitely created a certain layer of expectation that never met the actual game. Call it over-hype or lying as you prefer. The point being that @Penhalion Wolfe wariness is something understandable about what Destiny 2 will promise to be (or not be), and what they call "open space/open world" is definitely on the questionable list.

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