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2/10/2016 4:36:29 PM
There is always one moron in an LFG raid party and this one kid just last week was ours. He was running a Titan on Oryx. So, he's running the Blessings bubble up top and he proceeds to die 3 times in the Raid. The first time by falling off the tower due to "I was trying to get a better angle on the 4th Knight." The 4th Knight was in the back left totem...he fell off into the Darkness which from that side has Zero Angle to the 4th Knight! Then he later died from jumping down into the Aura and somehow missed the Aura and got Centurioned in the face. :/ Then got slammed on by the Shade because he was running in circles and was basically standing right behind our Res Warlock. SMH

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