Are you all of a sudden needing weapon parts? Thank Bungie for a Nerf that Absolutely No One calling for. Way to go!
I had about 600+ sitting around in my Vault, moved it to a secondary Warlock (before Vault space was upped) and then deleted him to start a new Hunter. And now after all my infusing/some donations, I dont think I've had over 20 at any point.
I've got about 350 on each character. After the Heavy Ammo Drought of '14, I've just stockpiled on everything.
I accidentally deleted 3000 weapon parts a few weeks ago. Yeah. I'm still pissed. I can't multitask very well it seems...
The problem is that in year 1 they flooded the market, then with ttk they made it that you can sell of your extra parts for rep. Well many people did just that expecting to gain it back withing hours. They also added hundreds of new guns and made our old ones obsolete. So we have to use them to upgrade our weapons again. The makes 2 sources of use for parts. When last year there was only 1. Well now the patch came and made it so that they drop less. Lets think about this...... you decide to double the amount of uses for parts, which aren't cheap options, but in return severely reduce the drop rate....... in what dimension does this make sense. So welcome to the Great Weapon Part Depression.
Normally get one part for each blue I dismantle after the update. Some of them even gave no parts for dismantling.
I currently have less then 10 when I finally get enough to use for infusion or node unlocks they're used.. So "collecting" them won't happen until max rank on everything I guess
What are people spending all their weapon parts on? I still have literally thousands?
Well I don't spend all I get on weapons, but I would sure love to have more to trade for faction rep!!!
Economy worked well before this update. I have pretty much infinite glimmer and notes but now I have no weapon parts. Made particularly more frustrating because you can use notes to level a weapon in about 15 seconds.
All I can suggest is being picky with what guns you level up until they balance the weapons parts out. I don't think they should ever be a problem to acquire and maintain. Same with armor material. Planetary materials I understand completely.
You are an idiot - I need them bad . I used mine for faction rep and then all the sudden - no weapon parts and I can't even level up a gun
Anybody else suddenly _lose_ all their weapon parts? (i.e. - could have sworn I had 150+... Now _0_... Not since reforging first came on the scene have I come anywhere close to that...)
It's not as bad as getting etheric light in year one. Motes of light is what I need to level up my faction faster to get that exotic cloak.
Maybe, I did trade a couple hundred......