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Edited by Marshal Spectre: 7/1/2015 11:31:25 PM

Deej, Gear Ascension is mandatory

Just watched the little IGN chat video, Deej... How am I supposed to become a legend if I don't have a trademark weapon that becomes legendary with me? "Being married to the same gun for 10 years sounds boring" is YOUR opinion... Some of us like the idea of having a signature weapon, and some of us, myself included, don't like where the art is going on the new weapons and armor or hate enemy-themed gear like The Dark Below kit. If you make the new weapons and armor solid contenders, people will naturally want to acquire them, rather than being forced to by numbers... And denying a play-style because [i]You[/i] think it is boring is wrong. The real reason the ascension system is mandatory, however, is because this isn't an MMORPG! In a standard MMO, your combat is derived from your class and augmented by the numbers provided by gear. Sure some swords might swing faster or slower, but autoattack is like 2% of your DPS and combat. This is a shooter with live, twitch firearms... Every single one of which runs a little differently than the next. When a player finds a "favorite" gun, it isn't just his favorite [i]looking[/i] weapon, it is his favorite [i]running[/i] weapon. I have run a custom tuned 1911 pistol in competition for almost 12 years now... Are there better modded guns out now? Yes Are there a lot of newer guns I have liked and have added to my collections and ran? Yes But the bottom line is I cannot run any gun as fast or as hard as that 1911. It has been tuned to my preferences and trained with until it is an extension of my hands, so that's the gun that I drive in matches that count... Just like Fatebringer drivers in Destiny (Or in my case Timepiece and Grim Citizen) You cant treat Destiny like an MMO because it simply isn't one. I would actually like an answer about plans for long term ascension, because I am done tomorrow if all my work acquiring, leveling and customizing my characters is gonna be moot in 3 months... I was done before until you announced Etheric Light. Edit: Great comments, thank you! We are not alone, and we want an answer, Deej!

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  • The idea is for them to make the older weapons obsolete because you will always use the same thing otherwise. I understand what you are saying and I also get why they are doing this. You can't move forward if you are attached to old things, so they have to remove them. You'll probably still be able to use them but they won't be as effective anymore.

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    • I mean, hell id even be ok with a system of doing a seirse of missions (bounty) to be able to level each and every exotic, I could care less about legendary, because what is considered legendary has changed with each and every patch and dlc, so getting new legendarys is something I am used to doing, and actually kind of prefer. I mean when the new dlc drops and you get your first special weapon and in my case its better really made me feel good. Getting trials weapons and poe will probably adapt to the new level meaning, we can get even different weapons, not to mention all of the vendors gear. Exotics I care about, but honestly legendary gear started off as not even lvl 30 so you have to be real and know you will always be replacing and editing your class to adapt for the situation, rather then try the insanity approach of (it worked on example a so it must work for example b) Fate bringer is cool, but I can settle for other things on the market, elemental primaries are nice but not necessary (personally I feel like the burns are all kind of just a chesse method) meaning we shouldnt get used to them. The hardest nightfalls for me are the lightswitch ones, I can juke vandal sniper 1 shots, but always get hit by the damn invisible captian major right behind me.

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    • Never play an mmorpg.

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    • So is it for sure that weapons won't be ascended in the next DLC? Complete crap idea.

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      7 Replies
      • Edited by War Numen: 6/18/2015 3:53:19 AM
        Yeah, assuming you can't ascend guns to the TTK quality, you'll have no reason to really keep them other than for maybe crucible and additional raid perks. Bye bye old raid gear that took time to obtain and rank up/ascend. Bungie really don't care about us much do they. Like i'm going to swallow the bullshit about needing to make tough decisions. Bungie don't care. They should give us Void Storage like on WoW. (You have an extra vault, its free to store things there, it costs glimmer to remove it. In WoW this removes enchantments and gems so maybe in destiny it will reset your progress with the weapon to deter you from using it like a normal stash.)

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        • 1911 good stuff

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        • He didn't say you wouldn't be able to ascend gear, he just basically said that you can't get older guns that were sold or offered at one point, he didn't even say it in a way that your older guns won't be useful. With the response to etheric light, they aren't going to leave anything behind if you're willing to keep it.

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        • Most of the things Deej said about Weapons, I just dont agree with him..

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        • Thats my suros its my baby u can say it suck bit i can still wreck in pvp

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        • "Being married to the same gun for 10 years sounds boring" This is Freudian. Bitter much, Deej?

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        • Edited by zansatsu0: 6/18/2015 3:27:54 AM
          Bumped for justice. Preach on brother.

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        • Bump.

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        • I love my vision of confluence but it isn't fun to have the same weapon they want you to experiment with new weapons to keep things new and exciting.

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          3 Replies
          • Edited by NPeraAz: 6/17/2015 6:26:22 PM
            They made early weapons too powerful. Everyone is complaining about the bad HOW weapons, but they ran up against a wall. They can't offer a high impact sniper if you can just reroll into last shot. They can't offer high ammo rocket launchers if there are only three useful bonuses and one is tripod. They can't overpower weapons any more than the existing exotics and VoG legendaries because it would make all their content silly. Heck people already make day one content silly. Black Hammer Stun the boss to death while the teammates run cover. Or shoot guys, three Gally's, thirty seconds. Should they design content for you, or the other guy? Choose one. They need to get rid of past mistakes. And they don't have the strength to nerf, as you so eloquently put, a players prefered weapon. So they are not going to let you keep upgrading the same overpowered gun after year one. Those mistakes will slowly fade away next year, as your weapon loses power and you find another one that becomes prefered. Except in Crucible, long live the Mythoclast!

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            • Simply moving on would fix this issue for you. You can keep your favorite but it won't be optimized to the high level content. Get new gear, try new things and stop sitting on the same weapon. I have spent an extremely long time playing this game and I have held nearly every weapon, yet I am ready to let them all go for a new year of adventure. Despite how everyone complains about weapons and issues they are all still here playing this game. Old weapons whether legendary or exotic need to fade away. You can keep them but they won't be what they once were. Move on.

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            • Un-nerf the auto rifles, I want to ascend my trusty Shadow Price (with field scout) and murder enemies with it.

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              • They never said no ascension, they said you can't aquire that original gear again

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                3 Replies
                • I will never let go of my Cryptic Dragon. Never. The perks we can re-roll on scout rifles now actually include what I would like on it (full auto and explosive rounds), but I still love it too much.

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                • My trademark weapon was a pocket Infinity. My friends called me Fried Jenkins. It was all rosy until the nerf. Now, I gallop into battle with the Fourth Horseman (Death).. #FriedJenkins

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                • Bump because I posted at 3am :/

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