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Bearbeitet von BNGHelp4: 3/2/2015 5:28:48 PM

[BUNGIE] Solutions for Xbox One Re-downloading Update

[b][UPDATE 2/25/15] The 1.1.1 Update contains a fix for this issue. If you have not installed this update, please exit Destiny and re-launch to take the patch. If you are still encountering this issue after updating Destiny and following the troubleshooting guide, please let us know.[/b] [b][u]PLEASE NOTE:[/u] This post is ONLY for the Redownloading issue. Please do not post offtopic as it pushes down posts of people who are still experiencing this problem; players that do this will be removed from the thread.[/b] Hello all, We have been investigating the issue where Xbox One players experience a re-download of a 76mb update every time they play Destiny. We have a few troubleshooting options that [b]we highly recommend players attempt in the order we present them[/b]: [b]Check your internet connection[/b] Are you on a wired or wireless connection? If you are on WiFi or mobile hotspots, we recommend using a wired connection to complete your installation, as sometimes this update is due to the connection failing or hiccuping during the update. [b]Clear your cache[/b] Clearing the console's cache has been the most successful way of getting out of this state. Please see below for more information as there are [b]two ways[/b] to clear the cache on your console. Once it is cleared it will resume your update. -Launch Destiny on your console (Do not press A to play) -At the sign on screen (the screen that prompts you “Press A To Play”) press and hold the following buttons for ~10 seconds, or until the game launches : Right Bumper (RB) + Left Bumper (LB) + down on the dpad -[b]PLEASE NOTE:[/b] This button command should only be used on the “Press A To Play” screen OR -Completely shut your console off -Go to Settings -Go to Power & startup -Press Turn Xbox off -Once the console is completely off, unplug the power cord from the back of the console and let sit for ~5 minutes -Power the console on and re-launch Destiny [b]Re-launching the game after playing a different game[/b] This issue could also be caused by game installs overlapping each other on your hard drive. Sometimes this can be sorted by simply closing Destiny and launch a recently played game (that is NOT Destiny). Please follow the steps below: 1. Launch Destiny 2. Close Destiny 3. Launch recently played/downloaded game 4. Play for a bit (20-30 minutes is recommended) 5. Close recently played/downloaded game 6. Launch Destiny At this point, the update will pop up and follow through, and the issue should resolve. Players who own the disc copy of Destiny have reported that their issue resolved after borrowing a friend's disc and attempting the update, or cleaning the disc. We realize this issue can occur with digital copies, and this solution may not be ideal. [b]We are aware that these steps may not resolve this issue, and if none of these steps help then re-installing the game may work.[/b] Your progress and characters are saved server-side on your account, so you do not need to worry about losing progress if you uninstall. Please know that Bungie is investigating a report on people who cannot resolve this issue with the steps provided. We thank you for your patience as we investigate.

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  • The clear cache work ed for me. Thanks

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  • WOW. Reading these comments, I am genuinely surprised anyone at Bungie studios even wants to help you fix the issue. They were offering all the help they bloody can. They clearly have said that they are still investigating said issue! So, please tell me how, moaning like a bunch of little whiney 12 year olds is going to help fix the issue? Oh, and yeah you can stop moaning like [quote]its your end it isn't my problem blah blah fix the issue[/quote] - they are investigating!! Clearly says that! They know it is THIER fault. Another one - [quote]you are taking too long to fix it[/quote] - you like them, are entitled to bloody time off over the holidays, to spend what little time they probably get with friends and family in between dealing with you idiots. Holidays aren't even over for eveyone. Give them a bloody break! These ARE listed as possible solutions not an actual fix. If they knew what was actually wrong and going on, they'd have fixed it by now. Use your brains people. [quote]A legendary weapon as a holiday present what a scam I feel cheated[/quote] be bloody lucky you got anything at all the way half you people talk to 'em. What would be the point in handing you nice big shiny powerful exotic weapons? Quite literally takes away the point in the game. If you want an easy ride go play Peggle for days on end. You will find it a lot more rewarding. Literally just a bunch of keyboard warroirs, bet you wouldn't even say half this stuff to their faces. Amazing. 76mb update!? Oh no! What a -blam!-ing shame! Literally takes me 2 minutes every now and then when it does happen. Hardly much of an annoyance.... Clearly you still play the game otherwise you wouldn't moan about it... If you don't like it that much, trade it in. The destiny community is probably better off without you. I on the other hand, thank you Bungie, for creating ANOTHER time changing game. First halo 2, now this. I'm literally addicted. You have done a stellar job. Sure things could be improved here and there, but what game can't be? Can't wait to see what else you have in store with future updates and DLC.

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    16 Antworten
    • Did this and the update thing happened again

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    • thank you bungie for trying to fix this as fast as u can we know you guys just got back from spending time with your families but some ppl don't see that but a lot of us do, and we all would like to say thank you for doing your best at fixing it

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    • Tried everything can't get rid of the wasp error I haven't been able to sign in since tuesday

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    • Bearbeitet von Viral_Assassin8: 1/10/2015 3:46:33 PM
      I suggest changing the title to something more accurate. You can not claim these are the [b][i]solutions[/i][/b] and then claim at the end that they might not actually be the solution. Your going to confuse many new players who are running into this problem. I myself have been effected by this error code that [b][i]CAN NOT BE SOLVED[/i][/b] on our side no matter how hard we try. I love this game. I want to keep playing. I want to throw more money at you for House of Wolves. I want to throw more money at you if this weird leak of Comet and its DLC. Let me be a part of this! This game has taken permanet housing in my Xbox One because im convinced there is nothing cureently able to dethrone rhe joy i get from playing in the Destiny universe I've tried everything suggested too many times. Wanna know how many times I've installed this single game? More then my entire Xbox 360 library of 20+ games. This is something that needs to be addressed more then what your doing now. Large chunks of the player base csn not even play. If you can not fix the game so it can be playable for those locked out because of this error that we can not fix, at least offer some kind of compensation or maybe a refund as we can not even play your still very brand new game.

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      5 Antworten
      • Bearbeitet von TurboDezel: 1/9/2015 3:09:45 PM
        [quote]Hello all, We have been investigating the issue where Xbox One players experience a re-download of a 76mb update every time they play Destiny. We have a few troubleshooting options that [b]we highly recommend players attempt in the order we present them[/b]: [b]Check your internet connection[/b] Are you on a wired or wireless connection? If you are on WiFi or mobile hotspots, we recommend using a wired connection to complete your installation, as sometimes this update is due to the connection failing or hiccuping during the update. [b]Clear your cache[/b] Clearing the console's cache has been the most successful way of getting out of this state. Please see below for more information as there are [b]two ways[/b] to clear the cache on your console. Once it is cleared it will resume your update. -Launch Destiny on your console (Do not press A to play) -At the sign on screen (the screen that prompts you “Press A To Play”) press and hold the following buttons for ~10 seconds, or until the game launches : Right Bumper (RB) + Left Bumper (LB) + down on the dpad -[b]PLEASE NOTE:[/b] This button command should only be used on the “Press A To Play” screen OR -Completely shut your console off -Go to Settings -Go to Power & startup -Press Turn Xbox off -Once the console is completely off, unplug the power cord from the back of the console and let sit for ~5 minutes -Power the console on and re-launch Destiny [b]Re-launching the game after playing a different game[/b] This issue could also be caused by game installs overlapping each other on your hard drive. Sometimes this can be sorted by simply closing Destiny and launch a recently played game (that is NOT Destiny). Please follow the steps below: 1. Launch Destiny 2. Close Destiny 3. Launch recently played/downloaded game 4. Play for a bit (20-30 minutes is recommended) 5. Close recently played/downloaded game 6. Launch Destiny At this point, the update will pop up and follow through, and the issue should resolve. Players who own the disc copy of Destiny have reported that their issue resolved after borrowing a friend's disc and attempting the update, or cleaning the disc. We realize this issue can occur with digital copies, and this solution may not be ideal. [b]We are aware that these steps may not resolve this issue, and if none of these steps help then re-installing the game may work.[/b] Your progress and characters are saved server-side on your account, so you do not need to worry about losing progress if you uninstall. Please know that Bungie is investigating a report on people who cannot resolve this issue with the steps provided. We thank you for your patience as we investigate.[/quote]I see everyone talking about this 76 mb update that keeps coming back every time we log in and want to play but I just noticed something 3 days ago and it has been the same every time the update has come up again. (which is about 8 times) when it starts it says it is 121 mb the after a second jumps to 76 mb. Has anyone else noticed that? Maybe there is a clue there? Maybe it's just me. Getting ready to try all of the potential fixes listed above. I hope one works. Edit--I apologize it actually said 1.21 mb where it started counting. However I got to make the correction because the update showed up hopefully for the last time after holding bumpers and down D Pad

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        7 Antworten
        • Well isn't this fun, downloading the update twice so far today...

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          • Guys its not like they can press their magic button and fix everything it takes time and work its like finding a cure for a disease stop being so impatient and demanding its not going to help anything and they could just not even suggest things to do to help but they did cant you tell theyre trying to help and if a few mins for an update is sooo much of an inconvince for you then idk how you're going to handle [i]real[/i] problems in life

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            • Bearbeitet von ReapersDr4gon: 1/10/2015 1:19:47 PM
              I became a fan of the beautifully creative hive mind that is Bungie when I first played Halo 1. Occasionally I hop on the newer versions of halo 2 and the like to get a bit of nostalgia going about "the good ole' days where super jumps and glitches like the rocket-sword lunge were popular. There was a time when I would have dared any of you to step into a ring with me. This was especially true when GrimnReaper was by my side. Our teamwork is a flawless dance of sheer skill and friendship. He is my best friend and I would call him a die hard fan. You guys are part of why he went to college for graphic design and such. I wish he could find a good job in it because god he is a brilliant eccentric mind with the creative ability of a god. However, all thing worth having are worth working for and chasing until you catch it. Anyway,I bought an original Xbox from Microsoft with my first job purely for my specific intent to play halo. As the Halo saga developed I upgraded. I waited and waited in utter "childhood Christmas-like"excitement for Destiny and not only did I get it, but I saved up off of an average salary for months in order to obtain an xbox one and a new 40 inch flat screen just so I could appreciate another spectacular work of art by my favorite game creators. It is so beautiful. I am still not only in awe, but I am so thankful that once again they have delivered. I lag out some, but think about what that xbox is doing for you through whatever wireless connection you have. It's mind boggling to say the least. I see that "76%" (or whatever it is) update every time I sign in and decided to look up a solution. That led me here. I wasn't the happiest with the price on The Dark Below. However, I still purchased it and am glad that I did. As I expected, bugs and all it was spectacular. As someone that truly cares for and supports this company and as someone that has invested hundreds and possibly a couple thousand dollars in not only their products, but the products that it takes to truly enjoy such a creation I am disappointed at the majority of you who call yourselves gamers. You constantly insult Bungie. You are very ungrateful. They did not have to give you a single thing extra. You come across as a group of rather spoiled brats. You made the decision knowing fully and completely what you were taking a bite of. I'm sorry if some of you don't like the taste of what they have served up, but as for me, and as usual I will continue to return to their "kitchen" and ask for seconds... Thirds.... Fourths..... Etc... And I am excited to see how this Destiny ride unravels. I am amazed at the professionalism and skill of all of Bungie. I want to lay this on a little thick so that you guys know at Bungie that even though most of these people are being quite rude, some of us truly have your back. We love you guys. We appreciate you. Thank you for what you do. I am now about to turn 25 and am a superintendent for Creekside Custom Homes LLC in Myrtle Beach , SC. I am no child and I am no fool. I manage dozens of people twice my age every single day and even though I have my own place, bills, and other responsibilities, I still find time to use this wonderful legendary weapon that they have gifted me in an attempt to show gratitude, to slaughter a multitude of unfriendlies. On top of this I want to offer you my sincere apology for modding halo 2. I know that this is over ten years down the road, but I was a kid and did something stupid. I was very good at the game and did not find it fair that I could never get past a 34 in anything due to all of the modding, bridging, standbying and other cheats that were going on. I foolishly decided that if I couldn't enjoy it anymore in the ranked world that I would just mod custom games and have fun with my friends that way. Of course I went into a couple match made games, but I never cheated my level up. I went in looking for other modders to dismantle because it was so difficult to beat 360 auto aim with only a BR or Sniper. Occasionally I could skillfully take down a modder, but you could never win the match. Everyone would quit and it became something that wasn't fun. I know now that I should have stuck it out and waited for the ban hammer, but I sold out. As punishment my original account ReapersDragon is banned from halo matchmaking forever and I was blacklisted on all of my linked logins. I learned my lesson at a young age and I am sorry to ramble on so, but I at least owed you guys that. Anyway guys, thank you so much for what you do. I appreciate you. I enjoy all of your very hard to create and very time consuming masterpieces and will continue to support you guys. To the rest of you out there. Playing these games isn't about getting freebies it isn't even just about your skill. I have made true lifelong friends through these outlets. As well, when my parents abused us and my mom left I ran to Halo for a happy place. My sis died and I ran to these video games. It didn't make me into some killer for playing a shooting game. It was the opposite. In a way it saved me. It was a safe world I could run to as a kid where I was in control and if I were to fail or fall at least I wasn't helpless and it depended all on my skill and intelligence. Never forget why we play the games guys. Never forget why. Show some respect and gratitude. Bungie we love ya.[/quote]

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              • I think this might be the dark belows fault because after that came out errors kept coming not just wasp and Marionberry but centipede, zebra and other codes started coming up. Not just on Xbox one but on 360, PS3 and PS4 as well.

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              • Error wasp has ended my 500+ hr time play I g Destiny this is such a disappointment that I might retire this game please fix or lose a customer

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              • Just got this error for the first time tonight. Tried all the troubleshooting nothing works. Hopefully you guys fix this soon. I'm bored of playing Unity lol!

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              • I have had this problem for about 3 weeks now but I am always able to play the game after it has finished downloading. It's annoying but hasn't really affected my ability to play. What I have noticed though is that every time in play destiny and then shut down my xboxone I cannot use my console the next time I turn it on. I'll turn it on and I can navigate to the different pages on my home screen but when I press the A button to select anything there is no response. I have to unplug the console and plug it back in to get it to work. This only happens when I play destiny.

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              • Still getting this stupid issue! Marionberry errors followed by the update and installation for something that does not exist. Been through all the troubleshooting and nothing is working. Get it fixed or lose a customer.

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              • Clearing cache and playing other games has not helped.

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              • I've asked other gamers their opinion of what the problem might be; one made the suggestion since the most common occurrence is marionberry, the fixes above are only temporary with actual ownership of the game disc. Quitting Destiny and reloading sometimes works as does unplugging the console albeit as a band aid. I recently took a video of the update of Destiny and it is as others say that it is a broken patch or update as it seems to not fully complete, but waiting after the 'loading' of the update can clear the screen does allow one to sign and play. When I can I will upload the 1 min and 37 sec video from my phone to you tube with the appropriate tag of 'broken update'

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                3 Antworten
                • Well, I have narrowed it down. When I play Destiny exclusively on the Xbox One, it doesn't happen, however if i play any other game, I have to re patch EVERY TIME!!! Same on two different consoles.

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                  • Same problem here (in brazil) and the fixes don't fix. Hello bungie, wake up! Passed three days since this note and nothing yet.

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                  • Thank gosh in not the only person this is happening to i thought my internet was messed up but seriously this should be fixed if it affects this many people

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                    • 2
                      Trogladore, Darkness Bane
                      Trogladore, Darkness Bane

                      Down Bad in the Deep - alt

                      Well the day the dark below came out I had the 76mb content update and got through just fine. But literally the day after the expansion was released I had the download again and it wouldn't get through. So I thought it was my internet and went to my friends house (he has 100mbs charter) and it updated but 3 days later it came back. I've been fighting this since day one of the expansion. These fixes I have tried along with countless others. But the only fix is 7$ of gas everytime I want to play this game. Given though I'm not mad at Bungie, I'm mad at my ISP. Because even though it's bungled fault I have to download this update, it's my ISPs fault it won't load. But with this being the most bought game of history I should have expected that people who have had this problem for 2 weeks would auto blame Bungie. You -blam!-ing bro gamers are blaming a Developer for an ISP issue. Go back to COD and your 420 gun cammos and 42 IQs and quit crying. Bungie hasn't steered me wrong since ONI (a game from the 90's before halo) and they still have yet to do so.

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                    • Destiny Case = New "Breaking Down" tray. #420Guardians

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                    • Hey at least I can use the disc as a coster now 70$ well spent

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                    • Still having the same issue. Nearly two weeks now. Some sort of update would be nice but I guess that is too much to ask.

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                    • I am having this problem to and tried everything it works some times then doesn't, I tried playing at two in the morning at it downloaded within seconds so it's just a bug that destiny needs to fix and I have already missed zur once so I don't want to miss him again!!!!! If anybody has anything to help fix this please let me know!!

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                    • This doesnt fix squat. Fix your game "bungie employee ".

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