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Bearbeitet von Nero Hylt: 12/10/2014 12:56:12 PM

Crota's End Guide,

Please note that this guide is a collection from my own experience and various forums that I have been looking at. Phase One: Latern Path phase. This phase is pretty simple. All you need to do is walk along the path following the lanterns as you go. Sounds easy right? Wrong it is actually quite hard as sometimes people fall behind and get lost. Another issue is the big holes in the ground along your path which you can fall into and die. Make sure you stick together as a team so you have an easier time fighting the hundreds of thralls that run after you, they are tough so make sure you stick together to make the job easier. Keep looking at your motion tracker and try to keep the green dots (you and the other players) close together. If a player falls behind wait for them to catch up. If a player dies wait and pick them up. The key here is to stick together and work as a team, no lone wolfs allowed in this raid as you make the raid tougher for everyone on your team. The lanterns themselves are not as important as you might think. They stop you from being slow but then they blow up so make sure to get away from a lantern if you see it change color (white to orange). As you progress along the path you come across an open area with two separate pathways and water on the floor. DO NOT TOUCH THE WATER!!! IT WILL KILL YOU!! Stay on the path and it will lead you to more two more lanterns, just continue to follow the path and you will get to a bridge. (If you do not see it go back and follow the path again) This is the point that make the lanterns seem useless. all the players need to stand on the plate while the bridge opens and fend off hoards of thralls, knights and two ogres. Once the bridge is open, run to the very end on the tunnel and through the light. Phase two: The Bridge This is probably the toughest and longest part of the Raid. The goal here is to split up into teams of two and hold each of the three plates ( very similar to the confluxes in VOG) The plate in the middle forms the bridge, while the two other plates are for the annihilator totems. Keep looking at the totems every 5 seconds to see if it is red or not. Make sure you stand under the totem ( on the plate) if you see it turn purple you need to stand on the plate. I discovered by chance that a totem only changes color if a group of enemies is close to it. after about twenty seconds of defending these points a swordbearer appears ( he is tough so try not to let him hit you, jump away from him when he jumps at you and keep your distance, you have guns so keep your distance) The swordbearer picks a side to go to, usually the middle first but sometimes the left or right are first. When you are the last person on this side of the bridge you need to look after both totem plates for about thirty seconds (just keep running around if there are adds) until a swordbearer spawns in, kill him, grab his sword then run over the bridge. [b]FOR PEOPLE ON THE ORIGINAL SIDE OF THE BRIDGE!!![/b] Once you kill the swordbearer one of the people on the middle plate picks up the sword, (no matter where the sword is) When you have the sword run across the bridge, it should already be open by the two people in the centre. If the bridge is not fully formed after the sword is dropped by the swordbearer you have five seconds to form it or you won't be able to kill the gatekeeper on the other side. So make sure the bridge is open as soon as the swordbearer is about to die. I found this specific sequence of players seems to work when grabbing the sword and running over. First player in the middle, then one player from the right totem, one player from the left totem. Make sure you keep the totems blue until five or six players are over the bridge. As more players go across the bridge the adds on your side start to despawn. [b]FOR PEOPLE RUNNING ACROSS THE BRIDGE!!![/b] Once you have the sword and run across the bridge you have about thirty seconds to kill the gatekeeper before the sword disappears I found that if you are a titan stiker supercharging with the sword takes quite a bit of health off the gatekeeper. (HUNTER SUPERCHARGE DOES NOT DAMAGE THE GATEKEEPER) (WARLOCKS MUST USE SUNSINGER) I found that spamming the R2 ability with the sword staggers him (If he hits you once jump around him to get at his back and spam R2) He can kill you in two hits so that is important. If he jumps at you, double jump away immediately as this attack instantly kills you Now that you are across the bridge you need to focus on the adds ( the knights in particular as they cause a lot of hassle for the player with the sword) and the two totem plates, they are relatively close to each other so it is not too difficult. If you die trying to kill the gatekeeper make sure you have his health low enough so that the next player can kill him in one or two hits. ( Sunsinger is very useful here) GATEKEEPERS CAN ONLY BE DAMAGED BY THE SWORD!!!!! When you have four people across the bridge two ogres should spawn in. This despawns the enemies on the original side of the bridge and the remaining two players need to cross the bridge.(Make sure that these two players keep and eye on the totems as they might still turn red) If the ogres spawn in, kill them and you can move onto the next phase. An Addition to this that I just found out is that whichever side holding the middle plate has to look after the totems as well so when four people are across the bridge, the two left on the starting side DO NOT STAND IN THE CENTRE PLATE!!!!!! Just wait for the swordbearer and run across the bridge. Phase Three: Crota's End This is tricky, you need to kill two wizards, two shriekers and another boss wizard in three minuets or your team wipes so make sure you have a lot of heavy ammo. Once you have killed all those enemies, you fight Crota. This is a very co-ordinated fight and is tricky to get into the swing of. So when you start this fight you get a debuff that stops health regeneration and now the only way to get health is by having the chalice of light, this is located in the center of the arena on top of a block, you can't miss it. Make sure you hold square when you are going to pick up the chalice at first and then each player can pass it around as they need it. (by going to the player that has it and holding square) At this point you are fighting another swordbearer and when he drops the sword the person with the chalice picks up the sword and runs towards Crota. The problem here is that Crota can instantly kill you when you get close so make sure that the other players on your team focus on him to take care of his shield (once his shield is down he kneels down and will not attack the guy with the sword) now the guy with the sword needs to hit him with the R2 twice and run back to the rest of the team. Make sure you keep switching the chalice to get health back if you need it. Just rinse and repeat and you will be fine. Keep an eye out for when the moon blows up (right behind Crota, you cannot miss it) when it blows up shoot it or your team will wipe. The best spot to do this part of the Raid is in the hallway below the crystal that you use to start this segment. Hopefully this guide helps you finish the Raid and get lots of loot. Good Luck Guardians!!

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