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Bearbeitet von D4rkFr4g: 10/16/2014 7:14:22 PM

How DLC works and why Destiny's DLC is not in the main game

Here's how DLC works. A software company making a game decides what the original game is going to be and how much stuff is going to be in it. They work on the game and once all the coding is done there is still a lot of other work to be done. Voice overs, music, advertisements, dialog, packaging. It's a lot of work that they don't need the programmers to do. So for the 3-6 months that the company has until the game is actually released there are two options. They can fire all of the programmers and then rehire new ones down the road when they need to create new content. Or instead they can have them start working on DLC. The programmers can't continue stuffing content into the original game because it needs to be tested and QA'd and it takes a lot of time. Therefore they work on new content which after being tested and QA'd is usually ready shortly after release. This method works great because if anything does come up with the original game they have the original programmers there to fix it quickly. Would you prefer that they wait till after the game comes out and then start from scratch on DLC or would you rather have it shortly after release? Please note, a lot of Engineers get fired in the one scenario. Sometimes the DLC is even ready before the original game is released. This doesn't mean that it is owed to you and should be in the original game. That's not how it works. You knew that there would be DLC and you knew that it wouldn't be in the original game. Here is an Op-Ed from Ars Technica that goes into a bit more detail. It even covers on-disc dlc. The part I recommend is the last section. "They should work on the main game first!" I've also included the image from that section that includes a flow chart of game and dlc development. [url][/url] If you would like to suggest a more improved system of game development I would be glad to listen. If your method could improve upon what is already in place I'm sure you would be a valuable asset in the industry. Not just for video games but software in general.

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  • I would suggest not promising a new ip that would start to change the way we view and play games. Instead shoot for small ideas that can be expanded on. I suggest not trying to change a game mid stream cause key personnel leave the co. I suggest promoting said concept like we are able to only deliver X day one, but over the course of a period of time, we will deliver Y an Z also. Destiny in concept (from listening to the devs talk about it) should be an industry wide changing game. In reality, for whatever reason, concepts we were led to believe would be here already aren't, or are now not happening. For whatever reason. Our hope now is that they will change things for the better but do far have not. Actually quite the opposite. They have alienated huge amounts of players, both pvp and pve. Some of which prob won't return. Which is to bad cause if bungie does see where and what they are doing wrong an fix it, this could be another bungie smash hit. With halo they caught lightning in a jar. I think they had a great concept on where to take our gaming to in terms of the next level, they just failed at executing it. I do hope they fix and add to the game to make it what I believe their idea was. Until then there are many more games that have proven records that I think most people will want to play instead.

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