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Bearbeitet von Cpt.ClapBootyCheeks: 10/8/2014 9:48:56 PM

Infinite ammo consumables sold by Xûr

20 coins, or hell, 20 motes even. Timer still applies, but just something we can buy and store in our inventory that we can pop anytime we need more ammo. If you guys implement this, can we also have it so that once you are totally bingo on a weapons ammo, holding the reload button for 5 seconds uses whatever consumable is necessary for that weapon? Having to go into the player menu then over to inventory and the often times lag of waiting for your inventory to populate then finding the consumable then clicking on it is freaking asinine. Also, a timer on the hud showing the time left on that consumable use would be pretty swell.

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  • Timer on the HUD, yes, sounds nice. That includes all active buffs and timers (except Nightfall... I'd hate to see a timer until week reset on that one). Holding the reload button to consume an ammo pack? Not so much. I can't speak for xbox, but the reload button on playstation is [Square]. The send-ghost-to-interact-with-stuff button is also [Square]. Holding [Square] to send your ghost for a story thing could easily confuse the game into thinking you want to use an ammo pack, especially because if you let go or someone else gets their ghost out first, it sees you released [Square], so you begin reloading if possible. I'd prefer one where you have to hold a button for a quick-inventory menu, then an increased timer so you don't use it accidentally, but allow you to drop certain consumables into your quick-inventory.

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    Benimm dich. Nimm dir eine Minute, um dir unsere Verhaltensregeln durchzulesen, bevor du den Beitrag abschickst. Abbrechen Bearbeiten Einsatztrupp erstellen Posten

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