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9/27/2014 12:26:44 AM

How do YOU play your guardian?

I feel this has the potential for some great discussion so ill kick things off! I absolutley LOVE playing in a supporting role. Im not the kind of person who really runs around looking for kill after kill. Alot of the time i use Titan Defender. I know the defender can be a beast offensivley but i really enjoy knowing that i have my teams back. Ive lost count of the amount of times a random team mate of mine has come under attack from all angles and i come flying in and drop my shield upon them from above! Giving them a vital shield, morale boost and time to reload! I stay in the bubble with them because as many of you know, there aren't that many players who are willing to go toe to toe with a Titan defender INSIDE his bubble! Sometimes ill follow a group around at the rear and support them by keeping the enemy pushed behind a corner with void grenades and some fire from the SUROS regime. Giving them time to reposition and go in for the kill. I tend to focus on dropping the opponents shields for my teammates to clean up, as they tend to panic when the shield drops. So rather than try to kill one of them, ill try drop the shields on 3 of them to create a bit of chaos in the ranks. I know flanking is more of a hunters game but i have found that if the oppertunity arises ill advance along the far outside of my group in the hopes of getting a different angle on the would be aggressors. Just today a rocket was sent at my team and i popped the bubble just as the rocket smashed into the side of it!! It would have been certain death for at least two of the team! I get far more assists than kills but that really is how i play the game. There are far more skilled killers out there than me, so my job is to make their job alot easier. And i genuinly am very good at it. I love the feeling you get when you really pull someone out of a tight spot. This brings me to one other point, a rather controversial one, and im not here to start a debate on this or an argument. But i will say that at first, the random loot genarator for PvP seemed ludicrous. Awarding items to some of the lower scorers. But having been playing support for a while now i came to realise, that if the loot system was to award only the top top scorers, then playing as a true support i'd have no chance at getting the gear. So from my point of view at this time i have to applaud it. It means i can focus on my job and not worry about looking silly at the bottom of the table. I might not be the one killing you, but i can assure you, that i am the reason my team survived that little bit longer, pushed that little bit further, and bit that little bit harder. I know im blowing my own trumpet but i really am proud of my playstyle, and more importantly i really enjoy it. What about you guys? its time to big up your playstyle. Ill wager there are some of you with very interesting and really in depth strategies! lets hear it!

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  • I kill EVERYONE on the other team. No one is safe from my warlock. I hate when my teammates steal my kills or get me killed or just get in the way. I feel like I could do so much better without them. That why I like it when its 5 on 6 or people leave my team. Sure it might be harder to win, but hey less people to get in my path to glory. I also like the feeling of havint team on my back, with me usually being the highest level on my team I feel like the youngsters look to me for help or to take charge. Anyways I charge the enemy and Ill get up close in your face or I'll just sit back and shoot your head off from a mile away with my sniper. I'm talking straight GENOCIDE when I'm in the is pure ecstasy

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