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Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von THE SPY HUNT3R: 9/11/2014 11:54:52 PM

The Story We Were Promised

First off, let me just say I am enjoying this game. I play it as often as possible and can't wait until my wife [i]lets[/i] me do it some more. Lol. But, with that being said, as much as I'm enjoying blasting baddies, I'm really feeling uncomfortable about not fully knowing [i]why[/i]. In an age of pvp shooters and online only multiplayer, companies are making the mistake of sacrificing story, but without story, we have no purpose, and without purpose... There is no destiny. I want to know who my character was before the Ghost revived them. I want to know when he/she fell. Do they even know about the Traveler? How did they learn to fight? What makes them worthy of being a Guardian? And why aren't they asking anything and just happily killing things as complacently as possible? There are a lot of questions needing answered, and yes, I look into the Grimoire whenever I unlock cards. As a Halo fan from the beginning, I'm really hoping Bungie will save the day with deeper characters and plot lines in near future content, and personally, for promising us more than has been delivered, [i]I think that content should be free.[/i] We, as their consumers, need to let our concerns be noted and not settle for paying for the story we were promised.

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Gesamtes Thema ansehen
  • Story is non-existent. World building and lore is weak. There are barely and characters, just vendor NPCs. The aliens all are bad and work for Darkness, so you know they are bad. They have no personality or anything to make them appear to be a civilized sentient species. All the enemies due is stand around and wait for you to appear so they can shoot at you. No personality or liveliness.

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