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Bearbeitet von fizzure: 9/8/2014 9:59:59 PM

No Snooze Button For The Dead

[I challenged myself to write this as close to the first mission as I possibly could, Does this idea work or detract from this piece?. Also... Is there too much inner dialogue? Takes place after Scythe dies, but before he tells his story from "Not All of Us Can Be Heroes".] What a tremendous warmth I felt… The fire that lulled me into the light. There was peace like I’d never felt before, a calm that rang through my ears as I lifted into the sky over the clouds and off of the wispy white tips. Below, fire raged and burned, driving back the night. I could see the stars, golden sunlight breaking the horizon as dawn greeted the world with gentle fingers spanning across the sky… Finally, peace at last. *** “Guardian… Eyes up Guardian.” My head throbs with a dull sense of aching. I’m coughing as I watch the vista of dusk melting into darkness, regaining my breath in subtle gasps. A figure comes into view while my eyes strain to adjust. It hurts to breathe, each time my lungs inhale and draw a breath I feel as if my bones are breaking. A floating cube with a glowing blue eye comes into focus—my eyes are still adjusting. “It worked… You’re alive!” I try to speak—I’d like to smash this creature into bits—but I’m still having trouble breathing. “You don’t know how long I’ve been looking for you…” Some of the robot’s speech fades in and out, my ears glean through the sounds and words that stand out, but my vision seems to clearing up now despite feeling dizzy. “I’m a ghost. Well, actually, I’m your ghost. And you? Well you’ve been dead a long time… So…” His voice drones on…[i] “Why the HELL is this tin can still talking?” [/i]I tune out most of what he has to say. The numbness in my arms fade, followed by a tingling sensation until finally some feeling creeps back in. Each movement aches to life as my heart pounds and blood courses throughout my body. My nerves lash at my muscles who, in return, bark back a message “Too tired, try later.” The same response given with every movement I attempt. At first, I’m only able raise my arms. Clenching my fists, there’s something missing. The familiar feeling of longing to grasp the hilt of a blade returns. [i]“I’m back! Great… I’m back.”[/i] Meanwhile, the ghost is still under the impression that I care what it has to say. “This is Fallen Territory, we aren’t safe here. I have to get you to the city.” Something about that word makes my head hurt… It sounds familiar, too familiar. “Fallen… Fallen! Vermin.” The mere sound of the word sends spikes of adrenaline coursing through my veins. The blurriness fades as my vision comes into focus.[i] “Where are you?”[/i] “This way, we have to hurry.” the ghost says. It was already halfway between where he found me and the door to the old wall—the one I used to help protect. It’s seen better days. [i]“How long was I dead for? Centuries?”[/i] Each movement reminds me how stubborn my body is; it feels like I’m forcing fire into my muscles and ignoring the burn, but I have to find it. “Hey! No, come this way guardian. We need you to survive! I’m not losing you a minute into your reviv—“ “Shut it! Stop calling me guardian, I’m not a guardian at all! Now help me find my gun you dinky little light bulb.” My raspy words spray into my helmet. It hurts so much to talk… My throat is so hoarse and dry it feels as if I’m breathing sand from my lips. “You don’t understand, I was able to bring you back; therefore, you must be a guardian. Look, there is a Fallen hunting party no more than a few clicks from us. They’ll kill us—they’ll kill you!” “I’m no guardian. And, it wouldn’t be the first time no help me find Ganon. I know it’s here!” The ghost flies back over to me. Toward the south I can hear the sounds of Fallen creeping toward us through old cars. Their spindly legs scrape along the metal as they draw nearer. Knees in the dirt, I’m searching the ground in a feverish attempt to recover my hand cannon. “Guardian. They will kill you. You’re not ready to fight them yet—you don’t even have a weapon” The Ghost flutters over my shoulder, swirling around as he hovers in front of me. “Let it go. You’ll find more.” He says, this time with more urgency. The ghost swooshes around to my face. Blue light from its ocular sensor bores into my eyes, causing them to sting. Wincing, I turn away. With both hands, I snatch the pesky robot in midair. Panicked, it tries to pull away. My fingers clasped around the body of the ghost and I squeeze the metal struts as it tries to escape. “Listen you dinky piece of—“ Plasma screeches past me, just over my right shoulder, I lift my head and see the fallen leaping over the cars, their bodies masked in the sunset’s rays. Blue light pours from their direction and sails toward me, some shots whiz and crackle the air as they zip by. “The fallen seem to have made some upgrades, their projectiles have a crude tracking system now…” “We’ll talk later. Move!” I let go and sprint in the direction of the open door. The ghost disappears and I feel all of my body surge with a sudden tingle. “[i]Did I catch a round with my back? My armor is still functional right?[/i]” “Don’t worry, I’m still with you.” The ghost’s voice echoes inside my head and ringing through both ears. There’s no time to process all this, but everything feels familiar. I’ve never felt so much aching between my movements but I have to keep moving. My legs propel me through a corridor of rotting cars coated in a thick layer of rust. All around me, I can hear the Fallen clambering after me, their legs scraping the metal of cars as they cry out their hunting cries. My head is locked on a small black rectangle in the wall, a doorway tucked into the wall… Closer, closer, each footstep feels like I could topple over at any moment and roll into the wall. I jump through the threshold but loose my footing upon landing, sliding and skidding my armor against the concrete until I crash into the wall. From there I catch a glimpse of what’s behind me: a Dreg, a Vandal, and a Captain. Three flavors of Fallen spewing hot blue plasma my way. My body rolls into the stairs and scramble to my legs as a succession of rounds impact where I had been on the ground. [i]“It’s hard to move in short bursts of speed like this, each one leaves me winded and gasping… I’m only 115 years old, I can’t be this out of shape can I? Maybe being dead for so long really takes it out of you."[/i] Three flights of stairs later and my legs feel as if they’ve already been run through a gauntlet. After three flights of stairs, I’m out of breath. The doorway at the top opens up into a room where the scaffolding allows the fading sunlight light to bleed into the room and paint it a withering amber color. It’s a surreal feeling being back inside, when I was alive, this walk way served as the lookout for whomever was on duty to watch guardians leave or return. “Okay, I need to find you a weapon before they find us.” "What do you think I was trying to do out there? Scrounge for spin metal in the scrap heaps? I had a gun on my hip before—“ “Then when didn’t you look there to begin with? Isn’t that what’s on your belt?” I feel stupid. It seems that my impulsiveness was the only thing that didn’t die whenever I did. On my hip in its holster I can feel Ganon sitting where it’s been the whole time. “Looks like you’re good for something after all.” “Quiet. They’re right above us.” The ghost chirps. The room grows darker as we move deeper into the wall toward the main channel. This open corridor was where munitions were carried via a vast system of conveyor belts throughout the wall. Here, a group of warlocks inspected and procured the sunlight for the artillery unit behind the wall. They were known as the “Storm Wardens”, the 28th Legion Enchanting Division. [i]Great. They’re inside.[/i] In the wall ahead of me I can see some of the vermin crawling around and hiding in the shadows. They slide back into the shadows as soon I notice them… They were always better fighters in the dark, experts at hit and run guerilla tactics and laying an ambush. “They’re going to flank us.” I say to the tiny robot, turning left up some stairs and walking to a dim platform overlooking on of the massive open assembly area. [continued 1/3]

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  • This was great!! Definitely added a lot to the beginning chapter of the game.

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    Benimm dich. Nimm dir eine Minute, um dir unsere Verhaltensregeln durchzulesen, bevor du den Beitrag abschickst. Abbrechen Bearbeiten Einsatztrupp erstellen Posten

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    • Bearbeitet von fizzure: 9/3/2014 7:59:16 PM
      “Hang tight. Fallen thrive in the dark, we won’t. We need more light. I’ll see what I can do.” The pain catches up with me again now that there’s time to rest but I suppress it by keeping my mind busy. I reach for the gun on my hip and take it out… The weapon is black, pitch dark and coated in a film of soot and rust. My fingers work to move the cylinder and unload the chamber but the gun is frozen, forever preserved in a layer of inky black muck. “Another one of these hardened military systems…” The ghost’s words bleed into the dark while he looks around. The only thing working is my growing frustration at knowing that the Fallen are positioning for an ambush and I’m standing here with a weapon that doesn’t work… My knife! I still have my knife. I slide my down to my waist and reach for the hilt of my blade. Yep, still there. Like the hand cannon, the blade also never left my side. It feels good to hold it again. My world is black aside from a few dingy lights on the floor to mark the platform’s edges. The ghost disappears, but he calls out to me as light flicker on. “They’re coming for us!” Ghost calls. A noise sounds from behind me. Looking over my shoulder, a pair of Shanks, small lightly armed scout/support drones, fly into the open metal area and take up firing positions. “Here! I found a rifle! Grab it.” [i]“Rifle… Music to my ears.”[/i] I thought. The Shanks open fire and I lunge toward the old weapon laying against a crate… A Khvostoc G7-02. My fingers cradle the grip –it feels like home. Lifting it to my shoulder, I instinctively sight through the holographic reticle. The fluid movement feels as natural to me as it did before. I squeeze a few rounds off at one of the shanks. The bullets tear through its metallic frame causing it to catch fire. The lurching craft rolls out of control and spirals into the other one. The hovering drones explode in a clumsy fireball and sink to the bottom of the corridor. “I hope you know how to use—Oh.” "It’s good to have a weapon again.” We moved down another hall where we see are shadows of more vermin dancing ahead of us. They can hear our footsteps and take refuge inside the rubble… Their silhouettes betray them. I’m sprinting down the hallway now—achy pain be damned! I have a gun again. Two dregs jump down from the ceiling in front of me. I lay them out quickly with a few short bursts to their heads. The momentum builds inside of me, taking fire and retorting with each clambering blast of lead. It’s a language spoken only by those who fight… My mother once told me “A warrior should be well versed in death, it becomes their native tongue the moment they pick up their weapon.” Today, I’m speaking it again yet it feels like the first time: POP! POP! POP! HISS! BLAM! Reload. CLICK. It’s a language I plan to refresh in by practicing it regularly. I’m coming up on larger room, running careless toward the entry. A Dreg leaps from the ceiling but runs head first into the blade of my knife… May I just reiterate “It feels great to do this again, to watch its blood drip from its throat is so therapeutic.” In an open area, four more are setting up for another ambush but it is I who gets the jump on them this time. I take two Dregs before the Vandal turns around –Just in time for all of them to feel my stream of bullets tear into their faces. I don’t bother to step over their corpses. I step on them instead. Their exoskeletons crack under the weight of my boot. I missed that sound. “So weak and stupid, yet somehow they’re beating us aren’t they?” I say to the ghost, but he chooses not to answer me. “There’s more ahead, keep it up” is the only response I get as I move deeper into the guts of the wall. Up ahead on the top of a railing platform I can see something brown with a green light sticking out amid the rubble. “One sec. I see something.” says the little voice in my head –the impotent ghost never ceases to state the obvious. There’s a moment of hesitation here as I approach the chest. I can’t help this feeling in my gut as I stare down at the rusted metal frame. The only thing I recall is a green light swallowing someone and spitting out a mangled body… “A storage cache. Let’s see what’s inside.” “It looks Fallen. I don’t trust it.” The Ghost flutters from my body and swirls around the structure, leveling itself with the light and casting a beam out onto the chest to scan its entirety from top to bottom. “You’re fine. It’s just a chest. Fallen store a variety of items in these containers.” “Yeah, I’m sure they do.” “So open it. You might find us something useful.” “As soon as we get out of here, there won’t be an ‘us’ anymore. You’re a dinky relic who thinks it’s still useful. You’ve had your moments but there’s nothing I can’t do without your help.” “Guardian, open the chest and let’s be on our way. Your disposition toward me is of little concern. So long as the Traveler needs us, I’m not going anywhere.” I could argue with it or I may just end up beating sense into the tin can, but for now I retire my stubbornness and kneel to the container. “If this kills me. Do me a favor and let me stay dead this time. I was enjoying my nap before you came along.” My fingers work to open the seal which unlatches and spits out a glowing white polygon. My fingers draw in the warmth of the object and the structure takes shape to reveal a long white bodied sniper rifle with a decent looking scope mounted on top of the gun. I breathe in a sigh of relief and sight the gun like I did the assault rifle. “I could get used to this.” “Told you. Now quit fussing and keep moving. I don’t like us being here longer than we have to be.” “This is one of the reasons I need you gone, you’re no fun.” I say, getting back up and pressing onward. The sniper rifle is empty, I’ll find ammo for it as I go… Fallen carry all kinds of junk. Some of it is actually useful. After clearing a room laid with traps—some kind of trip mines—and another large open area, I find myself in air duct large enough for a medium shuttle to fit in. Two rusted fan blades divide the section, one sitting stagnant and broken while the other cuts through light that feeds in from the outside. This fan spins in a ghostly fashion and only reminds me how empty this place feels. This room was a mere air duct between the main chamber of the wall and the Divide. It’s funny to think that this is one of the few places in this hole that still maintains the same purpose… Can’t say the same for every room. We make a right turn and follow a passage way until it opens up. The outside has changed. Where I expected to see a munitions depot and a receiving area, I see instead towering platforms and structures that are unfamiliar to me. They loom over a land that nature has taken back, a land that somehow persists despite the death that tills the soil. “This used to be an old Cosmodrome. There’s got to be something we can fly out of here.” The ghost murmurs. “Not always… Before that, when I was still alive, this place was a receiving area that fed into the road where the artillery was kept. The 28th Legion used to have control over this sector.” The ghost is quiet, something is stirring in the picturesque night sky and I can feel the air rush toward us out in the open. The silence is ripped apart as a single orange light climbs into the night, my knuckles clench. I shake my head. “Talk about bad timing.” “Incoming!” says the voice in my armor. I sprint into the plain and take cover behind the carcass of a tank—it’s seen better days. I had managed to scrounge a few bullets from the skirmish into the main chamber [i]“Again. Fallen carry a lot of junk. Today just happened to be my lucky day.”[/i] A full magazine was all I had for my sniper rifle—four shots to make count. In the distance, a large Fallen starship shakes the ground as it comes out of warp space. The massive body of the ship tears a hole in the sky; a concussive sound wave billowing out from its hull as the massive brown hunk of metal comes out of low orbit and rests on a plateau further off in the distance. [continued 2/3]

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