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Bearbeitet von DarkSpyda04: 6/16/2013 6:19:54 PM

Bioshock 1: Let's argue the big picture (Political thread)

EDIT: I'm not discussing Bioshock or its ideology. I'm merely using this game as an example to debate politics and wether democracy reigns or republic. Bioshock, a game with a wonderful story; a story between two rivaling political parties, the scandals within, and surviving the madness that ensues when people start splicing their DNA. But what of those two rivaling political parties? When are they on about? I'm here to tell you for I have the voice to do so. Both political parties are aimed at the big picture and each party bares the question: in whose hands is society better off? What will the people do if we tell them they can be whatever they want to be? What will the people do if we tell them to be the best they can be? One side is lead by Republican Andrew Ryan and the other side is lead by Democrat Frank Fontaine. Republican Andrew Ryan tells us that sitting at home and watching TV is wasting our potential when we could be following our passions and composing the world's next best musical piece or perhaps developing a cure as a scientist. his view is not unreasonable and prompts people to be the best they can be. Democrat Frank Fontaine while a corrupt leader he still makes a valid point. If we tell people they should get off the couch, what happens when they want to sit down in comfort for another few minutes? What happens when they don't want to be told what to do? If you want to sit at home and waste your life, that's your prerogative. If you want to compose the world's best musical piece or develop a cure, that's your prerogative; let the people liberate themselves. This view is not unreasonable. The two views, however, contradict each other and that's what sparks debate. If we tell people to liberate themselves then you will end up with more people who aren't putting their life to good use. After all, life is a terrible thing to waste. But if we tell people what they should do with their life, they rebel or become a bunch of stuck-up assholes with no diversity in flavor. So I ask you Flood, which side do you think has the better point and do you think there's a compromise? EDIT: I'm not discussing Bioshock or its ideology. I'm merely using this game as an example to debate politics and wether democracy reigns or republic.

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