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ursprünglich gepostet in: Should Destiny Incorporate Bullet Drop?
4/14/2013 3:24:32 AM
Other. It'd add a small layer of skill to the game. "Laser guns" would have to consume an extremely large amount of energy to be effective, at most, it'd be made into a sniper where every bullet is basically just a super battery. I would enjoy a good amount of Kentucky Windage (say you get knocked by a Cabal, your scope should logically be moved/misaligned). Also, not every planet has the same gravity, thus bullets become heavier and drop faster. Your scope wouldn't be "zeroed in" at all times. If you've shot a real sniper, or play airsoft; you'd understand this (or if you just research). It'd make the profession more...skillful. =Digression= Common thing people tend to overlook with "plasma weapons", they're absolutely gigantic. Also, they are extremely ineffective inside an atmosphere unless you're within about 2 feet from the target. Now if you want a long range one, you'll be more thinking of an electrolaser or a particle beam. Electrolasers would be rendered useless against anything which is insulated against energy, and magnetic fields (shields). Particle beams also require a large energy source (larger than a battlefield powerplant), thus it is highly unusable except on large ships, for example. "What if we learned how to condense energy into very small packages?" you may ask. Highly unlikely given that if we are pushed to the very edge of our existence, we probably weren't able to figure it out. Let's say we [i]did[/i] somehow figure out how to make handheld energy weapons. How would it cool down? You just fired something that vaporizes Steel (3000 C, 5400 f) and Tungsten (5550 C, 10000 F), your weapon would melt in your hand. On a balance issue, laser/energy weapons would be overpowered. Since they are energy weapons, they'd be untraceable by light, untraceable by sound, and have no recoil. =Digression End= Should be implemented, but to make it easier for some people, should be able to dial in your scopes and have a "rangefinder". So it shows how many metres away they are and you scroll your mouse wheel, for example, to get as close as you can to that range.

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  • That would be interesting to see weapons/armor damaged or altered in fights. If a Hunter could better progress through overcoming gravitational effects of sniping it would definitely add toward the allure for sniper choosing that class over another. If you think it should be in the game, you should vote yes. If you think it only affect certain [i]bullets[/i] then 'other' would make sense, having a rangefinder would negotiate gravity but the bullet would still travel in an arc so it would still exist. Considering the type of plasma weaponry in Halo was utilized at all scales, I'd say we'll probably see plasma weapons that aren't as large as orbital stations. We're talking sci-fi here, we [i]must[/i] have come up with some way to miniaturize power sources if we're going to see any energy weapons [i]at all[/i]. Cue space magic. Plasma weapons in Halo employed a sophisticated magnetic containment method to envelop the plasma and keep it clean; overheated was most likely greatly reduced through this method via use of some magnetic barrier system within the gun. Quite unlike our primitive weapons which trigger explosions within the actual weapon. Although it would be cool to see a plasma shotgun without a containment field like you're talking about. Also couldn't these energy weapons just be balanced by a slower reload/cooldown rate, and why wouldn't an energy weapon (i.e. particle beam) have recoil? It would most likely still be moving mass, however limited, and very high velocities. Similarly the Spartan Laser has recoil because of the immense power behind the weapon shudders it's casing.

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